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Dragonball Z: The History of Trunks
3.29.05 - By SuperSaiyanTrunks

Today, I am going to write another Movie Article. This time on Dragonball Z: The History of Trunks. This is my favorite movie out of all the DBZ movies, so far.

In this movie, the storyline takes place in Trunks’ future, where Goku has died due to the heart virus, and Android’s 17 & 18 have killed all the other Z-Warriors. The only two remaining guys are Gohan and Trunks. Not very good odds. Gohan is training Trunks, and still trying to beet the Androids. Since the Androids have beeteen all the Z Warriors, they won’t stop killing all the humans on earth until they are all dead. Android 17 has even made a game out of it. For every human they kill, they get 10 points. Anyway, Gohan is a older man, maybe a little less then Goku’s age, and Trunks is about the age when Gohan beet Cell in the episodes. As battles continue to go on, people dieing day after day, Gohan keeps on fighting. When the Androids are not around, he trains Trunks to become a Super Saiyan.

As the second to last fight Gohan fights, Trunks goes along with him. They both fight 17 & 18, and surprisingly, Trunks does pretty good against 18. But 18 kicks it up, and soon starts knocking the crap out of Trunks. Gohan is pretty banged up too, and when he notices that Trunks is really hurt, he knows he has to retreat. But that’s not the worst part. Thanks to the deadly Androids, Gohan has lost an arm!

As Gohan tries to protect Trunks, and avoid the Androids’ “Head Shots” (That’s when they fire a bunch of blasts in the air and hope to hit their target), Finally, when the Androids leave, Gohan goes to the Senzu Beans. But, to make matter worse, there’s only one left. But Gohan is like his father, and gives the bean to Trunks. When Trunks feels better, he notices that Gohan is hurt, and takes him back to Bulma, who treats him well. When Gohan wakes up, he trains Trunks some more, and Trunks gets so close to becoming a Super Saiyan.

The Andorids start attacking again, and Gohan and Trunks rish off to fight them. But Gohan won’t let Trunks go. He does the little trick that Vegeta uses when young Trunks wants to help him fight Buu, and knocks him in the back of the neck. When Trunks comes too, he finds Gohan… but it’s too late. Gohan was finally killed by the Androids. That was it. Trunks has lost it. Losing Gohan finally made him become a Super Saiyan.

Later on in the story, after Gohan’s passing, Trunks is know a teenager, and is off fighting the Androids by himself.

Bulma is still hard at work on the Time Machine, and has the medicine ready for Goku, but Trunks here’s the Androids are attack people, so he goes off and fights them. Of course, he didn’t beet them, and he manages to get back in one piece. Bulma has finally talked him into going into the future when he was better to go help out Goku and save his time.

When he leaves, Bulma says this final line before the ending credits: “Oh Goku, please take care of him. He’s in your hands now…”

Overview: (Thanks to www.dragonballz.com for this little part):

When Goku dies of a deadly virus, it seems like the end of the world. But the powerful Master’s passing proves to be merely a presage of the horrible tragedies that are on the way!

When two cities appear and start destroying the great cities of the Earth, the planet is plunged into darkness, and it’s inhabitants are living in fear. But there is one last hope! Goku’s son, Gohan, is now a man, and though outnumbered by the demonic Androids, he does have a special young teenager named Trunks on his side!

As Gohan trains Trunks, it seems like the world is collapsing around them! Can they put a stop to the horrible progression of evil? This is the story of the future that never was!

If I had to rate this movie, I would give it a 10/10, 5 Stars and two thumbs up.

Well, that’s it for The History of Trunks.

If you have any questions, email me at DBZreviewer@yahoo.com


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