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For Rent
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas,
Game Review
3.31.05 -
By SuperSaiyanTrunks
this game is fun. I sadly had to rent it first, since I
don’t have enough money, but I’m going to be getting it
soon. But from what I played, it’s really good. It’s good on
any system, but I prefer it for Xbox, I think it has better
graphics, but it’s also as good for the PS2 and GameCube.
Now on to the ratings…
Atari: 9.5/10
Nintendo: 9/10
Sony: 9/10
Microsoft: 9.5/10 (See what I mean )
Now on to what people said… “Beautiful. For the first DBZ game that you
can move around in, Atari did a great job.”
Nintendo Magazine: “Great. Atari made it better for the big
screen then the GBA.”
Xbox Magazine: “I think our first DBZ game was a complete
Sony Magazine: “We always sponsored the best DBZ games,
always will.”
Well, I hope I made you want to get this game. It’s REALLY
Now onto something new…
I’m going to start putting trivia questions in my articles.
Here is today’s:
In DRAGONBALL, what is the name that Goku gave the Android
he found?
Email your answer to
Include you first and last name.
If you get it right, I will put your name in my next
Later all.
"Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
Category: Action
Players: 2 players simultaneous
Release Date: Mar 2005 Memory Blocks: 3
Publisher: Atari
The fighting takes on a whole new look in Dragon Ball Z:
Sagas. For the first time, the franchise expands from
fighting, adding a story mode.
• Action/adventure-style gameplay
• Six playable heroes, including Goku, Gohan and Piccolo
• Seven missions covering the major plot points from the
Saiyan Saga through the Cell Games Saga
• Destructible environments
• Authentic DBZ combat system, including Ki attacks, smash
attacks and tactical teleporting
• Numerous secret areas, unlockable characters and
never-before-seen parts of the DBZ story
• Modes include co-op adventure and an unlockable arcade
Recreate the most exciting elements of the Saiyan-Cell Games
sagas and experience all-new elements from the show that
have never been seen before in Dragon Ball Z: Sagas. It is a
journey worthy of a Saiyan.
Most Dragon Ball Z games have focused on the epic fights,
but Sagas takes the franchise a bit further. Now your
character travels through a destructible DBZ setting on his
way to the boss battle. Your character, which changes from
story to story, takes on enemies head-on using classic DBZ
hand-to-hand and Ki attacks.
There's all kinds of power and Ki capsules and Z coins to
collect in each story. Collect 10 each of the power and Ki
capsules to upgrade your character's stamina and Ki meter.
With the Z coins, players add various attacks to their
character's arsenal. You can buy six upgrades each for
combo, melee and Ki attacks.
Some of these upgrades are out in the open, others you
discover by destroying elements of the environment. Rocks,
plants and trees can't stand up to your Ki attack. Some
yield Dragon Balls in addition to capsules. Other upgrades
hover in the air. You'll need to use your flying ability to
snag those. At the end of each story, the game shows you
statistics of how many items there were compared to how many
you collected.
Not only has Dragon Ball Z: Sagas changed the franchise from
fighting-only to fighting and action, the game makers went
all out and included a cooperative mode. After wiping out
the enemies and collecting capsules, coins and Dragon Balls,
you and your partner will square off against the boss from
the story.
In each story of Sagas, you'll unlock various cut-scenes
from TV series. You can then view the cut-scene in the
Extras section whenever you wish.
Although it's interesting to see Goku and his allies get
into some action, the design of each story is quite
repetitive. You jump up on a couple things, you break some
rocks, you fight some baddies and you take on a boss. That's
about it. We've seen more variety in a thumbtack collection.
In addition, you can't change the camera angle to look to
your side or behind you.
Bottom Line
The action element is an interesting addition to the
traditional Dragon Ball Z game, even if it gets monotonous.
But fighting through the Sagas and the bonus video-clips
make this a great game for Z-heads."