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Dragonball Z: Broly,
Second Coming Movie Review.
4.22.05 -
By SuperSaiyanTrunks
First off, I want to say sorry for the lack of articles.
It’s almost the end of the school year, like 3-week left, so
I will have more articles out by then. If you’re wondering,
one is being made, and 3 are in the process. Anyway, on to
the review.
One of the best things about this movie, is
its uncut. And if I say so myself, it’s the same one I saw
in Japanese. The movie starts with the Space Pod with Broly
in it coming to earth. He crashes in some ice, which freezes
over him. Later on, Goten, Trunks and Videl are out looking
for the Dragonballs. When they arrive to a little town, they
see that the people there sacrifice other people to keep the
“monster” in the woods. If you can remember, and if you
played Dragonball Z: Buu’s Fury, you had to beet the monster
that was Broly to get the Dragonball. Well, that’s not how
it goes in this movie. Trunks tell the “village idiot” that
if they get rid of the monster, he would get the necklace.
The necklace was NOT the Dragonball. The monster was really
a dinosaur, so they actually killed it to feed the people.
Here comes the fun part: Videl see a green light in the
distance. Who was it? Broly. Later on, Goten, Trunks and
Videl go and try to fight it.
After Videl gets knocked out, Goten and Trunks try to get
rid of him. After they couldn’t do that, they had one final
plan: use the Dragonballs! Trunks were going to hold him off
while Goten was going to summon the Dragon. But there was
one problem: Goten didn’t know to summon him! He tried to
bring him out in a bigger space, but that also failed.
Anyway, they are pretty much screwed. Gohan then comes into
the scene, and provides little assistance. He thinks that
luring Broly in to the volcano would do it, but he was
wrong. He did get him in there, but he was still alive. When
the lava was just about to kill Gohan, Krillin in Piccolo’s
close came to save him. Later on, one final move was to
finish him off. The Kamahamaha. Gohan and Goten try it, but
its not enough. Goten whishes that Goku would come back, and
the Dragonballs came through, or so they thought. Goku can
back to earth to help finish Broly off for good. All three
of the used the Kamahamaha and blasted Broly right into the
sun like they did with Coller and Baby.
Overview: (from back on box):
“Broly is back, and he’s out for revenge! While searching
for the Dragonballs, Goten, Trunks and Videl unearth the
truth with Goku’s first encounter with the Legendary Super
Saiyan: Broly survived!
Now he has invaded Earth, threatening his archrival, Goku,
but ever-innocent soul on the planet. Seeing Goku’s broken
body laid before his feet is the only thing that will quench
his thirst for revenge.
Brave Goten only fuels Broly’s rage causing him to unleash
an incredible assault against Earth’s heroes. Gohan and
Krillin soon join the battle and face their most perilous
challenge, and possibly their last!”
Broly LV 2
When entering Combat, search your Life Deck for a Physical
Combat card and place it in your hand. If you then have 6 or
more cards in your hand, advance your MP 1 level.
Power Stages (from lowest to highest):
Well, that’s all, for Dragonball Z: Broly, Second Coming.
Check out my website:
(PLEASE JOIN! If you want to be a reviewer, email me at the
above email
I need Deck Mech’s, Featured Writers, and have course, COTW
reviewers. I do NOT need anymore YuGiOh reviewers).
Answer to Trivia Question 2:
People who got it right:
JT Kohnen
Sam Fellows
No more Trivia questions. These are the only 2 people who
emailed me.