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Dragonball GT Bio’s:
Part 1: Hero’s
3.31.05 -
By SuperSaiyanTrunks
Well, this is possibly going to be my last article for a
little while, since school starts next week again, and I am
a Featured Writer for YuGiOh now, with Dungeon Dice
Monsters. In this article, I’m going to give a little bio on
the characters for DBGT. I’ll do three separate articles,
one for Hero’s, one for Villains, and one for the
“some-what” important characters. So, without further ado,
lets start it out:
Goku: Goku is the main character, and the one who stops most
of the bad guys. He was reverted back to child form when Emp.
Piellf came and tried to make a wish to the Dragon to take
over the word. But, Goku was there and stopped him, and out
of frustration, Piellf wished to the Dragon that he should
go back to kid form so he could stop him. But, without
paying attention, he made the wish on the Black-Star
Dragonballs. When those balls scatter, they don’t go all
over the world; they go over the Universe! If they don’t get
them back within one year, the world will explode!
Can Goku, Pan and Trunks get them back in time before the
world explodes?
Pan: Goku’s granddaughter, the daughter of Videl and Gohan,
and the granddaughter of the famous Hercule, she has a lot
of indentices to be as powerful as Goku. Although she is
only 1/3 Saiyan, she’s super-powerful when she needs to be.
She assists Goku and Trunks on the journey to get the
Black-Star balls back, (by mistake of course; she snuck on
the ship) but, she did help the others some times too.
Especially in the Baby Saga, in the episode titled “Pan
Blasts Off”. She’s just like Goku when she was young, wanted
to go off and fight strong opponents. Also, she one of the
very few character who learned how to do the Kamahamaha
move. Truly a strong character.
Trunks: The last character of the Dragonball Hunting Trio,
Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegeta. He is the current
President of Capsule Corporation, and he’s able to transform
into a Super Saiyan 2. Now that he has grown up, he lost the
“attitude” he had when he was a kid. Just because he is a
new President, he still is very powerful and able to jump
into a goof fight and save Goku and Pan when they are in
trouble. He shows his power in one episode when Baby tried
to take over his body. The first time Baby didn’t succeed,
but the second time, he did. That’s ONLY because Baby had
Vegeta, and Vegeta was the one who took over Trunks. He
helped a little in the Super Android 17 Saga, but in the
Shadow Dragon Saga, he didn’t do much. But when it seemed
like that the world was going to be destroyed when it seemed
like Goku was dead. But Vegeta told Trunks that if he
couldn’t beet Omega Shenron, he would have to find a way
Giru: Giru is a little robot, which once betrayed Goku Pan
and Trunks. He did so when he “supposedly” tried to help the
crew fined all the Black Star Dragonballs. Why did he come
along? Well, Trunks had a little bit of “Butter Fingers” and
he dropped the Dragon Radar. Not surprisingly, it landed
right next to Giru. Giru then ate it. Pan throw a fit, but
the Dragon Radar was still working; inside Giru. The radar
was in Giru’s back, so they had no choice but to take him a
long. He did help, for a while. But when they got back to
Giru’s robotic planet, he went evil. He captured the crew,
and went to deliver the Dragonball to his owner. After all
that, the Baby Saga began….
Gohan: Gohan… once the strongest in the world. The one who
destroyed Cell… not only is he super strong, he super smart.
When he grew up and got married to Videl, he decided to
train his mind just as much as his body. He doesn’t really
fight too much in GT, he got captured by Baby, and he fought
a little and but up a little resistant to Super 17 and Omega
Shenron. When the crew was getting ready to go out into
space, he did help Bulma and Videl put the rocket ship
together. But just because he is super smart, wears glasses
and doesn’t really train anymore, like Trunks, he still is
really strong. He stopped General Rildo when all those
enemy’s were attack before Super 17 came, and he did stop
him, so he is still pretty strong.
Goten: Goten is a ˝ Saiyan like his brother Gohan. He was
ment to join Trunks and Goku to find the Dragonballs, but
Pan spoils his plans. He is left at home, and is quite
happy. I mean, anyone would be happy to stay at home able to
go on a date instead of a yearlong travel to find the balls.
After the group left, you didn’t hear a lot about Goten, but
when the Baby Saga came around, and Baby interrupted a date
with Goten’s girlfriend, Valese, Goten springs into action.
He did fight against enemies in the Super 17 Saga, and he
fought Omega. He, along with the others, gave Goku his power
to he could defeat Omega Shenron. He is really like his
father, mainly because he likes to eat. After Omega was
beaten, he went back to his laid back life with his
girlfriend, Valese.
Hercule: Hercule is a true hero indeed. He was one of the
few who were not controlled by Baby, and also helped helped
Pan and the others save the people who were controlled by
him. That’s not all he did. When the whole earth was about
to be destroyed, and no one was listing to Goku about
letting them take them to the Tuffle planet, Hercule stepped
in like he did with Buu and saved them all. And he wasn’t
done there either. In the Shadow Dragon Saga, in the final
battle, he, yes, Hercule FOUGHT Omega when Gohan, Uub, Goten,
and Trunks were giving their power to Goku. Of course, he
didn’t do so well, but he did hold off Shenron so Goku could
power up.
Kibito Kai: I would have thought Kibito Kai would have been
one of the “other” characters, but I went back and realized
that he did some pretty cool stuff. He was mainly active in
the Baby Saga. He helped make Goku go Super Saiyan 4, and he
went to the ol’ Lookout to find the Scared Water. He was
able to out smart Dende and Mr. Popo for a little while, and
when he did find the Scared Water, he brought them back to
life. He also when down into the world to save the Saiyan
who were knocked out at the moment, knowing full well that
he could have been captured… or destroyed. Kibito Kai is
truly a Hero.
Majin Buu: Well the big pink blob has made it to be a hero.
He’s been through a lot ever since he was introduced. He was
once a killing machine, and then he started to see the
light. Thanks to the incompetent Hercule, he was able to see
the real light and became a good guy. Although he was only
in one season, the Baby Saga, he did one thing that saved
almost every buddy. He gave his power to his companion, Uub.
With Uub and Buu back in one body, they became one of the
strongest in the world. He also helped get Hercule to the
Tuffle planet. Buu is a good hero.
Uub: Uub came into the show at the end of DBZ. He is the
reincarnation of Super Buu, only as a good guy. In GT, the
first few episodes, he was training with Goku. Goku was
trying to help him get to full power, so he could help save
the world, if it ever needed to be saved again. Little time
passed, and the world needed to be saved. He played an
important roll in the Baby Saga, after fusing with Buu; he
was able to hold off Baby Vegeta for a while so the other
hero’s could do something about it. After the Baby Saga, he
fought Hercule in the World Tournament. That was fun to
watch. He also helped out in the Super 17 and the Omega
Shenron. He helped move the people to the Tuffle planet, and
he also helped power up Goku when he needed it against Omega
Piccolo: Piccolo may have not done a lot in the series, but
what he DID do was really great. He fought a little against
Baby, but he didn’t do so well. He ended his life in Super
17, when he helped Goku get enough power to get the last
little kid to the Tuffle planet. Sadly, after that happened,
the Earth blew up and he died. When Goku was transported to
HFIL, and he couldn’t get back, Piccolo and Dende came to
the rescue. It was Piccolo’s idea too. He even gave up being
in Heaven to help out Goku. He even helped some of the bad
guys in HFIL when a monster was treating to eat them all.
After all that, he didn’t do much. Piccolo is still dead,
even in the future. But everything he did really did make
him a great Namekian Hero.
Gogeta: Well, I guess some of you could say I saved the best
for last, and I kind of did. Gogeta was only in one episode,
mainly because Goku couldn’t get enough energy to get back
up to SS4. When Vegeta and Goku fused, they were more then
capable of destroying Omega Shenron once and for all. But…
all he wanted to do is play around. He had the attacks, the
strength, and the potential to stop him, but the way Goku
and Vegeta act together just couldn’t hold him off. The
Fusion couldn’t last 30 minutes because of Goku’s childish
body couldn’t hold all the power of the Fusion. Vegeta,
surprisingly even said he would do it again, for the sake of
the Universe. Which is new, because Vegeta didn’t want to do
the Fusion in he first place. If only Gogeta would have
destroyed Shenron when the fused, the season would have
ended earlier.
Ok, that’s all for the DBGT Hero Bio’s.
Questions? Email me at
Also, check out my website:
What was the name of Krillin’s girlfriend in Dragonball Z,
around the Andorid/Cell Saga time?
Answer to last Trivia Question:
The people who got it right:
JT Kohnen
Sam Fellows
(I don’t know if the question was too hard, but I had four
people email me the answer. The other 2 were from the Manga,
but that’s not what I’m looking for. ONLY answers from the
show please.)