Matthew Low
* Top 4 2003 SD
* Top 8 2003 World
* Top 16 2003 Grand
Kai Invitational Tourney

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Old DBZ Card Game Question
Oct. 24, 2005
From: GVGoku
Subject: DBZ Cards
Hey, I was wandering if I ask you a couple of questions
about the original DBZCCG. I have a list of questions &
requests below:
How many cards are allowed in a deck?
What is the banned & limited cards?
I hope you know that the game was cancelled back in
March or so. It's been a while for that game. A good 5
year run, but alas all good things must come to an end.
At least in this case.
The original card game had 85 cards in a deck, which
included your MP, Mastery, and Sensei, but of course not
the Sensei deck itself. Namekian could use 90 cards.
As for banned and restricted, I don't personally commit
that to memory, but I'd know if a card is restricted if
someone were to ask me about a specific card. I'm sure
I'd make a mistake if I were to make a list as it has
been a while since I've looked at the CRD, which is
pretty much gone now.
I do, however, happen to have the 2/11/04 CRD, which of
course is quite old. Making some changes from memory,
here are some of the banned/restricted cards.
Banned / Restricted Card List
The following cards have been placed on the Banned or
Restricted list in order to keep the play environment
fun and challenging for everyone in tournaments.
The following cards are banned in all official Expanded
Dream Machine Battle
This Too Shall Pass
Dragons Glare
The Talking Ends Here
Chiaotzu’s Psychic Halt
Cosmic Backlash (1/15/04)
Feeding Frenzy (2/11/04)
The following cards should have the following game text
on each: “Restricted to one per deck.” Thus, only one of
each of these cards can be played in a tournament legal
Vegeta’s Smirk
Goku’s Lucky Break
Vegeta’s Plans
Vegeta’s Physical Stance
Nappa’s Physical Resistance
Nappa’s Energy Aura
Frieza’s Force Bubble
Saiyan Truce Card
Expectant Trunks
Straining Destruction Move
Blue Terror
Super Saiyan Effect
Battle Pausing
Teaching the Unteachable Forces Observation Initiative
Injured Circuits Risky Maneuver Saiyan Headshot
Krillin’s Search Trunks Thinking Cell’s Backslap Energy
Lob (1/15/04) Blue Lunge (2/11/04) Hercule’s Amazing
Techniques (2/11/04) Krillin’s Concentration (2/11/04)
Orange Intense Power (2/11/04) Orange Reflex (2/11/04)
Orange Uppercut (2/11/04) Piccolo And Heroes Gather
(2/11/04) Red Whiplash (2/11/04) Saiyan Power Block
(2/11/04) Sneaky Tricks (2/11/04) Unpredictable
Sorry I can't be of much help.
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" -
"You are the light of the world - like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't
hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a
stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let
your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that
everyone will praise your heavenly Father." - Matthew