Matthew Low
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Matthew Low on Score's
Dragon Ball TCG
I am deeply saddened at the "tip" in disguise that was
posted on Pojo, which in reality just magnifies the
inability of people to actually read the rules of the
Dragon Ball GT TCG, or the desire to brag when they're
just making a really big fool out of themselves.
Hope that came out right. I don't want to sound
insulting or anything like that because I'm just trying
to correct someone who is wrong. But seeing something
that horrible on Pojo that isn't corrected may give a
lot of people a very bad impression, and that's not a
good thing.
Neoshin16 apparently has a lot of the flaws that many of
the other people the email me have, only he thinks he's
right. Sadly, he's not. Let me point out why. My
responses are in >> and << below.
From: Neoshin16
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:38 PM
Subject: Earth's Spirit Bomb deck.
Well ok, this deck is never going to make an attack.
>> If your deck never attacks, it should be a Ball deck.
An Earth's Spirit Bomb deck should never be straight ESB
because it is way too easy to remove that win condition
in some archtypes. An ESB deck should always be a hybrid
ally beatdown with ESB. If you think you can sit and do
nothing and wait for ESB, your opponent will surely kill
you first, unless, of course, they have no idea what
they're doing.
If anything, you should be running Energy Lob.
Basically, you use Master Roshi as your main personality
exploiting his 10 card check power, and put nothing but
purely defensive cards.
>> That's a horrible idea. Not to mention illegal. Roshi
has been errata'd to looking at top 6, and that was...
way over a year ago. Now you should be using the GT
Roshi that looks at top 8. None of this top 10 nonsense.
Running all defensive cards is a horrible idea too. What
happens if your opponent is a Ball deck? Are you going
to sit and watch your opponent Ball out? How about mill
decks, or hand manipulation?
You use other cards such as Z Warriors Gather, and
unexpected company to power up, and bring out allys.
>> Z Warriors Gather is the obvious thing. Unexpected
Company is one of
>> the worst cards ever created and shouldn't ever be
run. 3 Z Warriors
>> Gather with a couple support cards is more than
enough. Just popping
>> one ZWG, then doing the standard Krillin/Yajirobe
combo to get a
>> second already nets 14 allies, enough to do a number
on your
>> opponent. <<
When you have enough allies, pull our your spirit bomb,
and finish the job. This deck should be a blue style
deck, along with the Cell Saga blue mastery.
>> By that time your opponent will kill you. You'll sit
and wait, and without proper tech, your opponent will
remove your allies, Help of Earths, create massive board
control, or just plain whittle your deck away so you
can't even Bomb in the first place. And it doesn't need
to be Blue CS. It can be sure. Doesn't need to be.
P.S. I have only lost once with this deck so far. Send
me a reply on what you think.
>> I think you should rethink your strategy. Because
once you get Gust of Winded to level 2 or 3, or Cell's
Presenced, or run into someone who knows what they are
doing, you'll lose a whole lot more than once.
Take this from someone who plays Earth's Spirit Bomb and
consistently wins with a deck that employs it. The
majority of my games are won via ally beatdown. If they
are at all won via ESB, they're either against people
who are really good at not letting me use my allies or
stop them from attacking, and I'm forced to abuse
Oolong/Yajirobe for Help of Earths/Energy Gatherings, or
people who I'm playing around with and would like to
Bomb them for 100+ because ally beatdown would make the
game too short.
Your idea might be great on paper, but you've forgotten
that your opponent has a strategy too. If your opponent
is just a wall and lets you do everything you want,
sure, your strategy is just fine. But most opponents
I've met are a lot smarter than walls, and your strategy
has a ton of holes in it, many of which are easily
Good luck.