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Matthew Low on Score's
Dragon Ball TCG
From: L1nk1nP4rkR0x
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 12:04 AM
Subject: ATTN: Matthew Low: Decklist: Church's Omega USB
This is my Omega Shenron Universe Spirit Bomb Deck. I
know it seems an odd choice, but i use the
used-and-abused-combo fo USB and IYF. Omega 6 for the
hand control and yadda yadda yadda..
>> You might want to know that the USB IYF combo does
not work anymore.
>> Score took care of that combo right after someone
abused it at GKI,
>> which was back in October. You're a bit behind. <<
Omega Shenron Level 1 HT
Omega Shenron Level 2 HT
Omega Shenron Level 3 HT
Omega Shenron Level 4, Dragon Ball Hungry Omega Shenron
Level 5, Leader of Dragons Omega Shenron Level 6,
BACKER: Omega Shenron's Eye Laser
>> That backer doesn't really excite me, other than that
you don't have
>> many options. <<
Black Smoke Dragon Sensei
3x Black Scout Maneuver
1x True Face of Evil
3x Black Pivot Kick
1x Cell's Prescence
1x Drills Are For the Weak
1x Gust of Wind
>> Android 17 Smirks > Drills Are For the Weak <<
Black Energetic Mastery
1x Fatherly Advice
1x Maniacal Blinding Slash
2x Earth Dragonball Capture
3x Black Clash
3x Black Swivel Attack
3x Black Interruption
3x Black Flying Kick
3x Gohan's Kick
3x Black Body Destruction
1x Masterful Defense
3x Pikkon's Leg Catch
3x Black Buffer Block
>> Thought about possibly Majin Buu's Fury and tossing
the EDBC into the
>> Sensei. They're good (but not 100% necessary). You
should be able to
>> remove a ball in Energetic. Reason for the Sensei is
that not all
>> decks are Ball decks. <<
1x Majin Destruction
3x Black Full Force Impact
3x Black Tunneling Technique
3x Black Focal Point
1x Super Android 17's Absorption
1x General Rildo's Force Field
3x Black Flight
2x Universe Spirit Bomb
3x In Your Face
>> Cut USB and IYF. <<
1x Super Saiyan Effect
1x Mark of The Dragon
1x Pure Defense
3x Android 18's Stare down
1x Time is A Warrior's Tool
3x Are You Tuff Enuff???
3x Black Command
3x Black Evil Glare
3x Trunks Energy Sphere
1x Black Star Dragon Ball 3
1x Black Star Dragon Ball 4
1x Black Star Dragon Ball 5
1x Black Star Dragon Ball 6
1x Black Star Dragon Ball 7
3x City In Turmoil
I know i could use Your Invited, but i don't have
any..which means i should get some, huh? I figure i
pretty much have all the bases covered, and i'm writing
to see your opionion of my deck and any suggestions you
may have.
Thanks in Advance.
>> Not that bad of a deck to be honest. You're missing a
couple staples, but I can understand not running them.
The only things I'd recommend for sure are considering a
different MP and taking out the combo that doesn't work.
You're Invited is great but you don't have to have all
the broken cards to make a decent deck.
Black Front Punch is an idea if you have drill problems.
This deck looks remarkably similar to Freddie Eisa's
deck I wrote up for Scrye *cough cough*... and the cards
in the deck are even in the same basic order I wrote for
Scrye... how I figured that out... well I remember these
things... and I still have the Word file on my computer
of course...
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" -
"You are the light of the world - like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't
hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a
stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let
your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that
everyone will praise your heavenly Father." - Matthew
"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so
great you will never fully understand it. Then you will
be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes
from God." - Ephesians 3:19
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ in me. The life I live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself
for me." -Galatians 2:20
"Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear
me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we
will share a meal as friends." - Revelation 3:20