Matthew Low
* Top 4 2003 SD
* Top 8 2003 World
* Top 16 2003 Grand
Kai Invitational Tourney

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Matthew Low on Score's
Dragon Ball TCG
Dear Matthew
---------- Original Message
From: tyler whitehead
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 21:01:12 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Matthew
I'm a player of the DBZ CCG and DBGT TCG and would like
to thank you for your contributions to the small groups
that still exist.
>> You're very welcome. I try, but lately time has been
scare along with lack of motivation to do so. The
problems don't only stem from the lack of premier events
and people to play though, so don't worry on that.
Life/college can be complicated as I assume you well
Recently, at my local
card shop, people restarted DBZ. This may be due to the
fact that the store owner lowered the prices to a
1$-1.50$ a pack and 30$ a box, but it could do with the
fact that we loved the game and missed it, and now that
GT is out of the way, ( we were never really big fans of
it, I mean a common that does 17 life cards?
Don't think so).
>> On the internet and at conventions, you can find
boxes for like $12-$15ish, sometimes even cheaper and
sometimes just a tad more expensive. No joke. It’s sad
thinking about it that way because it means the value of
my cards have gone down. I was one of those people who
bought 2-3 boxes and expansion, so I obviously have way
too many cards I don’t need.
The demand for old sets is really low, with most people
only needed select cards for decks in spread out
expansions. A lot of the power cards in DBZ are either
Ultra Rares or promos/subsets, and those are either hard
to pull in packs or not attainable in them. In those
situations, Ebay or just buying from another fellow
gamer is the solution used.
Personally I have something like 5 decks, but I honestly
could care less about my other ones, competition wise.
I’ll keep them around for nostalgic value, but only my
main deck, LowAlly.dec, really gets updated as time goes
by. I don’t really put work into my other ones. Reason
is that I only get to play DBZ/GT 6 times or so a year,
and if that’s the case, I’m going with my best deck, not
one that is for fun value with no competitive value.
I love the game, of course. It will be hard to make a
card game that could replace it in my heart. Key there
is card game. It’s a game, and as you can tell with the
prices dropping, the game is fading fast. So don’t take
it too seriously.
GT was great, but it lacked in some things. The big
energy attacks doing 17… who really cares? I’d honestly
take Orange Stare Down over Orange Proximity Blasts.
It’s not about the big damage; it’s about the secondary
effects. You know that right? However, complementing big
attacks with infinite endurance attempted to level the
playing field but I honestly don’t think it did. Focused
explained that.
Though you can’t play DBZ without GT anyway. You really
can’t. Everything is about Expanded now.
We also got back into because the "
good players " who all lived with their parents, were in
their mid 20's and spent their entire pay checks on DBZ
and GT. They would buy box after box gathering all they
needed for decks some one else came up with the idea for
>> Not really following here. So the older gamers spent
tons of money on
>> more cards they already had? Before, I’d buy boxes to
get a sampling
>> of the pool, and have trade as well. Nowadays, I only
need like 5 or
>> so cards from a set, sometimes much less. I don’t
need to buy boxes
>> when I have everything I need. I’d be able to help my
friends before,
>> but with no local environment, I’m basically on my
own except for the
>> internet. <<
We have decided to have tournaments,
unfortunatly for us deck-zone has shut down, and with it
all the errats for the cards in expanded, and the
sub-sets. I was hoping that you knew of a site where I
could find info on the cards from the past Z sets.
>> Deck-Zone was awesome, and I’m still sad that it is
gone. I used it for research for Pojo frequently. What I
do now is just use the old dbzcardgame.com. Seriously.
It’s a poor substitute, but it has a good selection of
the cards (with no pictures…). I wish it had everything,
but that’s not true. I rely a whole lot on my memory and
my personal collection… I still have my sets of Z in 3
ring binders in my closet here in my dorm apartment at
college. When I need an idea, I will sometimes pull out
the binders and look up things. They’re organized for
quick reference.
You’ll still find the errata on dbzcardgame.com, so
print it out and memorize… well, the key cards that
everyone uses. You can always go to other websites like
dragonballtoptier.com to get ideas from other pro
players. But as for a database… I dunno. Deck-Zone was
awesome, and I honestly believe that it would be close
to impossible to reconstruct it with every single DBZ/DBGT
card ever released. Simply because of the promos that
came out that no one remembers, and the amount of cards
there are.
I’ve wanted to reconstruct it, but without every single
card picture out there, a better knowledge of how to
program that big of a database (I’m a computer science
major in college, but that’s beyond my scope), and a
whole lot of time, it will basically be null and void.
It’s a whole lot easier if you start at the beginning,
as in with set 1 and build from there, so you don’t have
something like 10,000 cards to add -_-.
Thanks for any info in advance
Tyler Whitehead
>> Sorry I’m not of much help. But remember, above all…
this is a card
>> game. Games are meant to be fun. Have fun with the
coming months of
>> DBZ/DBGT randomness until Re-Z hits us like… I was
going to say a ton
>> of bricks but I think Earth’s Spirit Bomb sounds
better. <<
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" -
"You are the light of the world - like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't
hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a
stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let
your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that
everyone will praise your heavenly Father." - Matthew
"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so
great you will never fully understand it. Then you will
be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes
from God." - Ephesians 3:19
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ in me. The life I live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself
for me." -Galatians 2:20
"Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear
me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we
will share a meal as friends." - Revelation 3:20