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--------- Original Message
From: Zwarrior4life
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 23:42:27 EDT
Ok Matt I don't know if this deck idea has already
formed in others peoples heads but I decided to build a
Black Science Pan. Now I also thought of running this
deck with Bardock, tell me your oppinion.
Main Personality
Pan Ht Lv 1 (baby)
Pan Ht Lv 2 (baby)
Pan Ht Lv 3 (SDS)
Pan Lv 4 (baby)
(Backer Black Domination)
Black Science Mastery
Bulma Sensei
West City x3
Non-Combat Cards
Dragon Radar
Goku's Lucky Break
Hero's Lucky Break
Bulma's Scouter
Black Searching Technique x3
Krillin's Concentration
Black Domination x3
Black Foul Weather x3
Expectant Trunks
Black Leadership Drill x3
Where There's Life There's Hope
Dragon Ball Everlasting
Black Tickle Drill x3
Releasing The Sword
Goku's Capturing Drill x3
Teaching The Unteachable Forces Observation Vegeta's
Combat Cards
Trunks Energy Sphere x3
Black Evil Glare x3
Super Saiyan Effect
Are You Tuff Enough x3
Black Reflection x3
Time Is A Warrior Tool
Black Command x3
Black Magic x3
Energy Defenses
General Rildo's Force Field
Super Android 17's Absorption
Frieza's Force Bubble
Physical Defenses
Masterful Defense
Dragon Ball's
Black Star 1-7
please let me know what I need to tech I am hoping to
run this deck at Die-Con so please let me know I haven't
gotten to test this deck out at all so I can't think of
anymore tech's. Your help would be greatly appreciated!"
I'm sure you know that Black Science Bardock is one of
the best decks ever created, by Rich Bondi of course.
However I'm extremely scared of this deck. I mean
running this deck. You're running a whopping 8 blocks
and will probably get beaten up pretty bad if you get
stuck in a combat. Pure Defense isn't in here, so
Gohan's Kick will really eat you alive.
Like to mention some thoughts:
Don't see the necessity of Black Domination in the deck.
Do you really need that many copies of styled drills?
Sensei Deck?
Long Journey?
Pure Defense?
More defense like Black Buffer Block and Black Body
Attacks, like Energy Lob and some destruction tools.
No Champions of Earth/Confrontation is an interesting
Those are just a few random thoughts. Might look good on
paper, but when you actually get into a game, you'd
probably get ripped to shreds with lack of defense and
combat ending. Pan's ability to go to town with Unlocked
Potential on her level 5 might be something to think of,
making some beatball variation.
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" -
"You are the light of the world - like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't
hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a
stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let
your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that
everyone will praise your heavenly Father." - Matthew
"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so
great you will never fully understand it. Then you will
be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes
from God." - Ephesians 3:19
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ in me. The life I live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself
for me." -Galatians 2:20
"Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear
me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we
will share a meal as friends." - Revelation 3:20
---------- Original Message
From: Zwarrior4life@aol.com
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 23:42:27 EDT
Ok Matt I don't know if this deck idea has already
formed in others peoples heads but I decided to build a
Black Science Pan. Now I also thought of running this
deck with Bardock, tell me your oppinion.
Main Personality
Pan Ht Lv 1 (baby)
Pan Ht Lv 2 (baby)
Pan Ht Lv 3 (SDS)
Pan Lv 4 (baby)
(Backer Black Domination)
Black Science Mastery
Bulma Sensei
West City x3
Non-Combat Cards
Dragon Radar
Goku's Lucky Break
Hero's Lucky Break
Bulma's Scouter
Black Searching Technique x3
Krillin's Concentration
Black Domination x3
Black Foul Weather x3
Expectant Trunks
Black Leadership Drill x3
Where There's Life There's Hope
Dragon Ball Everlasting
Black Tickle Drill x3
Releasing The Sword
Goku's Capturing Drill x3
Teaching The Unteachable Forces Observation Vegeta's
Combat Cards
Trunks Energy Sphere x3
Black Evil Glare x3
Super Saiyan Effect
Are You Tuff Enough x3
Black Reflection x3
Time Is A Warrior Tool
Black Command x3
Black Magic x3
Energy Defenses
General Rildo's Force Field
Super Android 17's Absorption
Frieza's Force Bubble
Physical Defenses
Masterful Defense
Dragon Ball's
Black Star 1-7
please let me know what I need to tech I am hoping to
run this deck at Die-Con so please let me know I haven't
gotten to test this deck out at all so I can't think of
anymore tech's. Your help would be greatly appreciated!