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Matthew Low on Score's
Dragon Ball TCG Monday, May 16, 2005 To: All the loyal Pojo Dragon Ball Z CCG/Dragon Ball GT TCG gamers out there Re: Out with the Old, In with the New *********************************************** Hello guys, yes, I’m actually alive. Matthew Low is here… buried under infinite other things I’ve been going through in life. But yes… I’m finally taking time to process my thoughts of the state of the game that many of us so love and cherish. In a mindset where I’m not going to be hating on Score’s decisions and in a bitter mood like I was on Tuesday, May 3, when I found out the news. I ranted. I had to. Some of you probably found and read it on my Xanga. That’s fine. I was overreacting. To an extent… I mean, I’m sure that most people went ballistic. I tried to stay calm. Seemed to be pretty calm. Compared to what other people wrote on posts that I read, that is. I’m going to be using that rant here, integrated with my thoughts I’m processing as I write this. Because some of those thoughts are still the same. Why? Because no matter what happens, I still LOVE the game. No game will ever take the place of it in my heart. Sure there might be a bigger and greater game out there for me, but the DBZCCG will always be special to me. It took up 5 years of my life. Five great years that I will never forget. As of now, there will be no more premier events. No more tournaments. I mean, who would really care if the card game was just for fun against casual people? Only problem is... it isn't. People care about this game, but a lot of people care about it because of the MONEY. This is a money card game. As in the cards. The richer got richer and the poorer got poorer. Best players got the expensive cards. Weaker players needed more expensive cards to be competitive. And this my friends, is one the major flaws of the Dragon Ball Z CCG. I remember continually telling people to get this or that said Ultra Rare card, and people would tell me that they couldn’t. I could. But not everyone could. Then cards like Farewell Drill and Super Android 17’s Ki Intensity were created. It just got stupid really fast, turning many people away from the card game that people loved and cared for. I personally would love to have more tournaments for Expanded, maybe one or two a year. It would be great for the diehards that have the best cards and want to use them. My deck is staying here in my possession. It’s my baby… you know, a metaphor. I’d like to use my deck again someday. I've spent so much money on this card game it isn't funny. But... in a sense, it was worth it. Just like the Pojo.com motto... When It's Not Just a Game. It's not. It's a way of life. I've been living it for the past 5+ years. Am I sad to see it go? Yes. But while it is a way of life, it is still a card game. Card games come and go. Just like pretty much everything else in the world. They come and go. We should have been prepared for this. I was, to an extent. I know for one thing… if this had occurred two years ago, I would have been more than devastated. Now, I can take it. Why? Because I’ve learned... much more. I know that it is just a game. A way of life, but one that does not last, and does not fufill. Maybe for five years. But not forever. So what did I realize? My life is filled with God. I’m pretty sure you guys know by now that I’m a Christian from the Bible verses I have at the end of the emails I have. I’m not ashamed, and rather, I’m proud of it. It was because of Him that I took the time to answer your emails and make this experience in this card game amazing. It is because of Him that I am who I am. That’s what I realized. I realized who I was, who I am. I found what lasts forever. This card game was just something on the side that God had me be good at, to share who I am with others out there. That’s why my world is not torn apart with no way of fixing it. A part of my life is gone, sure. But my foundation of life is not built on a card game. It is built on a solid Rock, on Christ. Sure, I’m sad to see the card game go. But my world is not gone. I will carry and move on. I told God that when He deems the time for the card game to go, I will follow. And I will keep that promise, because I will not let the end of this card game destroy me. All good things must come to an end. This game has changed me in many ways. Meeting new people. Standing up in my faith. Going out into the world. Traveling to far off places. Finding out that I'm actually good at something, but in reality, it was all because God deemed that I would be good at it for His purpose. Making a name for myself, when really I'm just God's messenger. Experiencing new experiences (hah). Attending awesome conventions. Learning new things. Looking at things in a new perspective. Being obsessed, and then realizing these are just cards. Winning money. Playing in awesome tournaments. Hanging out with my sister. Hanging out with new friends that live across the country. Living a different lifestyle. Having just plain fun. And memories, that I will always remember and cherish. I bet I could sell LowAlly.dec (my main deck) for a decent price now. I'll be selling the second copy of my prized possession sometime soon on Ebay when I’m able to attain the last few cards to finish it. Just to see how much it will actually fetch. I love the game. I'm going to really and truly miss all the experiences I've had playing this game. No more of this first turn Lob for ZWG, Draining Blast to zero, ZWG for 7 allies, Krillin/Yajirobe for ZWG, ZWG for 7 more friends, ally beats for game. No more of this Help for ESB for 100+ removed. I’m going to miss it. This game is fun. I played it for fun. I played for money sure. But I also played it for fun. Playing for fun was much greater than playing for money. You don’t see me pursuing other card games that give out more money. Because I love this one. Even with it leaving. Nothing I can do about that now. I will no longer be answering any more deck-techs on the DBZ CCG/DBGT TCG. I will be deleting the rest that are in my inbox, and leaving it at that. Why? There’s no reason to tech decks for a game that basically no longer exists. But don’t get me wrong. I’m not leaving for good. I’m just taking one of those extended hiatuses again. I’ll be gone until come July, when hype for the new game starts picking up. I still love you guys. But I feel my time is better spent doing other things than teching decks that don’t matter. And this, this should be my final note to you guys until we see the new game. Goodbye. Rest In Peace, Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game, Dragon Ball GT Trading Card Game. April 2000 to May 2005. We will miss you. I will always walk down memory lane, remembering the good times I’ve shared in this amazing game. ….......................... You didn’t seriously think I was going to end on a somber note did you? You guys should know me by now. While the old game is having its final farewell, the new game is right upon us. It will be released July 15, 2005, with demo tournaments at Origins (June 30, 2005 – July 3, 2005) and AnimeExpo (July 1, 2005 – July 4, 2005). Hope to see you at AnimeExpo. So what’s my point? The new game is FREAKING AWESOME. How do I know? I write for Scrye. You guys know that by now. The new game will blow your mind how amazing it is. It doesn’t replace the old one. But it is pure amazing, and I will guarantee that you will love it. Yeah, I know, I don’t speak for everyone. But it will be amazing, and you will love it. Most of you that is. One warning: DO NOT email me on anything related to Re-Z. I will not respond, purely because I’m not allowed to. Instead, on June 22, pick up a copy of the August Scrye. You will be able to read my article on the amazing thing known as the new Dragon Ball Z TCG. So wait patiently. And go buy it, when the time comes. And go play the game, when it does release on July 15, 2005. I’ll be playing it. Mark my words. And with that said, I want to thank you all for reading and putting up with me. Game on, and always remember what this game has given you. Memories to cherish. And soon, more memories to gain. We’ll see. Together. Hope to see you at a future Dragon Ball Z TCG tournament, because this time around, everyone will have a good shot at winning, even if you don’t own cards like Farewell Drill or Super Android 17’s Ki Intensity. ~Matthew Low, Pojo Guy, Loyal Dragon Ball Z CCG and Dragon Ball GT TCG Gamer, Current Inuyasha TCG Gamer, Future Dragon Ball Z TCG Gamer, Scrye’s Inuyasha TCG and Dragon Ball GT TCG Writer… but above all, Child of God, Follower of Christ matthewlow@franceslow.com "You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" - Gohan "You are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." - Matthew 5:14-16 "May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God." - Ephesians 3:19 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." -Galatians 2:20 "Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends." - Revelation 3:20
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