Subject: Re: Black Mastery From Cell Saga
---------- Original Message
From: "Leo Orta III"
Date: Fri, 10 Oct
2003 23:18:03 -0700
Hi, ive been playing DBZ CCG since the beginnig and me
and my frineds were disputing which masteries were good or not. When we got to
the part of discussing the Black Mastery from Cell Saga they got to the
conclusion of saying it was one the worst. My idea is to make a deck based on
it to show them it could put up with other decks. I want to know if you could
help me by giving me some staples that go into this kind of deck. I know some
are Black Thought Focus, and Black Body Destruction.
thanks for your help.
I had this long extensive email and then I accidentally
clicked something and it all got erased.
What do I remember...
If Black CS was the worst Mastery ever then me placing
Top 8 at Worlds using a Black CS Roshi deck must of been something.
It is actually one of the best if you ask me. CS and TS
are the playable ones. MBS is messed up, and WGS is useless.
CS has been used in DB very effectively. Disruption helps
destroy combo decks, and thus it can be a very powerful Mastery.
I had this thing that said what all the bad Masteries are
but I don't want to write that again.
Anyway... try out...
Black Weakness Drill
Black Smoothness Drill
Black Body Destruction
Black Face Slap
Black Energy Web
Black Recovery
Black Wrist Block
#36 - Black Buffer Block - Power: Stops a physical or
energy attack. Search your discard pile for a card that discards a card from
your opponent's hand and draw it into your hand. Remove from the game after
use. (Kid Buu Spoiler)
Black Thought Focus
Black Front Punch
Black Pivot Kick
Black Scout Maneuver
Black Energy Swirl
Key is you discard their hand, and then deny them of
attacks using Energy Web and whatnot. If you get rid of things they can do, and
control the board with your removal using your Sensei Deck Only cards, you can
easily win with Black. Remember, discarding your opponent's hand of blocks
means all yours hit.
Don't forget to use Hercule's Amazing Techniques.
Not as good as my other email but oh well. Serves the
same purpose.
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone
else!" - Gohan