Subject: Re: check my deck pleez... u wont be srry - Blue MBS Vegeta...
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: chad kiernan
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 22:19:28 -0700 (PDT)
hello, mine names chad
i was wondering if u could check my deck out and make some tweeks...u know, if i have the right personality, the right mastery and so on... below is a list of my deck vvv
personality:vegeta the puppet... vegeta the powerful... vegeta the last prince... and vegeta ascendant
mastery:buu saga blue style mastery
energy combat:
x1- good advice
x1- blue draining blast
x1- energy ricochet
x1- blue energy guard
x2- goku swiftly moving
physical combat:
x2- vegitos drop kick
x1- blue flying kick
x1- vegitos leg catch
x2- blue defensive stance
x1- blue big outside drop
x1- blue high block
x2- blue head kick
x2- gohans ready
x1- blue weaving
x1- vegetas physical stance
x1- blue multi jab
x1- vegetas blurred kick
x3- blue back kick
x1- blue speediness
x2- blue slam
x1- focused sword strike
x3- blue knockdown
x1- blue beatdown
x2- blue foot smash
x1- blue forearm block
x3- gokus flight
x2- blue stopping tenchnique
x2- blue defensive flight
x2- trunks swiftly moving
x1- krillins flight
x1- time is a warriors tool
x1- android 18s stare down
x1- cells threatning position
x1- apocalyptic battle
x1- blue leaving
x2- smokescreen
x1- unlocked potential
x1- cells defense
x1- transformation
x1- unexpected allies
lv1 majin buu, evil buu
lv1 majin vageta
lv1 kid trunks
earth dragon ball 1
earth dragon ball 3
earth dragon ball 4
x1- vegetas quickness drill
x1- blue neck restraint drill
x1- vegetas pride drill
x1- intensity drill
x1- andriod 20 absorbing drill
(normal non-combat)
x1- blue friendship
x2- blue idea
x1- expectant trunks
x3- bulmas looking good
x2- tiens mental conditioning
x1- awful abrasions
x1- heros lucky break
x1- andriod 20 is caught off gaurd
that is my deck... now, if u can help me fix it up by telling me wat to change and keep and wat i should get while keeping the same color deck and maybe the same personality... cause im trying to make it so that i can draw a crap load of cards and my opponent will have like one or if u can help me out by naming wat i need and all that stuff it would be greatly appreciated...
thank u for ur time
Blue Vegeta prevention... completely random I must add. I've seen Blue Vegeta anger and Blue Vegeta Energy with the World Games Mastery, but never the prevention Mastery from MBS.
Puppet and the WGS Mastery = all Blue energies do +4 life am I right? Then you can either go for the anger win or just plain mess around on that level 1, running stuff like Supreme Kai's Ki Push for when you level so you can go back to that messed up level 1.
Ok. Honestly I think you are missing the point here. The deck doesn't have a total focus, and besides, it is illegal seeing you can't have Majin allies in a deck with the MP not being Majin. And you can't have hero allies and villian allies in the same deck. Are you hero or villian? Kid Trunks and Evil Buu don't mesh.
I'm looking at the deck and honestly I don't see any real way to tech this. You've just got a mass of cards in the deck. Some of them are really really random. I'm glad you have a focus for the deck, but drawing more cards than your opponent and having larger hands because your opponent will only have two cards is something I do not see this deck ever being able to do. Black with the CS Mastery does this best with Smoothness and Weakness Drills, with help from Heroic/Broly's Evil Drill to get Confrontation/Android 18's Staredown. That with the Mastery, Black Body Destruction, Black Face Slap, Black Recovery, and Black Thought Focus you have a made. But Blue... no, don't see it.
Blue MBS is the prevention Mastery. It works best with Supreme West Kai and Majin Buu prevention. Making attacks less often or do less damage, and then preventing the rest with the Mastery, they can run stuff like Blue Betrayal, Blue Terror, and Blue Leaving to get things to work their way. DB is a popular way to win seeing DBs will be hard to steal. Cards like Blue Eye Gouge are a pain. Things like that.
You've got some random Saiyan Saga blocks that are "Stop an attack, lower anger 1" and stuff like that. Don't run those whatever you do. They aren't worth the paper they are printed on. You need to do some reasearch; there are better blocks like Blue Leverage, Blue Stopping Technique, Blue Arm Blast, and Blue Round Throw.
You do pack some good cards in this deck. If I were you, I'd go read the rule book again to clear yourself up on ally rules. And just a parting tip; when you make a deck, and you have a good card like an attack you like, like Blue Betrayal, don't run just one. Run 3. You'll have a better chance at getting it and you'll be able to use it more often.
Good luck. You have a long way to go... you need a focus that you can actually attain. After you've established that, find cards that can actually do that, then you've got a made.
"You will not be allowed to do this to anyone else!" - Gohan