Will's Card of the Day for November 6,2001
Black Style Mastery Card Number:145

Set: Trunks Saga Rarity: Rare 6 of
15 Piccolo
Card Type: Mastery
Power: All of your successful attacks do +1 life
card and +1 power stage of damage. Black Style attacks do +2 life cards
and +2 power stages of damage instead.
Chances of getting one:
Pack: 20% Box: 78% Random Store: 55%
Value: $10.00 Popularity Level(1-5):5
My View: This card has pounder written all over
it. All of your Black Style attacks do +2 L.C. And +2 P.S.? That's amazing!
Playing the right personality, drills, and attacks, you could be hitting your
opponent for 15 life cards each attack phase! A good Black Style deck has this
card, strong Black Stye cards, and drills that add to your damage. Also, put
Black Zarbon Transformation Drill in to increase your P.U.R.
My Grade(1-10): 10: A must have!