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Japanese Dragon Ball  - Episode Summaries

Episode 266 - Come Back Son Goku!  Save The Universe

Japanese Dragonball Summary
Episode #266. Come Back Son Goku! Save the Universe.

Throughout this episode, Gohan just gets his butt whipped.  We start off seeing a Evil Majin Buu with Gotenk's clothing and a longer head whip. 
Gohan doesnt stand a chance!  He's too powerful!  Evil Majin Buu just keeps beating him up!  Gohan can't catch Evil Majin Buu off guard, so he begins to evade Evil Majin Buu's attack by hiding behind rocks, but Evil Majin Buu's no fool.  Evenutally, Evil Majin Buu has Gohan wrapped up and he's about to blast him.  Mr. Satan and Dende watch in horror, but Fat Majin Buu's dog comes out to the battle scene and starts barking at Evil Majin Buu.  Mr. Satan comes in too and begins kicking E.M.B.  Gohan is released from his wrap, and Evil Majin Buu points his energy beam at Mr. Satan.  Gohan somehow finds energy to kick Evil Majin Buu, so Mr. Satan and the dog are safe for now.

In heaven, Goku and the Supremes are watching what was going on in earth. 
Goku is mad that he cant do anything about this, so the Old Supreme Kaioh Sama finally says, "There is nothing I can do but give you my life so you can go down to earth and save the universe."  Goku cant believe it!  A S.K.S. is about to give his life for HIM?  Well, he doesnt question what's going on, and suddenly, The Supreme Kaioh Sama drops to the ground.  Goku's ring on top of his head vanishes.  He's alive once again!  The Old Supreme Kaioh Sama gets up with a ring on top of his head. But wait, there's more! 


The Old Supreme Kaioh Sama explains that the earrings they wear are actually fusion earrings.  ANYONE can fuse with ANYONE ELSE with these earrings.  The other Supreme Kaoih Sama and his companion always wore them but didnt know that these earrings could do this.  They both take off one earring and all of a sudden, they slam into each other and fuse.  The guy coming out was a lot stronger, all right, but the Old Supreme Kaioh Sama failed to mention that the fusion was permanent.  Goku and the 'new' S.K.S. look shocked. 


Goku plans to fuse with Gohan, and if it has to be forever, well, there is nothing he can do.  Goku looks happy and he is about to enter the ring.... 
The episode ends.


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