Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
18 - Nappa ... The Invincible?
Samir Bashir
Nappa ... The Invincible?
(Episode 18)
The episode begins showing Goku
making good time on Snake Way, as he passes Princess
Snake’s palace.
Meanwhile on the battlefield Nappa is powering up.
All the Z fighters had never experienced a power
like his and they were blown away by the storm Nappa
created. After Nappa is fully powered up he attacks Tien
with a charge. Tien was helpless to Nappa’s attack as
swiped his arm off! Krillin came running to Tien however
Nappa blew a blew a ki blast that just missed Krillin.
The ki blast went straight into the ground like a
bottomless pit. Then Krillin saw that Chioutzu was not
be seen anywhere.
Chioutzu then launched out of nowhere and grabbed
Nappa’s back. Nappa then gave Chioutzu a couple of
wall beatings before Chioutzu explained to Tien what he
was doing. Chioutzu was planning self-destruct and in
doing so, taking Nappa with him. Tien yelled for
Chioutzu to stop but he didn’t and shortly after that
blew up.
Chioutzu had done a very noble sacrifice but
unfortunately there was one problem, Nappa was alive
without even a scratch! Tien angered by the loss of his
best friend started to battle Nappa with all his might.
However Nappa dodged every kick or punch Tien could
throw with three limbs.
Piccolo then thought of a plan of attacking Nappa just
as Nappa attacks Tien. From the sidelines, Vegeta
congratulates them on making a great plan of attack.
Piccolo told Vegeta not to be so cocky as Vegeta
would find his match in Goku.
While in the one sided battle, Nappa goes on the
offensive delivering a punch to Tien right in the
stomach. A few moments Nappa was heading for the final
blow and the valiant threesome began their attack
knocking surprised Nappa right out of the air.
Unfortunately, Gohan “froze” again and did
not attack Nappa for the final blow so Nappa remained
unscaved. Krillin
fired a ki blast but Nappa dodged it. Piccolo was now
furious at Gohan but there was no time to linger over it
as Piccolo used their tri form techniques and attacked
Nappa together. Will the tri form technique be able to
afflict some damage on Nappa and when is Goku returning?
Find out on the next Dragonball Z!
