Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
190 -
I'll fight
DBZ(English/dubbed) Episode

The episode starts off with a
plane crashing to the ground and everyone is freaking
out, when all of a sudden the Great Saiyaman shows up
and holds up the plane. Afterwards, the tv people are
interviewing the Great Saiyaman and ask him to tell them
a little about himself. So he jumps up on a plane
and does his little rap theme and everyone thinks he is
weird. He then nmakes his way over to Capsule Corp.
where he tells Bulma about how Videl found out his
secret and that if he doesn’t enter the World
tournament, then Videl will tell everyone his secret. So
Bulma decides to give a du rag type thing to put over
his head along with some sunglasses. Gohan asks Trunks
what he thinks and Trunks says it looks great(not to
make to Gohan upset)

Meanwhile Vegeta walks in and
tells gohan he will beat him in the tournament when
suddenly a voice appears out of nowhere. IT’S GOKU!!!!
Goku tells Vegeta, Bulma, Gohan and Trunks that he will
be competing in the tournament as well. Vegeta says that
he will beat him and Goku says that miracles happen.
While flying over to Roshi’s he comes across a movie
set where he sees a bunch of people shooting at a girl
in a car. He stops the people and is yelled at for
interrupting the scene.

So gohan is invited to the next scene, but flies off
after realizing what time it is. So he heads for
Roshi’s and tells Krillin and #18 about the
prize money. Next, he heads over to Kami’s place or
Dende’s place, and tells Piccolo and Popo about it.
Piccolo makes a snide comment about Gohan’s outift and
Gohan comes to a conclusion that he is jealous. Gohan
and Goten go to bed that night and get up bright and
early the next morning to train. If i missed anything
I’m very sorry.