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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
196 -
Trunks vs.
While The great saiyaman
and Videl are in line waiting for the new
punching machine the be fixed, a new challenger enters
the ring 7 year old
Goten. Almost as an amazing as trunks he quickly knocks
the 14 year old kid
out cold. Trunks and Goten easily battle their way to
finals and sure enough
we are going to have a half Saiyan champion of the
junior division. As the
championship begins between Goten and Trunks the
punching machine finally is
fixed but now they have to wait in line. The crowd
chooses sides and you find
out Hercule will have a “exhibition” match with the
winner of the Junior
champ. (What a great battle huh) Trunks and Goten bow
and put in their two
senses and the battle begins. Hercule recognizes the
resemblance between
Goten and Goku. The crowd is speech less as the two
finalists seem stronger
then most people in the Adult division. Gohan and Videl
make it in time to
miss no less then ten seconds. As the battle heats up
the Z warriors are the
only ones not able to speak. Trunks quickly shows an
upper hand but any
relative of Goku won’t give up.
~Brandon Pearson
Series: DBZ
Language: English
Title: Trunks Vs. Goten
By: Goten's hottie
K, well the episode starts out when videl and gohan
(great saiyaman) are waiting 4 the puching machine 2 b
fixed. and then goten get's ready to fight idasa's
brother ikosa, then they start. goku remarks how goten
looks just like him and how handsome he is (agreed!)
then goten does the japanese bowing thing and it starts!
but before that the judge or emcee realizes that goten
is goku's son. and he thinks bout when goku was young
and fought agains jackie chun. he's not the only one
that sees the alikeness in goten and goku. hercule
reconizes the face, but doesn't no where he's seen him.
n e how, back to goten and ikosa... ikosa does his
little warm up, same with his mouth... "u look nervous.
don't worry, it'll only hurt a bit." and then he punches
goten, but goten stops him with a finger. then he tries
2 kick him, but goten also stops him. he says "so u no a
little martial arts after all.well try this." and then
he starts punching him with all his mite, but gohan just
blocks them with his hands effortlessley and he says
"this is it? this isn't much fun." and then he punches
him, knocking him out cold. btw, ikosa's mom is talkin
bout how ikosa will beat him, when bulma says "hey
wasn't that the brother of whom my little boy knocked
him out with just one kick?" and then the mom gets mad
and says "so that was ur son hey? well he just got
lucky. one miracles enuf for one day!" and then wen
goten is blockin all ikosa's punches she says "look!
that boy is 2 afraid 2 throw a puch @ my boy!" and bulma
says "i'll give him 5 minutes at the most." and when
goten beat him up, bulma stuck out her tongue at the
mom, and the mom got mad and stood up, but then chi chi
punched her and she got knocked out. chi chi said "come
on. who do u think taught goten?" trunks and goten
advance 2 the finals. goten threw one punch at a big
muscly guy named big boomer and knocked him out, trunks
kicked a really tall black guy. and spun around and
around with some other guys. (that's his specialty, he
uses that 2 beat cell in the future)the black guy was
saying something like "get ready 2 die" or something
like that, he walks over trunks, (he's so tall that he
can walk right over trunks) and then when trunks doesn't
do anything, he says "ello?" and then trunks, head is
cocked and he opens one eye and then goes in a headstand
and uses both legs to kick him. and pritty soon, its
goten and trunks in the final! who will win?
Episode #196
Trunks Vs. Goten
This episode starts of in the stadium in which the world
tournament is taking place.
Everyone is cheering as the Jr. division is taking
place. Two small kids are fighting in the tournament in
which one of them (a brat) is crying , the other one
being kind goes to him but the beat in anger punches him
on the face the brat is the winner by knockout.
Then it is time for another match as the commentator
says " seven year old Goten Vs. fifteen year Ecossa."
Goten is frightened seeing the crowd.
Ecossa makes fun of Goten while Goku and the others
cheer for Goten. Then Krillin says that he looks like a
miniature of Goku.
Meanwhile Ecossa's mother (a big fatty dork) says
Ecoossa to smash him up and show NO mercy then Chi-Chi
says to Goten to relax. Then Ecossa's mother says 'that
preschool brat doesn't have a chance against Ecossa.'
In the fight Goten is still frightened (not about Eccosa
but about the croud) , Eccosssa makes more fun of Goten.
The commentator realizes that Goten is Goku's son.The
match finnaly begins.
While in the entrance Gohan and Vedel are still waiting
to pucnh the punch bag or whatever it is While the staff
fix it. They hear that its Goten's match and Gohan says
"What a bummer , I wish Vegita woudnt have knocked the
you know what out of the machine."
In the resting place someone comes and tells trunks that
Goten is fighting don't u wish to see it , trunks says
that he knows who will win so it is no use seeing it.
In the match Ecoosa says many things with his BIG mouth
while Goten just stares. Then Eccosa punches with all
his power on Goten , Goten stops it with his finger!
Then Goten says to stop fooling around and be serious
Ecossa is scared.
Ecossa's mother then says that Goten is too scared to
throw a punch on Ecossa.
Ecossa fires many many punches on Goten , while Goten
stops it all with a finger, then suddenly Goten fires a
really ordinary and weak punch at Ecoosa and he falls to
the ground and Goten wins the silly match.
Then there r several other matches and Goten and Trunks
defeat all and in the final the match is between Goten
and Trunks.