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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
225 - Revival
This episode starts at
Kami lookout where Goku goes more in depth with explaining
the art of fusion. Denda and Piccolo try to
compare the Metamarien fusion that Goku learned in
otherworld to the Namekian fusion done by Piccolo and
They all argue for awhile
about who to teach the fusion to, and finally decide
to teach Goten and Trunks. Goku explains that it
will take about 1 week to teach the boys the fusion.
Piccolo makes note that while taking the time to teach
them many people will be killed by Babidi and Buu.
Krilin is getting ready to
go get everyone and bring them back to the lookout
when the sky goes black. We now see Bulma releasing
the dragon. Goku presumes that Bulma is going to try
and bring back everyone that Vegeta killed at the
World Tournament. He tries to get a fix on her energy
level and transport to her but Bulma has a very low
power level so by the time Goku finds her and
transports to Capsule Corp. Bulma has already made the
first wish.
Goku thinks the plan is
shot but Denda explains that if only one wish is made
another can be made in four months instead of the
usual year. The dragon leaves and Goku prepares to
teleport everyone to Kami lookout. This ends the
Trae Shorter.
episode 225-REVIVAL!
while at kames lookout goku thinks
of a great idea to be beat boo and babidi-a fusion! but
then goku realizes that you have to have two people pf
similare size and physical ability.krillin thinks that
when goku goes back to other world he can fuse with
vegeta or gohan since there dead{gohan isnt dead and
supreme kai is looking for him}.goku loves the idea but
piccolo tells them that it wont do anygood because there
all dead and in the other world!Mr.popo thinks that
goten and trunks can do it but goku says that he doesnt
have enough time and goku asks piccolo if he could
finish training them and he says yes!
end of episode - Martin Elder
DBZ- English
Dubbed- Revival- 225
It starts as Piccolo explains to Goku what has
happened.Krillin stupidly says 'hey at least you're
still alive..oh yeah the halo..'Then krillin says goku
can beat him with a kamehameha but goku says he cant cuz
if vegeta can't kill him there's no chance cuz as he was
fighting vegeta he noticed how even in powers they were.
So if vegeta can't kill him who can? Goku then suggests
that if Vegeta wasn't so arrogant in beating buu he
could've been able to do a fusion with gohan. Then it
goes on about him saying he learned itin other world and
piccolo knows what it is cuz he had to fuse with Nail
butgoku says his technique is different cuz it's not
permanent and only lasts 30 minutes and he goes on to
explaining what happens when 2 people fuse (they form
one totally new being that has characteristic of both
people, is stronger together than if they were separate,
etc) it takes a week to learn and since he's the only
one who knows (but hasn't seen it been performed)
there's no way to teach it. then krillin says
Then it cuts to buu following a roller coaster ride.
Then cuts to Bulma and gang back on the front yard of
Capsule Corp. with the dragonballs infront of her and
roshi suggests it's better without any clothes.Oolong
just yells at him. Bulma summons the dragon Videl is
surprised to see it for the first time and is
overwhelmed with what she sees. Just as krillin wasabout
to get the rest of his family to bring them up to
dende's place the skygoes dark and they realize someone
summoned the dragon krillin believes it to be bulma cuz
no one else can gather the dragonballs so fast and goku
knows bulma wants to wish back those vegeta killed and
dende suggests to stop her or else if she makes the 2
wishes right now they would have to wait a year to make
another wish. Goku having trouble finding Bulma's ki
because his mind is so clouded by the time he makes it
there Bulma has made her first wish well yamcha actually
did because bulma didn't know how to phrase the sentence
yamcha just wished for everyone who died to ma tries to
convince them but no use so they leave without them.
Then cuts to buu and babidi still flying through the air
and ends there.....will Trunks and Goten learn the
fusion in time? How will everyone take the horrible news
about Vegeta and Gohan? Find out next time on dragonball
Dragonball Z english
dubbed episode 225 - “Revival”
by Chibi-Hikaru ^_^
It starts off at Dende’s lookout where the
aforementioned green dude, Mr Popo, Piccolo, Goku and
Krillin are talking about the nice little predicament
they’ve gotten themselves into. Goku is really upset and
angry that Gohan and Vegeta are dead but Krillin is
excited that Goku is here now and can save the day. Goku
kinda ruins it by saying that he has no chance of
defeating Majin Buu. After all, Vegeta beat Goku then
gave everything he had, even his life, to defeat Buu and
couldn’t, so what chance does he have? Everyone is
Goku’s frustrated because he doesn’t know what to do and
says that if Gohan or Vegeta were still alive he could
do a Fusion. Eh? “A Fusion” you ask? Well Goku goes on
to explain that in Other World some Metamori (I have no
idea how you spell that it’s just how it sounded) taught
him the Fusion technique. Okay I’ll just give highlights
of this coz it’s long but fairly important: “It’s an
ancient merger art that can be performed between two
people of similar size and physical ability... ...It’s
when two people unite to form an entirely new being
that’s able to do things neither could do alone...” Then
Piccolo talks about when he fused with Nail (Namek Saga)
and how cool it was. Goku continues to say that his
Fusion technique is actually a lot different to
Piccolo’s. “The kind I know is only temporary, and
instead of one body playing host, a new hybrid is formed
made up of characteristics from both people. They
transform into a single warrior capable of incredible
power and strength.”
Then they’re like “oh darn, pity they’re dead and you
cant do it then, huh?” not only are they dead but it
would take Goku at least a week to teach them what to
do... and he’s only here for one day, plus he’s never
actually done it himself. Then Mr Popo comes up with the
spectacularly amazing idea that perhaps Goten and Trunks
could do the Fusion (gasp!) - Goku could start to teach
them, and then Piccolo could finish it off.
Switches to: Babidi and Buu. They fly along for a while,
go to a theme park, fly along the roller coaster track,
terrorise some people, then leave. Exciting stuff.
Switches to: Bulma and co. “Eternal Dragon by your name
I summon you forth! Shenron!” Bulma recites the spell
and Videl watches in amazement as the sky darkens and
it’s golden form fills the sky...
Switches to: Dende’s lookout. Goku and the crew
frantically look around at the black sky and realise
Bulma must have summoned the Eternal Dragon. They are
panicking because she doesn’t know everything that’s
happened so Goku tries Instant Translocation, but her
signal’s hard to find because “everything’s so clouded
right now on Earth”.
Switches to: Bulma and the others. Yamcha wishes for
everyone who was destroyed today to be brought back to
life except the really, really bad ones. It shows all
the people killed in the stadium standing around going
“Ohhhh” “Ahhhh” “Ehhhh...?” “Wow!” etc and then Kibito
waking in the crater where Babidi’s ship was. He’s a
little confused.
Goku suddenly appears next to Bulma and the others and
is still panicking “Did he say second wish!? Oh no I’m
too late!!!” Bulma’s like “Eh? Goku?” and Chi-Chi is
angry wondering where he’s been all day but he brushes
them off and quickly tells Shenron no more wishes today,
thankyou, you can come back some other time. Because
they only used one of the two wishes, they can summon
him again after four months instead of having to wait a
whole year. The Dragon disappears, the Balls go to all
the corners of the Earth and the sky lightens to a nice
soft blue. Yamcha is annoyed at him for returning the
Dragon but Goku just glares a little. He’s not too
Switches to: Kibito. He surmises that he must have
somehow been brought back to life, the clever little
chickadee, because he remembers being killed by Dabura.
Kibito is worried about Supreme Kai and sets out to find
him because he can faintly detect his ki. S Kai is
currently still traipsing along looking for Gohan - he
thinks he’s their last hope of defeating Majin Buu.
Switches to: Goku and Bulma. Bulma says it’s fine and
she can just find all the Dragonballs again in four
months which Goku rewards with a nice big enthusiastic
“That’s the spirit!” and then tells them all to hold on
to him so he can Instant Translocation them all to
Dende’s lookout. So Bulma, Eighteen and Marron, Master
Roshi, Oolong and Puar, Chi-Chi and the Ox King, Yamcha,
and Videl all grab onto each other and disappear, while
Prof. and Mrs Brief stay behind to feed their pets.
Videl thinks it’s all like some bizarre dream where
things keep getting stranger and stranger.
Switches to: Babidi and Majin Buu flying along. “How
very odd Buu. First it’s day and then suddenly it’s
night and then it’s day again. Hmmm... doesn’t make any
difference to me, anyhow. Soon, my pet, there will only
be darkness”. Evil laugh.
Voice guy: “Dark skies loom ahead for the people of
planet Earth as long as the evil Babidi and Majin Buu
fly among them. Can anyone put a stop to their rein of
terror? Right now the Earth’s best hope for survival are
resting in bed. But when they awaken will they be up for
the challenge before them? Next time on Dragonball Z!”
Thanx for reading, by Chibi-Hikaru ^_^