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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
229 - Race
to Capsule Corp.
This episode
be ordered from Amazon.com. This
UNCUT VHS tape is "Majin Buu - Defiance".
This covers episodes #'s 229, 230 & 231. Goku
goes Super Saiyan 3 on this tape!!!
Number: Episode 229
Title: Race to Capsule Corp.
Summary Writer: Destroyer X
Website: Destroyer X Network v4.0 URL: http://destroyerx.cjb.net/
The episode began as Goku prepared to teach Goten and Trunks the Fusion technique, however Trunks was still
skeptical of the technique. Goku disregardes this and
instructs Goten and Trunks to go Super Saiyan and raise their power levels as high as they can go.
After doing so, he notices that Trunks' power was
higher than Goten's. He said that the Fusion technique won't work unless their power levels are the
same and has Trunks lower his power to match Goten's.
After doing so, he told him to remember how it felt.
After the two returned to normal, Trunks complained about Goten's inability to raise his power to match
his. However, Goku explained that since Trunks was a year older, it's only natural that he's a little
stronger. After a while, Bulma entered the room and said that Goku better not be doing anything to hurt
Trunks. However, Krillin just carried Bulma out of the room so the two Saiyans could continue their
training. After Bulma walked off, Krillin listened to Goten and Trunks' eager voices as they wanted to
continue. Then, Krillin had a brief flashback to when Goku and Krillin trained under Master Roshi back in
Dragon Ball.
Back at World Martial Arts Tournament arena, Mr. Satan carried on about how he would save the planet from
Majin Buu. However, he left the crowd to continue training. Thinking to himself, Mr. Satan was worried
about what would happen when he confronted Majin Buu but dismissed it as he prepared to learn to fly.
Meanwhile, Majin Buu and Babidi continued to terrorize the planet by completely destroying several buildings
and knocking a van into an overtuned vehicle. The television news media cover the devastation, and we're
taken to a enormous mansion. Within the mansion, Idasa, Ikose, and their mother were wathing the news
on tv. As the news reporter said the names of Ma Junior,
Goten, and Trunks, Idasa and Ikose's mom remembered Bulma shouting Trunks' name from the Junior
Division of the World Martial Arts Tournament. Angered, she said that she would tell Babidi where
Trunks lived if she knew. However, Idasa mentioned that Trunks lived at the Capsule Corporation in West
City. Upon receiving the information, she instucted
Idasa and Ikose to close their eyes and concentrate on contacting Babidi with their minds.
As Babidi was reveling in the destruction, he noticed
that Idasa's mom was contacting him to reveal his
location. However, she kept talking about how Idasa was
cheated out of the Junior Division title. Annoyed by her
voice, Babidi thanked her for the information and
mentioned that he'll kill her if he heard her screeching
voice again. Upon hearing this, she became frustrated
about the way she was treated by Babidi.
Back at Kami's Lookout, the boys were about to power up
to their maximum without going Super Saiyan when Babidi
made another global announcement. He said that since
Trunks won't come to him, he'll go to Capule Corp. to
see him. If Trunks isn't there, Buu and Babidi will
level Capsule Corp. and West City to kill his friends
and family. Bulma rushed into the room where the boys
were training to voice her concern since Dr. and Mrs.
Briefs were still in West City.
Goku exclaimed that if
West City's destroyed, they can bring back the Briefs
back with the first Dragon Ball wish and the rest of the
people with the second wish. However, Piccolo
explained that they already used the first wish to
restore the spectators who died at the World Martial
Arts Tournament, but Goku thinks they can try to obtain
two new wishes by asking Shenron real nice for them.
Bulma also said that if West City's destroyed, the
Dragon Radar would also be destroyed as well. Posed with
that problem, Trunks was sent to retrieve the Dragon
Radar while Goku would intercept Buu and Babidi.
After Trunks turned Super Saiyan and flew off, Goku used
his Instant Transmission technique to teleport to Majin
Buu and Babidi. Meanwhile, Buu was shooting energy
blasts at a local city when Goku teleported infront of
Babidi and Buu. Babidi was suprised that Goku was still
alive after the fight with Vegeta. After saying
that he didn't think he would get a chance to thank Goku
for helping to resurrect Buu, Goku stated that they
never would've Babidi succeed it if they wouldn't have
underestimated Buu.
Babidi asked Goku if he was there to compliment Buu's
power, join Babidi's evil force, or tell the location of
Goten, Piccolo, and Trunks. However, he said that the
three will appear to destroy the both of them after
their training is completed. This caused Buu and Babidi
to break out in laughter, and Babidi said that if Goku
wanted to prevent the destruction of West
City, the three would need to reveal themselves. Goku
said that that the two would need to go through him if
they were to get to West City. With that, Babidi told
Buu to kill Goku, but Buu started to giggle at Babidi.
This angered Babidi, and he told him to face Goku.
Goku asked such a strong being like Majin Buu is
following Babidi's orders. Babidi told Buu not to listen
to him and said to Goku that he's the one who
resurrected Majin Buu, so he belongs to him. However,
Buu looked at Babidi and growled angrily. After Babidi
threatened to seal Buu away again, Buu mentioned that
Goku would kill Babidi once he's sealed
away, but he would attack Goku anyway since he doesn't
like him.
After moving a few feet away from Buu, Babidi started to
broadcast to the world what would happen if anyone
defied him. Then, Goku started to power up beyond Super
Saiyan. From Kami's Lookout, Piccolo and Goten could
sense Goku's power, and Trunks could also sense
the immense power as he was flying toward West
Meanwhile, Babidi
commented that Goku's "trick" was just a waste
of energy and Vegeta did the same thing. Seeing
how an ascended Super Saiyan wasn't much a challenge to
them, Goku stated that he might as well take it to the
next level. However, Goku's words about Super Saiyans
puzzled Babidi. The episode ended leaving the viewers
wondering whether or not Goku can push his power level
as far as he said he could.