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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
265 -
Vegeta's Respect
Series: Dragon Ball Z
US Dubbed DBZ
#265. Vegeta's Respect
Kid Buu manages to tire out Super Saiyan 3 Goku, and
Vegeta starts to fight Buu in Goku's place. It takes an
even shorter amount of time for Buu to beat Vegeta (who,
i must say, looks pitiful during the whole fight). When
Kid Buu is about to kill Vegeta, Goku comes into the
fight again and saves him. Glad for his help (i think)
Vegeta tells Goku that he truly is stronger than him,
and does some kind of tribute to Goku/Kakarot(i KNOW i
spelled that wrong).
Name: PrincessMeganiumon
Dragonball Z English Dubbed
Episode 265.0 Vegeta's Respect
Majin Buu continues fighting, pushing the very limits of
Goku 3. The fighters seem about equal, and there is no
getting past the fact that everyone's hopes are on
Goku's shoulders. Everyone in the Universe is cheering
on Goku, including everyone in Heaven too. King Kai,
Kaioshin, the entire Z Cast, etc etc. They too know that
Goku is the only chance they have to win. In Hell, the
fighters who were killed are also talking about their
encounters with Goku, and also talk about who was a
better match for him. Babidi also admits that he too is
cheering for Goku (he wants revenge on Buu for killing
Goku is now powerless. Majin Buu is now ready to kill
him, leaving no one left to stop him. Goku tries more of
his plethora of his attacks, but they are powerless.
Goku knows he will die, when Vegita steps in. Vegita
fights with Buu but is quickly beaten. He simply cannot
compare to Goku's strength anymore. Just when Vegita is
about to die, Goku gets back up, and goes Level 3 again!
He begins his fight again, even though he knows he will
be powerless soon. Vegita is in shock. He now knows why
Goku has always been better than him, it is because he
fights for who he loves, and not for pride. For that
reason alone, he became far superior to Vegita. Vegita
finally admits his respect for Goku. The war continues.
- gundamdeathsytheh
Episode Number: 265
Episode Name: Vegeta's Respect
Website: http://clix.to/sujanthan
by Sujanthan
The Episode starts off with the mass destruction Buu
made. Goku gets mad and fires a Kamehameha and this
vaproises Buu, but Buu reform into tiny pieces and start
destroying Goku. Meanwhile in Hell, Cell, Freeza, King
Cold and the Ginyu Force are all watching the battle
going on. Babidi says that Buu was his younger brother
and that he(Buu) always looked upto him(Babidi). Then
Babidi goes back and Says Goku to win.
After Goku was weak, Vegeta starts to fight, but Vegeta
was defeated so easily, then Goku comes back and helps
Vegeta. Then Vegeta thinks about the past, he think how
he killed people for pride and Goku killed to save other
people. Vegeta then says Goku you are Number 1 and you
must beat Buu. Then Buu fires a large fire ball at Goku.
Thank you, by Sujanthan,
Vegeta's Respect
Episode 265
please read my episode, i worked very hard on it.
It starts off with Super Saiyan 3 Goku tired out while
fighting Kid Buu.Goku tries to power up,but doesn't have
enough energy.Vegeta rushes over to see if Goku still
wants to continue the match or if he could step in.Goku
let Vegeta fight Kid Buu.Vegeta is facing hundreds of
Kid Buus then blows them up.Buu reforms & Vegeta tries
to fire blasts at him but there is no affect on buu.They
start fighting when Vegeta can't land a punch or kick on
Buu.Vegeta is no match for Buu & Vegeta wonders how Goku
faught Buu.As Buu is about to finish off Vegeta,Goku
saves Vegeta & says he's not finished with buu.Goku
continues to fight buu.In Hell,all the villians Goku
faught, were watching.Freaza is so mad because he
couldn't beat Goku & sticks his tongue out at
Goku.Babidi is bragging that he taught Buu everything
about fighting but then goes behind a rock and says he
hopes Goku wins. Vegeta is watching & flashes back to
the when he first met Goku.How he was but he still
couldn't beat Goku no matter how strong he got.On Namek,
how Goku beat Rec beat Freaza, that's when Goku had
become a Super Saiyan. Vegeta was torn appart when he
seen Goku fight .vegeta remembers how he to became Super
Saiyan but still wasn't as strong as Goku.Then realized
Goku's family & friends were the reason why Goku was
stronger then him.Then Vegeta realizes eventhough he has
a family of his own, his anger made him weaker.He
finally admits Goku is number one because he fights for
his family and friends, the people he cares about and
loves.Then you see Goku biting Buu and then Buu biting
Goku.The fight between Super Saiyan 3 Goku (he
transformed back to ss3) and Buu continues.That's the
end of the episode.
- Veronica
this episode is an English dubbed version
This episode starts with Goku going Super Saiyan 3
looking like he is matching Buu punch for punch, but in
reality Goku is losing the battle! Goku is exausted and
allows Vegeta to try his hand at the vicous monster.
Buu quickly outmatches Vegeta and right as Buu is about
to deliver the finishing blow to the Saiyan Prince Goku
steps and rejoins the fight. Again Goku goes Super
Saiyan 3 and begins to battle Buu once more. During
this part of the battle Vegeta pays a monumental tribute
to the "Low Level", with flashbacks from previous sagas
that are sure to please you. Vegeta admits that "Kakarrot
you are the best." and Vegeta knows that he will never
surpass Goku and that it was his anger towards Goku that
has blinded him the whole time. Goku continues the
battle and the episode ends.
As his fight with the inexhaustable Buu continues
Goku's Super Saiyan 3 powers begin to diminish. The
mighty Super Saiyan 3 wants to the end the battle but
does not have the sufficient amount of energy to finish
the job. Vegeta steps in, but is totally outclassed by
the Pink Rejuvination of destruction, can the Saiyan
Prince even manage to stay alive in this battle against
My name is Ian Mahan, this is my first episode summary
and I hope to submit many more in the future to you
Pojosama. If any of you out there like RPG's especially
Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy check out my website