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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
Dragon Ball Series: DBZ
Episode Number: 269
Episode Name: Call to Action
Website: http://clik.to/sujanthan
Last time, Vegeta wished the Earth back and told the
Goku to make the Spirit Bomb. Meanwhile back on earth
everyone is wondering how they did not die and they are
all happy. Piccolo, Goten, Trunks and Gohan are wondring
what happened. Also the other heors on the look out were
wished back and everyone ccame back. But Dabura who did
many deeds did not come back.
Meanwhile the two Buu's are fighting, Goku is amazed by
that a clerver idea Vegeta has thought of. Fat Buu had
not chance agianst the Evil Buu, Fat Buu tried has
Hercule cheered for him, but Fat Buu was not match.
While the 2 Buu's fight the other are dicussing. Goku
said it might not work and Dende is trying to think what
should be the 3rd wish. Vegeta said to wish Anything.
Then Vegeta asks Kubito-Supreme Kai to be able to talk
to the Citizens of earth, then he says it cannot be
possible. After that, Grand Kai comes it and says he can
make Vegeta talk to the Citizens of Earth. Then Vegeta
says that there is another Guy fighting Buu on another
Planet and he tells them the chance for winning are silm
and tells them to raise their hands towards the sky to
give the guy power.
Then Goku goes into the sky and gathers the energy for a
Spirit Bomb. Then everyone give the energy and it's
being gathered into a bomb. The energy of Gohan and the
others, Piccolo,Goten and Trunks, makes the bomb
incredibly strong. Back on Namek the others are
Just while Goku was gathering the energy, the 2 Buu's
create a massive blast. Then Vegeta think weather there
is enough time for Goku to make the Spirit Bomb.Then
suddenly Fat Buu makes 4 of him and they start puching
Evil Buu. Then Goku says the energy is not enough,
Vegeta goes back to earth and the citizens say Why
should we give our strength, it does not concern us.
ThenVegeta get's really mad. Then Fat Buu get's beaten
fast. Vegeta get's pissed off, the Grand Kai tells him
to Cool down and ask them again.
Back in Hell, the Villain are wathcing the battle.
Freeza is laughing at Vegeta and the others.Goku tells
Vegeta that there isn't enough strenght. Vegeta again
tries to tell the earth to give more energy. The
Citizens stills ignored Vegeta's command.
This summary was written by Sujanthan,