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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
DBZ/English Dubbed
Episode 275- Buu's Reincarnation:
Many of the Z fighters are getting ready for the
World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku asks Majin Buu to
use his magic during the drawing of fighters to change
the numbers of the balls they pick so in the end Goku
would be fighting a certain person. His name is Uub and
explains to Vegeta and Buu that before Goku killed the
Evil Buu, he made a wish that Evil Buu would come back
as a better person. Apparently, King Yemma heard his
wish. [Uub is Buu spelled backwards.]
Pan wins her first round in the fight. Up next is
Goku and Uub. Uub is so nervous from fighting that Goku
easily lands a punch at him. Since Goku wants to have a
true fight with Uub, he starts making fun of Uub and his
family so that he can unleash his true power. The real
fight then begins.
U.S. Dragon Ball Z - Episode
Episode #275 English Dubbed DBZ
Buu ’s reincarnation
This episodes the draw for the tournament is being held.
All 12 fighters have to draw a number. Pan gets laughed
at by her opponent, a big strond looking guy who calls
himself Wild Tiger. Vegeta ’s opponent is trying to
insult Vegeta, but Vegeta knocks him out of conscience
en goes thru to the next round before the tournament has
started. That ’s the true Vegeta allright!
Then Goku tells good Fat Buu to use his magic, beacuse
Goku wants to fight someone in the first round, whose
identity is kept secret by Goku. Then Goku tells this
guy is Uub, the skinny little fellow who is really
afraid of all those strong man around him in the ring.
Uub is very unsure of himself and the reason he signed
in for the tournament is that he has to win prizemoney
so he can buy food for the people in his village. Goku
tells Vegeta that he told Majin Buu that he wanted to
fight him another time, when they both could be at full
strength, just before he killed Majin Buu. Goku thinks
that King Yemma must have heard this and that he has
granted Goku ’s wish. Also, Goku has done some hard
thinking, and our very intelligent hero has come to the
following: Uub is Buu spelled backwards. Good thinking,
Goku! It seems that the little guy called Uub is Majin
Buu, but in a good body. So luckily Uub is not a threat
to the world, but just a innocent little boy from a far
island, who has been given the enormous powers Majin
(Kid) Buu had.
Then the first round finally begins. Pan easily knocks
Wild Tiger down and out of the ring: she joins Vegeta in
the second round. Next up: Goku and Uub. Picollo and
Dende tell eachother that the real final of the
tournament lies in this fight. Uub is very afraid and
Goku ’s saying to himself that is going to be harder
than he thought. To make Uub angry and to let him use
his powers, Goku tries to tease Uub, by insulting him
mother and father. And it seems to work! Goku kicks Uub,
still frightened, almost out of the ring, but then Uub
is getting very mad and flies towards Goku. And that ’s
when the episode ends.
Ralph de Wit, The Netherlands
Dragon Ball Z
English Dubbed Version
Episode 275: Buu's Reincarnation
The announcer then explains that they will now draw
numbers with the Z Warriors wondering who Goku's fighter
is. Goten is called up first. As Goten goes to pick his
number, Goku tells Buu to use his magic to change the
numbers around. Goten reaches in and Buu changes it to
get 8. The next to come up is a big guy named Wild Tiger
who gets 2 Pan comes up and gets 1. Goku comes up but
tells Buu to give him 3. Goku reaches in and gets 3. The
next to come up is a guy named Norig who Buu gives
number 6. Next is a young boy named Uub. Goku tells Buu
to make him 4. Vegeta is shocked to find out that he is
Goku's fighter. Goku explains that before he killed Kid
Buu, he wished that he would be reincarnated as a good
guy. King Yama heard this wish and granted it. Goku also
points out that his name is Uub, which is Buu spelled
backwards. Uub stands wondering if he has a chance with
Goku telling him to calm down. The announcer goes over
the standing, first it's Pan vs. Wild Tiger, Goku vs.
Uub, Narig vs. Captain Chicken, Buu vs. Goten, Trunks
vs. Odecoski, and Vegeta vs. Nok. Nok begins to tell
Vegeta that he will lose and laughs at him, so Vegeta
back hands him into a wall telling the meds to help him.
Pan and Wild Tiger come to the ring with Wild Tiger
still being mean to Pan. So Pan just gives the jerk a
big slap across the face, sending him out of the ring.
With that, Pan bows to the flabbergasted audience. The
announcer then calls for Uub and Goku. Goku and Uub walk
out to ring with the announcer saying that Goku was a
former champion. He also says that Uub comes from a poor
family and wants to win the money for them. Goku gets
ready to fight but sees that Uub is to nervous to do
anything. So Goku begins to make fun of his mother and
father in order to make Uub attack. Uub goes crazy and
runs at Goku for a kill….just like 10 years ago. - Chris
Series: DBZ
English Dubbed
275. Buu's Reincarnation
The gang (everyone) is at the tournament and all the
fighters are going to draw numbers to decide who will
face who. Pan (Gohan's daughter) faces Wild Tiger, Goku
faces Uub (Evil Buu's reincarnation), Goten faces Good
Buu, Trunks faces some guy that kinda looks like young
Hercule mixed with a policeman, Vegeta faces one of
Hercules students when they're fighting Cell. There is
also this chicken man guy that isn't important. Goku
wanted to fight Uub and made Good Buu use his magic to
change the number on the balls. Vegeta, Dende and
Piccolo is shocked Evil Buu was reincarnated but Goku
says that King Yemma allowed Evil Buu to be reincarnated
if he was good and that Buu spelt back words was Uub
(pronounces Ube). After drawing the balls, Vegeta's
opponent talks to Vegeta but Vegeta doesn't answer at
all. The guy mockingly called Vegeta old and stuff, then
Vegeta knocks him out and he had to be taken away by a
stretcher (meaning he forfeits the tournament). Pan
starts the tournament against Wild Tiger, she starts off
by teleporting to about Wild Tiger's Head's height then
slaps him then kicks him and hes knocked out. The next
match is the best and expected to be the match of the
century. It starts of Uub being really scared and
nervous, Uub is dark skinned, from an island far away
and if he gets any prize money, he is using it to buy
food for his family. Uub is obviously very poor. Goku
starts off with a kick right in the face and Uub barely
stays in the ring, then Goku starts talking trash
(literally, but he isn't good) Goku talks about his
mother and his father being weak. That really made Uub
pissed and he starts to power up kinda like a super
saiyan and that's how it ends
Name: Kooladen
Stuff under my name:
Tibet should not be a seperate country.
I hope you can post my summary and stuff, I think I can
also do a summary on next Episode.
275. Buu's Reincarnation
It starts off at the
tournament where everyone gets a chance to pick their
number to see who they will fight in round one. Goku
asks Buu to change his number so he could fight his
mysterious partner. Once everything is settled the
tournament starts. Pan is up against the big tiger man
which she takes out with a slap and punch. Up next is
Goku and uub(supposedly buu reincarnation in a nice
body but with same strenght). Goku sees that the
little boy is afraid so he insults his mother and
father to get the kid fired up. The episode ends with
the two flying towards each other.
The world's martial arts
tournament has now started and all fighters are
warming up. Uub gets extremely nervous when he sees the
amount of people who
came to watch the tournament. Meanwhile, Pan is shown,
walking around on her
hands. She starts to lose her balance when a bug comes
out of nowhere and
falls and bumps into a huge fighter named Wild Tiger.
Tiger turns around and
starts to scare Pan. Crying, Pan runs to Goku, who tells
her to don't cry
and that it's just a game.
The announcer then comes out, saying it's time to pick
numbers to see who
fights who in the first round of the finals. Vegeta gets
impatient and asks
Goku to tell him which is the real strong fighter, and
Goku refuses to
answer. The announncer begins to call out the people to
pick out numbers
from a box.
Meanwhile, Goku asks Buu to use his magic to change
numbers in the box so
he can fight a certain person in the first round. Vegeta
comments on how
it's unlikely for Goku to break the rules, but Goku
answeres that he really
wants to fight this person, both at full strength.
Goten draws a number and gets number 8. Wild Tiger comes
up and picks a
number. Then, Pan comes out and picks 1. Mr. Satan
watches from behind to
see which fighter would be fighting Pan. It turns out to
be Wild Tiger, who
got number 2, and Mr. Satan begans to freak out,
thinking Pan can't beat
Tiger. Finally it is Goku's turn to pick. Before he goes
up, Goku asks Buu
to make his number 3. As Goku picks up a number from the
box, Buu uses his
magic to turn it into 3. Then a blonde fighter comes up
and begins to pick a
number, when Goku tells Buu to make it number 6. Next,
it is Uub's turn to
pick, which Goku then tells Buu to make it number 4.
Vegeta hears this and
can not believe that it's Uub who is the strong fighter.
Goku then explains
that before killing the bad Kid Buu, he requested for
Buu to come back as a
good person, which apparently King Yammen heard and
granted it. Finally the tournemnt is about to begin. Pan
and Wild Tiger are up next.
Wild Tiger begins to complain that he's fighting a
little kid, but before he
knew what was happening, Pan gets up and slaps him in
the face REAL hard.
Then she gets behind him and kicks him in the back,
which sends Tiger flying
and hitting a wall, disqualifying him. Pan is the
Now it's Goku and Uub to go up next. At first, Uub is
too nervous to do
anything. Goku realizes how nervous he is, then decides
to loosen up a
little by making fun of his looks and his family. Uub
becomes extremely
angry and powers up. Then he goes after Goku, and the
real fight has
Episode #275 English Dubbed DBZ
Buu's Reincarnation
The Tournament is underway as the fighters are warming
up. Goten and Trunks are talking about girls, Pan is
having fun, and Uub is becoming extremely nervous about
how strong the fighters look. Pan runs into one of the
fighters named Wild Tiger(who is 10 times her size). She
goes and hides behing Goku, who calms her down. The
tournament matchup drawing starts as Trunks, Goten, and
Vegeta are wondering who the strong fighter that Goku
talked about is. Goku then asks Buu to use his magic to
change the numbers in the box so that Goku can fight the
mystery fighter in the 1st round, and Buu agrees. The
numbers are drawn and the 1st round matchups are Goten
v. Buu, White Tiger v. Pan, Goku v. Uub, Norig v.
Captain Chicken, Trunks v. Odikoshki(sp?), and Vegeta v.
Nock. Goku explains that he is certain that Uub is
extremely powerful because he is the reincarnation of
Kid Buu. He tells Vegeta that just before Kid Buu died,
Goku requests that Buu come back one day as a good
person. Enma heard this request and fulfilled Goku's
request. The fighters then take time to insult their
opponents. Nock calls Vegeta an old man and Vegeta
responds by hitting him across the ground knocking him
out. Videl then encourages Pan to do her best. Pan makes
her way down to the ring and the fight begins. Very
quickly, Pan slaps Wild Tiger sending him soaring into
the wall. Pan wins. Goku then encourages Uub to do his
best just as they walk down to the ring to begin their
battle. The announcer tells the audience that Uub is
fighting in the tournament to win money to buy food for
his village. Goku notices that Uub is extremely nervous.
Goku then begins to insult Uub's village, his mother,
his father, and his looks in an attempt to enrage Uub to
bring out his power and make him less nervous. Goku
begins the fight by kicking Uub in the chest. The
episode ends with Uub allowing his anger to take over,
and he charges Goku with full force.
- Xssj2GohanX
Hello, my name is Michael and I am sending a DBZ episode
summary for BUU'S REINCARNATION, episode 275, English,
UNCUT and it is pretty long.My e-mail address is
This is my fist episode summary so bear with me here
The episode starts off showing the fighters that
past the preliminary rounds in the ring. Trunks tells
Goten he is going out with a girl after the
tournament.Then we see Uub, a small,skinny,brown colored
kid looking up at the crowd saying he never knew there
were so many people in the world. A fighter taps Uub on
the shoulder and asks him how a squirt like him got past
the preliminarys. Uub says mabye it was just luck. Then
the guy says it happens all the time. He points to Pan
who is walking on her hands. She tries to avoid
sqaushing a lady-bug that just landed in front of her
and looses her balance,causing her to slip across the
whole ring and bumps into a real muscular guy.He insults
her so she starts to cry and runs to Goku. He tells her
not to cry and it is just a game.
The announcer explains stuff about the
tournament. He says the winner will go up against
Mr.Satan. Trunks asks Goten if the amazing guy Goku was
talking about is really one of these fighters. He looks
around at them. Goten says their is one of them thats
not so normal. The announcer starts calling names and
Pan is first. Goku asks Buu if he can change the lot
numbers so he can fight this certain guy. Buu says he
will do it. Then Vegeta says its not like Goku to break
the rules. Goku says yeah but he wants to fight this guy
in the first round so they will both be at full power.
Goten draws an eight. Then Wild Tiger draws,(the
guy Pan bumped into earlier.) Bulma says she wouldnt
want to be paired up with that guy. Then 18 insults
Krillin for not entering. Pan comes up and draws a 1.
Mr.Satan looks at the borde and is shocked to see that
Pan is fighting Wild Tiger. Then she skips happily
across the ring saying number one, number one. Goku
looks at the borde and sees that no-one is in 3 and 4.
Goku tells Buu to make his number 3. Buu says okay and
then Goku goes up and draws a 3. Then Narig(a blonde guy
popular with the ladys), goes up and draws. Buu uses his
magic and makes Narig's number 6.
Vegeta asks Goku if this guy is the one. Then Uub
goes up and Goku tells Buu to make Uub's number 4.
Vegeta says no way, he's just a kid! Goku tells Vegeta
that right before he destroyed Kid Buu he asked him to
come back as a good guy. King Yemma heard his wish and
granted it. Uub draws a 4. Then Goku says Uub is Buu
spelled backwords. Uub worries he will loose. Vegeta
goes up and draws a 12. Then Uub looks up at Goku and
Goku smiles at him. The announcer tells the fighters who
will fight who. Wild Tiger comes up to Pan and makes fun
of her again because he is mad he is fighting a 4 year
Knock(the guy with orange/brown hair and an
orange bandana) goes up to Vegeta and calls him an old
man.Vegeta punches him out of the ring and into a wall.
The judges have to get ready so the fighters leave for a
few minutes. The announcer says Mr.Satan is the sponser
for the tournament. Videl tightens Pan's belt and they
wish her luck. She and Wild Tiger go out into the ring.
The announcer does some cool moves with his microphone
and introduces the fighters. After that the match
begins. Pan smacks Wild Tiger across the arena and then
kicks him into the wall. Pan bows to the audiance and
Mr.Satan askes Pan if she is okay and Pan says
she is. Goku says hi to Uub and tells him to try his
best. Uub is in the tournament to buy food for his poor
village. They go into the ring and the match starts. Uub
is shaking in fear because he is really, really, REALLY
nervous. Goku says he doesnt want to but he starts
making fun of Uub and his family so he will get angry
and attack(its actually pretty funny.) Goku kicks Uub
and almost knocks him out of the ring. Uub gets really
mad and charges at Goku. episode ends.
Buu's Reincarnation:
Starts with All the fighters standing in the
Championship ring waiting to
see who they have to fight. Pan is doining a handstand
and bumps into
another fighter (Wild Tiger) Wild Tiger teases Pan. Pan
runs Away crying to
Goku. Goku comforts her. Fighters Start to pick numbers
to see who they will
be fighting. Vegita asks Goku who is the secret fighter,
Goku doesn't tell
him. Goten is the first to pick a number. Goku asks Buu
to do him a favour,
He asks Buu to use his magic so that he can change the
ball numbers, so Goku
can fight a certain guy. Buu says he will do it. Vegita
says to Goku that
its not like him to brake the rules, Goku Agrees, but
wants to fight in the
first round, so that they will both be 100% and it will
be an even fight.
Goten picks #8, Wild Tiger picks #2, Next up is Pan and
she picks #1, so she
sill be fighting Wild Tiger. Next is Goku, he asks Buu
to change the number
to 3. Buu does so. Another fighter picks a number. Uub
is up next, Goku
asks Buu to make this #4. Vegita doesn't Belive Goku
that Uub is the
fighter. Uub is only a little child. Goku tells Vegita
and Buu that when he
has fighting Kid Buu 10years ago, just before he was
beaten by the Spirit
Bomb, Goku asked if Kid Buu could come back as a good
person, so that they
could fight again. King yama heard Goku's request and
made it happen.
Vegita is shocked that this Young boy is actually Kid
Buu but in good form.
Goku informs Vegita that there is a clue, his name is
Uub, Buu spelt
backwards. Piccolo and Denda over hear from the Stadium,
what Goku Just
said, They are also very Shocked. Uub is very scared to
be fighting, He
doesn't want to fight, he needs to win and bring food
back to his village.
All numbers have been picked. 1st is Pan Vs Wild Tiger.
2nd: Goku Vs Uub.
3rd: Noric Vs Captian Chicken. 4th: Buu Vs Goten. 5th:
Trunks Vs Odda Coski.
6th is Vegita Vs Nock. The MC tells the fighters that
the judges have to get
ready, you have time to warm up. Wild Tiger is upset
that he has to fight
Pan. Nock comes up to Vegita, and says hey old man looks
like we will be
fightign each other. Vegita ignores him, Nock says looks
like you have an
attitude problem, and calls him old and ugly and starts
laughing in Vegita's
face. Vegita Punches Nock out of the ring into the
backstage area. Vegita
tells the Judges that Nock will be forfiting, so they
cross Nock of the
list. First Round is about to start. MC calls out Pan
and Wild Tiger. MC
tells the crowd that Pan is the Granddaughter of the one
and only Mr Satan.
The crowd is shocked to see such a young girl fighting.
Pan and Wild Tiger
prepare to fight. The bell rings to fight. Wild Tiger
Laughs at Pan, Pan
flys and slaps him across the face which send him flying
across the ring. He
tries to get up but pan kicks him out of the ring. The
Crowd is shocked. Pan
wins the first round. Next up is Goku and Uub. Goku and
Uub are standing in
the ring, Uub is scared to fight and Goku can sense
this. Goku has a plan to
get Uub angry. The Bell rings to fight. Goku Starts to
call Uub stinky and
Ugly, and starts to call his family ugly, and calls Uubs
mother Fat. This
makes Uub Really mad, and charge at Goku....
Thats the end of the Epsiode.
Sorry if this is no very good it is my first Ep Summary.
DBZ Episode 275:- Buu's Reincarnation
UK English Version
The episode starts off with all the fighters who made it
through the premilinary round waiting in the ring. Pan
(Who is now 4 years old) is walking round the sides of
the ring on her fingers, as she is about to turn a
corner, a ladybird appears, Pan swerves to dodge it,
loses her balance and bumps into a rather large man who
calls himself Wild Tiger. The giant looks down at Pan
then threatens her, Pan runs off crying to her
Grandfather Goku who just says don't worry, its only a
It's time for the draws to get called. Goten is called
up first. Goku asks Majin Buu (The fat form) to use his
magic to change his number so that Goku can go against
this "Mysterious strong person" In the first bout. Buu
makes Goku's number 3, and a rather nervous boy's number
4 at Goku's request. Vegeta is amazed that Goku would
want to fight a young boy and demands an explanation.
Goku goes ahead and explains that before he destroyed
the Evil Buu, he made a request for Buu to return as a
better person so that they could fight one another. Goku
then says King Yemma heard his request and decided to
make it a reality. Vegeta can't believe this young boy
is Majin Buu, Goku says theres other clues like his name
is Uub, which is Buu spelt backwards. Piccolo and Dende
overhear only to get shocked by the news.
Now the first round goes under way which is Pan vs the
giant Wild Tiger. As they step into the ring, Pan flies
up then slaps her opponent accross the face quite hard,
then kicks him out the ring, whilst knocking him out at
the same time. She is congratulated as she walks back
into the waiting area for fighters. Mr. Satan (Hercule)
falls from a top floor in his eagerness to see his
granddaughter Pan.
Now it's time for Goku and Uub to enter the ring. Goku
introduces himself to Uub and stretches his hand, Uub
shakes it then says he'll look forward to their match.
As Goku and Uub reach the ring and face off against each
other, Uub's nervousness gets the better of him as he
shakes like a frightened child. Goku tells him to loosen
up otherwise he cant fight to his full potential, but
Uub remains terrified. Goku realises theres only 1 way
he can get Uub to release his power. Goku makes a plan
to get Uub angry. He starts dissing the young kid.
saying stuff like, hey nice outfit, Mummy make it for
you, drop the goody goody act kid, im gonna whip you so
bad, that your Mummy will need tweasers to identify the
body. Goku then turns and slaps his butt a few times in
Uub's face. Uub starts to get angry, demanding Goku
shouldnt diss his Mother. Goku charges at Uub while
asking why his father isnt there fighting instead of
him, then saying he's weak. Goku kicks Uub back. Uub
stops then says "You are an evil man, my parents are
wonderful, and my father's not weak" Uub's rage starts
erupting, and at this point, the episode ends.
~Review by SSGoku on IRC.MediaDriven.Sytes.Net
Web Site:
*Note: The UK DragonballZ Episodes similar to the Usa
eps. Major difference is that Toei Animation Dubbed DBZ
into English.