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Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
122 - The Final Attempt
Series: Dragon Ball
Version: Japanese subbed
Dragon Ball Episode 122
"The Final Attempt"
Previously: Goku continued his huge battle with Piccolo Daimioh. Goku got one
of his legs injured by an Eye Beam, giving him only one leg to battle with.
Piccolo tried his Ultimate Demon Blast, which seemed to kill Goku, but he
flew up from the crater, holding onto Kintoun! This battle isn't quite over
-Goku floats up from the crater on Kintoun, and leaps back to the ground.
Goku says that Piccolo Daimioh has lost power from using that huge blast.
Piccolo Daimioh says that no human can survive his blast. Goku says he
probably isn't human, because of his tail. Goku adds that he also has less
power. Piccolo runs to Tenshinhan, and grabs him up by the head, threatening
to crush it if Goku takes one step closer. Goku calls Piccolo a coward.
Tenshinhan tells Goku not to worry about him, and attack. Piccolo tells
Tenshinhan to shut up, and tightens his grip on his head.
-Meanwhile, in Bulma's plane, they are shocked as they pass over the huge
crater. Yamcha says Piccolo Daimioh must have caused it. Bulma hopes that
Goku and Tenshinhan are okay. Lunch (good form) says that it is such a barren
place to have a picnic. They all decide to land.
-Below, Yajirobe stands at the edge of the crater, saying he is too late to
see the battle. Yajirobe drives off in his air car, but stops, when he
remembers that Goku promised him a big feast, so he turns back. Yajirobe
stops again, and turns back, saying that if Piccolo Daimioh killed Goku, he
might kill him. Once again, Yajirobe turns back, saying Goku can't lose, as
he has drank the Super Holy Water. Yajirobe finally decides that he can just
wait for Goku to return, and he drives back toward home.
-Meanwhile, Yamcha, Bulma, and Lunch are hiding behind some rubble. Yamcha
decides to check out the battle alone, but Bulma wants to come with him.
Lunch accidentally fires a rocket from a rocket launcher, and it barely
misses Yamcha and Bulma. It continues on into the distance, narrowly missing
Yajirobe, who begins to swerve out of control.
-Back at the battlefield, Goku gives in, deciding not to move. Piccolo grabs
a rock, and blows it at Goku's arm, badly injuring it. Piccolo says that
emotion is the weakness of humans. Goku apologizes to Tenshinhan, as he has
decided to attack Piccolo. Piccolo is shocked, asking why Goku would let his
friend die. Goku says he can just wish back Tenshinhan. Piccolo says he has
killed Shenlon, so Tenshinhan would never come back. Goku is shocked. Piccolo
grabs another rock, and blows it at Goku's only healthy leg, badly injuring
it, as well. Goku drops to the ground, no longer having any good legs.
Piccolo drops Tenshinhan to the ground, no longer needing him, as he will now
kill Goku. Piccolo floats into the air, and dives down toward the limp Goku.
Goku says Piccolo has made a mistake, leaving him with one good arm. Goku
charges all of his ki into his hand, and blasts the ground, propelling
himself into the air. Goku lunges toward Piccolo, preparing to punch him.
There is a huge flash, and Goku is suddenly flying through Piccolo's body.
Goku says he has finally won, and avenged KameSennin and Kuririn. Piccolo
says it is impossible, as he can never be defeated. Piccolo adds that the
evil demons aren't gone yet, as he spits an egg into the mountains. Piccolo
explodes, blowing Goku back toward the ground.
-In the distance, Bulma, Yamcha, and Lunch notice the explosion.
-Yajirobe's car crashes, and he notices the explosion.
-In a hospital, Snow looks out the window, seeing the explosion.
-Back at the battlefield, Goku is still falling. Yajirobe notices him, and
leaps out of his car, running toward the falling Goku. Yajirobe leaps over
the crater, catches Goku, and lands on the other end of the crater. They both
laugh in happiness, and Tenshinhan is happy that Yajirobe is just a friend.
-Back in the distance, Yamcha wonders what is going on, and he decides that
he must help his friends. He, Bulma, and Lunch start heading toward the
-Back at the former battlefield, Yajirobe says he would've killed Piccolo
Daimioh if he had the chance, and Goku jokes that he is all talk. Tenshinhan
says that Goku is great. Goku comments on all of his own injuries. Yajirobe
tells them to get into his car, so he can take them to heal their wounds.
Tenshinhan refuses, because he needs to go back to Kame House, and tells
everyone about what has happened. Goku asks if KameSennin is really dead, and
Tenshinhan answers yes, and adds that Chaozu has also been killed. Goku asks
about Shenlon being dead, and Tenshinhan nods. Tenshinhan vows to train
harder, and defeat Goku at the next Tenkaichi Budokai, but Goku refuses to
let him do that. They say their good byes, and Goku and Yajirobe drive off.
Tenshinhan comments on how amazing Goku is. Yajirobe's car passes Bulma,
Yamcha, and Lunch, and they could've sworn that they just saw Goku in the car.
Next time: Goku returns to Karin Tower, and finds out that there is a way to
revive Shenlon, but he is going to have to find his magic staff, Nyoibo
first! Meanwhile, the new child of Piccolo Daimioh hatches!!
Note: The original Dragon Ball has great battles too, just like DBZ and DBGT,
so nyah, you DB neglectors!!
- Goten6641
