Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 143
Japanese Version
143.-With the future of the world at stake.-
The body that Kamisama had taken is dismayed, but nobody
else than Goku
knows what had really happened .Suddenly the man whom
Kamisama had taken his
body stands up and he is really confused because he does
not know what had
happened ,but all the people that was looking the battle
begins to applaude,
then the man leaves the place and a boy congratulates
him (this boy was his
son)and tells him that he is really excited because he
did not know that he
had that kind of power, the man is still confused...
The host says that the final battle was going to begin
in a few
seconds...Goku sees that Piccolo swalows the bottle were
Kamisama was...so
Piccolo says Goku that if he kills to him Kamisama is
also going to die.So
Goku decides to tell his friends who was Piccolo and
what was his relation
with Kamisama....everyone surprises but they tell Goku
that he is the only
one who can kill Piccolo...Piccolo appears suddenly and
tells everyone that
Goku doesn't have any chance to win to him.Then the host
tells Goku and
Piccolo to come to fight....at the beginig they show
their great power and
Piccolo gives Goku a big ki blast with which he makes a
hole in the platform
and lets Goku dismayed...!!!
This is my review
My name is Carla Argamndoņa
