Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 144
Japanese Version
144.-The ultimate kamahameha is unleashed.-
Goku seems to be dismayed ...and the host begins to
count...but Piccolo
tells the the host that it is not any need to count
because Goku is not
dismayed and tells Goku to stop drolling so Goku asks
Piccolo how he knew
that ,and tells Piccolo that he was just analizing the
situation so Goku
tells Piccolo:''lets fight seriously'' Goku desappears
again no one can see
him , Piccolo finds him and gives him a terrible hit but
Goku desappears
again and stands behind Piccolo and gives him a hit,
this makes Piccolo
becomme much more hungrier than he was before and tells
Goku that he is
going to destroy the place,and Goku tells everyone to
run away but there is
no time to do it so Piccolo throws a ki blast but Goku
stops it and he
throws away this ki blast.Goku prepares to throw a
kamehameha and Master
Roshi tells Goku not to do it because if he kills
Piccolo ,Kamisama is also
going to die...Piccolo tells Goku not to be so good with
people...Kuririn tells Goku to do it because then they
will can revive to
Kamisama ,and when Goku prepares to throw the Kamehameha
,Piccolo throws a
ki blast but this ki blast can't stop the super
Kamehameha of Goku.... This is my review My name is
Carla Agandoņa
