Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 146
Japanese Version
146.- Son Goku's Trick .-
Piccolo's stature has inceased a lot ,that now he is
twice bigger than a
mountain ,but Goku tells Piccolo that he is not so
surprised because that is
what he wanted .Then Goku enters to Piccolo's mouth and
he kicks him inside
his mouth ,then Goku goes out with the little bottle
,then Goku gives thhe
bottle to Tenshinhan ,Tenshinhan opens the bottle and
Kamisama goes out
finally ,Piccolo returns to his normal stature.As
Piccolo is very angry he
continues fighting Goku .
Goku and Piccolo dissapear because they move so faster
that noboby can see
them ,they just can hear the sound of the blows,Goku
does a Kamehameha with
his feeth to had his hands free .Then Piccolo tries to
give a punch with his
hand to Goku but Kamisama stops him .Goku tells Kamisama
not to help him,and
tells Piccolo to try again ,Piccolo does it but Goku
tells him that that
punch was not as powerful as he though ,Kamisama wants
to help Goku again
but Goku tells Kamisama that he does not needs help .
Goku tells Piccolo that he knows his most powerful
technique ,but Piccolo
tells Goku that that is not true because he has an
stronger one Goku also
tells Piccolo that he also has inceased his power .Then
Piccolo throws that
power as Goku ,eventough Goku tries to scape ,this power
follows him ,so
Goku goes directly to Piccolo and when he is very close
to Piccolo he
dissapears and Piccolo recieves that terrible power
,this power makes
Piccolo loose one arm ,but then ,Piccolo draws out
another arm that replaces
the losted one....Piccolo prepares a new technique.
This is my review
Vegeta's Fan
