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Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 148
Japanese Version
148.-He did it ! He's the World's Strongest Fighter .-
Goku is really hurted ,Piccolo continues attaching ,then
Piccolo gives a
punch to Goku where he has a terrible wound ...Piccolo
breaks Goku's legs
,then he hurts Goku's left arm,now Piccolo is preparing
the last
punch.Kamisama asks Tenshinham to kill him (to kamisama
)because if not
Piccolo is going to kill Goku ,Goku tells Ternshinhan
not to do it because
he can win to Piccolo,then suddenly ,Goku flies over
Piccolo,but as
Roshi and Tenshinhan
,could not see Goku's movement they think that Piccolo
killed Goku with that
Punch but then they realize that Goku is flying over
Piccolo.Goku hits
Pioccolo with his head,this makes Piccolo be unconcious
and he is out the
battle place...Goku has won the battle.
Goku eats an hermit bean that Yajirobe had given to
Goku.But at that moment
Kamisama is trying to kill Piccolo ,Goku stops him
Kamisama tells Goku that
Piccolo must be eliminated ,..Goku tells Kamisama that
he is a liar because
if Piccolo dies ,Kamisama is also going to die because
,Piccolo-Damaio(Piccolo's father )and Kamisama were one
person before and if
Kamisama dies ,the Dragon Balls are going to dissapear
and there is not
going to be any chance to revive Kamisama with the
Dragon Balls.But Kamisama
still thinks that himself is guilty for have caused many
disasters .Master
Roshi tells Kamisama not to feel like that ,because if
the Dragon Ball had
not appeared they won't have known each other ,and
they(Goku,Tenshinhan,Kuririn and Yamcha)won't have
become as stronger as
they are now.
Goku gives an hermit bean to Piccolo ,because he can't
live without an
enemy.Kamisama tells Goku that he is the only one who
can take Kamisama's
place, but Goku does not accepts that ,because he won't
support to live in a
boring place .
Then Goku and ChiChi fly in the cloud ...(Goku had
accepted married ChiChi)
This is my review
Vegeta's Fan
