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Episode 150
Japanese Version
150.- The Phantom Cassowary Bird .-
Goku and ChiChi go to KameHouse but they can find just
to the turtle(because
Master Roshi has not still return from the tourney)
.Goku asks the turtle if
he knows where is the Kashusen ,but the turtle says that
Master Roshi had
put it in the trash a long time ago ,the turtle shows
Goku and ChiChi a book
where it tells how to make a Kashusen ,it says that to
make the Kashusen it
is needed the feather of a bird that throws flames ,this
kind of birds can
be founded in the South .
Goku and ChiChi do that.They enter to a cave where an
enormous eft appears
thre but Goku makes it be calm just by fondle it
,suddenly the towo friends
of Pilaf appear ,they suppose that Goku and ChiChi are
also in searching of
the feather of the bird ,then they pass where the elf is
they try to make it
be alm but as they cannot do it they scape .Then ChiChi
falls down inside a
hole, ther eshe finds a big egg ,Goku also goes where
ChiChi is ,suddenly
,an old man appears and tells Goku and ChiChi that that
egg is the egg of
that bird .
Pilaf's servants appear and they tell Goku that if does
not let them keep
the egg they are going to kill them.ChiChi tells Pilaf
and his servants that
that guy is Goku ,so when they hear that they just scape.
The bird appears and breaks the egg and takes his baby
,because the place
was burning ,Goku tries to keep the feather of the bird
but he cannot keep
them ...Goku asks the old why is has happened ,so the
old man tells Goku
that that the Kashusen can be done by using that feather
is not true ,and
that Master Roshi had written that when he had drunk
some beers .The old man
tells Goku and ChiChi that the Kashusen is in the North
where there are a
lot of ice. ChiChi and Goku go there now....but the old
man doubts if the
Kashusen is in the South or in the North....
This is my review
Vegeta's Fan
