Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 153
Japanese Version
153.-Mt.Frying Pan Burns:A life and death decision .-
Og Satan's castle is still in flames.
Goku asks the goddess to help him, but she asks Goku if
he wants to sacrify
people's life just for one person(Og Satan)...if Goku
extinguish the fire of
the oven there is not going to be any conection between
the world of the
deaths and the world of the human beings...and
eventhough if somebody opens
the oven just for a few seconds , the flames would
appear just after a lot
of years.Son Gohan asks Goku to show more respect to the
goddess because she
has been controlling the oven flames for centuries..so
Goku tells the
goddess that she is an ''old person''...this makes the
goddess become
angry,and tries to kill Goku,but Goku moves faster than
her,then Goku uses
the Bashosen which makes a wind,so when the goddess
realizes that Goku has
the Bashosen,she tells Goku and Son Gohan that there is
a chance to save
Ox-King but to do it she needs something else to stop
the oven flames,the
thing that she needs is honey inside an octagon,ChiChi
gives the honey to
the gooddess.The goddess tells Goku that she is going to
hold on the oven's
lid,and that Goku must move the Bashosen just one time
.When Goku does it he
enters inside the oven ,then lids the hole with the
octagon's diamond and
uses the honey as a glue, then Goku uses his technique
to fly .After that
ChiChi embrases Goku ,the goddess apologies for making
Goku and ChiChi wait
for a long time.
Goku and ChiChi could finally save Ox-King...then Goku
and ChiChi get marry. This is my review I am Vegeta's
