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Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
21 - Krillin is Endangered
This summary is for Fansubbed
dragonball episode 21
“Krillin is Endangered”
Now that Goku,Krillin, and Yamcha all passed the
prelimanary rounds and can compete in the 21st
tenkaichi budokai they will dra numbers to see who they
will be facing. Krillin gets stuck in match one against
some fat guy who is rumered not to of bathed since the
day he was born (since i dont know his real name i will
just call him stinky). Before the match begins everyone
has to cover there nose. After numerous attemps to hit
Krillin, Stinky realizes he his to slow so he puts his
hands down his ants to build up his stench and then the
smell makes krillin fall and almost knocks him out.
After a while Krillin starts to win again but then
Stinky gets him on the ground and rubs his butt in
Krillins face. After Krillin gets kicked around a bit
goku tells krillin hes only imagining the smell because
he dosent have a nose. Krillin the gets up and kicks
Stinky in the face. Now that Stinky is on the ground
Krillin runs up a farts in Stinky’s face and he gives
up. So Krillin moves to the next round.
