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Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
Japanese Version
43.-To the city in the West and Buruma's house .-
Goku is dinning in Suno's house .Android 8 decides to
stay there because he
fells more confortable there.But Goku decides to go to
Bulma's house because
he wants to ask Bulma to fix the Dragon Radar .Finally,Goku
is going to
travel to Bulma's house.Goku tells everyone that Bulma's
house is located in
the city in the West,everyone tells that that place is
too far and if he
doesn't have a ship he isn't going to arrive to that
place,but Goku tells
them that he will have to go there eventhough he doesn't
have any ship and
remembers them that his flying clow was destroyed by one
of the men of the
Red Ribbon.Everyone tells Goku that all the flying clows
ever get destroyed
because they never die,and Goku calls to his flying clow
and it appears
,Goku feels really happy ,and then he says good bye to
everyone. Then Goku arrives to the city in the West ,he
asks wjere is Bulma's house
but as that is a big city nobody can answer,but one
person tells Goku that
if he wants to arrive to Bulma's house he will have to
take a taxi,Goku
does it ,then he tells the taxi driver to take him to
Bulma's house and the
taxi driver asks Goku f he knows where is Bulma's house
,but Goku tells the
taxi driver that he doesn't know where is Bulma's house
, the taxi driver
tells Goku that he won't can take him to that place if
he doesn't know where
is her house,then asks Goku if he has money to pay
him,,but Goku ansers that
he doesn't have any,the taxi driver calls Goku crazy and
asks Goku to leave
the taxi.
Then Goku sees that a man is offering money to the
person that can defeat
him in one battle,Goku tells him that he wants to fight
him ,the man accepts
that but he thinks that Goku won't can win him because
he is just a child
...But the reality is that Goku is so stronger that he
wins the battle in a
few seconds ,then he receives the money and leaves that
place....But two
bandids see that Goku has a lot of money and decide to
still that money to
Goku but Goku easily defeats them then he asks then to
whom he has to ask
where is Bulma's house and they tell Goku to ask it to a
policeman,then Goku
asks a woman if she knows someone who is named
policeman,then the lady tells
Goku which one can help him,so Goku gives the money to
the lady and tells
her thank you.Goku asks the policeman where is Bulma's
house and the police
man tells Goku to describe her ,but as the policeman
sees that Goku doesn't
know how to describe Bulma ,uses his compuyer to search
a woman with that
name then he shows some pictures of women who have that
name ,Goku recognize
Bulma finally,the policeman is surprised that Bulma the
daughter of the
owner of Capsule Coorporation is the friend of Goku, and
takes Goku to
Bulma's house .Then when they arrive to Bulma's house he
begins to call
Bulma screaming.
This is my review
Vegeta's fan
