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Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
161 - Super Vegeta in Danger
is the DBZ series
Japanese version
Super Vegeta in danger! The completely terror draws
near! #161
Krillin is on the ground and he is helpless. Smoke is
coming from his back. Krillin says,” All my bones are
broken”. Cell is in the air and he is enjoying his new
power. Cell tests out his power by kicking and punching
in the air. Trunks looks at Krillin and he says, “Dammit!”
Trunks flies over to Krillin. Trunks holds Krillin and
he digs in his armor for a senzu bean. He makes Krillin
eat it and Krillin regains his health. Super Saiyan
Vegeta floats behind Cell. Vegeta asks, ”Why would you
hurt such an ignorant weakling?” Cell smiles and he
tests out his body more. Vegeta smirks and he says,
“That’s no big deal. All you did was get a new
body!” Cell says with a confident voice, “Okay, are
you ready to meet your fate?” Vegeta gets pissed and
he gets charged up. Cell stands still with a smile on
his face. Trunks sees the difference between Vegeta’s
and Cell’s power. Trunks and Krillin agree that Vegeta
will die if he fights him. Krillin says that Cell’s
touch is horrible enough. Vegeta steps toward Cell and
Cell steps back. Vegeta kicks, punches and knees Cell.
Cell blocked all of Vegeta’s moves. Vegeta leaps over
Cell and he lands near Android 16. Android 16 says,”
Cell wasn’t kidding” Krillin asks Trunks, “I sense
your ki. You’re stronger than your father, right?”
Trunks does not answer. Vegeta begins another assault.
Vegeta gives Cell everything he’s got but Cell dodges
and blocks everything without effort. Android 16 watches
while Vegeta screams with every attack. Krillin stares
at Trunks waiting for an answer. Trunks says, “One
day, I surpassed my father in the room of spirit and
time. When I surpassed him, I never told him because I
know he is a proud man. Krillin replies,” You simply
can’t let him die! You should help him!” Trunks
says,” No, It will hurt my father’s spirit!” The
screen switches to Vegeta and Cell. Vegeta stares at
Cell and he floats down to a ledge. Cell vanishes and
Vegeta is surprised. Cell is right behind Vegeta on the
same ledge. Vegeta knows he is being mocked and he gets
pissed. Vegeta screams incredibly loud and Vegeta lights
his aura again. Vegeta starts punching again. Cell
dodges them all. Cell jumps from cliff to cliff and
Vegeta follows. Vegeta fires a ton of ki-blasts and Cell
avoids them all. Vegeta comes up with a plan and Vegeta
disappears. Cell becomes confused and he falls right in
Vegeta’s trap. Vegeta fires two sets of ki-beams at
opposite sides Cell. Cell gets hit and Vegeta smiles.
The smoke clears and Cell is unharmed. He’s actually
laughing. Cell vanishes again and Vegeta gets perplexed.
Cell is right above Vegeta and Vegeta is angry. Vegeta
says,” Stop mocking me and fight! ”Cell says,”
Okay, this is good enough for a warm up.” Trunks
yells,” A warm up?” Vegeta is amazed and so is
Krillin. Android 16 asks, “ How could Dr. Gero create
such a monster?” Cell says, ”You are too weak to be
my opponent.” Vegeta replies,” Never look down on
Super Vegeta!” Vegeta kicks him in the back of the
head. Krillin and Trunks say,” He won!” Cell is bent
over but he is smiling. Vegeta begins to get scared.
Piccolo and Tien are looking up above at the fight with
Cell. Piccolo says,” Vegeta will lose. He will
die.”Meanwhile, Son Gohan and Son Goku train the Room
of Spirit of time.
By Chris Paguio and my website DBZ
you link my friends to his website is awsome Gogeta's
