Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
206 - Gohan is Surprised too! Goten's Explosive
again fellow DBZ fans. Sorry for taking a long time
again, but Winter Break and I was trying to get outside
a bit. Anyway, if any of you have a specific episode
that you want me to summarize that's past ep. 196 in
Japanese, e-mail me at evan5000@yahoo.com
Alright, let's begin.
begin the episode with Krillin getting a full-on assault
by his wife, 18. Marron, their baby, wakes up and so
does Master Roshi. Both comment on how early it is.
are quickly taken to Goku's house, with Goten and Gohan
saying goodbye to there mom as they are ready to begin
there training. As they are leaving, Goten is warned not
to get in the way of his brother's training as because
they need the money. they rush to a nearby field and
gohan tells goten he's going to begin.
now get sent to heaven, where the witch lady is being
asked why she is allowing goku to go back to Earth by
the Great Kaio. Goku is doing some exercises and the
witch lady ask the Great Kaio if he can train Goku. He
makes up an excuse (which shows he wouldn't be able to
help Goku in his training.)
we are taken to SSJ Gohan as he closes his eyes
concentrating. He opens his eyes, about to train, when
Goten interrupts asking him if he thinks a bug he found
is cute. Gohan starts again, and opens his eyes to
fight. Immediately Goten interrupts showing Gohan a
lizard he captured. Gohan tells Goten that they came
there to train and that he should go train somewhere
else. Once again, Gohan prepares. Only this time, he
trains, destroying every rock in his path. He's yet
again interrupted, only this time Goten has managed to
grab the tail of a huge dinosaur. he gets thrown through
a huge rock, and manages to only get a bump on his head.
No Gohan is fed up with this and tell Goten just to sit
down. Gohan begins training some more and can't stay mad
at that face for too long. Soon he asks Goten to help
him train.
gathers a bunch of pebbles together. Goten asks the
reason for this and Gohan replies telling him its to
re-build his reflexes. Gohan then draws a line, and
tells Goten top throw from there. Meanwhile, Gohan
stands very close to line. Gohan tell goten to throw as
hard as possible and Goten is scared its too close.
Gohan misjudges Goten and tells him its fine. Goten
throws, and it barely skim's Gohan's neck. Goten's
impressed by brother's speed and tells him he'll start
throwing faster. Gohan is freaked out by the speed
of Goten and quickly stops that and moves the line 10ft.back.
Goten begins throwing again, to which Gohan dodges them
all. He tells Goten to move keep moving closer, and
teases him for not going faster. Goten stops throwing
and asks if he can change like Gohan (into a SSJ in
other words.) Gohan laughs at the idea and agrees he can
if he can do it, which he doubts. He tells Goten it
takes lots of training to do that. Gohan's telling him
of his training when Goten powers up and GOES SSJ!!!
Gohan can't believe it.
asks how long he's been able to do that, to which Goten
can't remember. Gohan asks if he would like to spare,
being that he could be a good competitor. Goten agrees
telling him Ch-Chi taught him a lot of stuff. Gohan
can't believe this and recognizes that his mom's views
have changed since Goku died. Gohan's next question is
whether mom knows he can go SSJ. Goten nods, and a
flashback of him and his mom sparring occurs. Goten is
being kicked around until his hair changes to gold and
he hits Ch-Chi really hard. he goes to check his mom's
all right and as she looks into Goten's face, she's sees
Goku. She immediately begins crying, claiming Goten has
turned into a punk. Goten now talk saying he was told to
not do it again. Gohan once again laughs saying how mom
does like SSJ's very much.
begin there sparring, to which it is equal.
Suddenly, Gohan flies up and Goten doesn't, saying that
that's unfair to fly. Gohan realizes that Goten can't
fly, even though he's a SSJ. Goten whines saying its not
fair, to which Gohan promises to teach him how to fly.
Videl comes in a plane, and Gohan remembers he promised
her that he would teach her how to fly. Goten asks
what's wrong, and Gohan tells him that he will have
someone else he also needs to teach and to not show
Videl his true power, as that would make her jealous
that a 6 or 8 year old is stronger than her.
arrive home in time to see Ch-Chi and Videl arguing,
with Chi-Chi thinking he tries to take Gohan so they can
get married (which is ironic to what happens down the
road.) Videl wonders why she would say such a thing, and
Goten remarks that that's where her and Goku got
married.) Flashbacks occur of the 2 having a good time.
The episode ends with Videl and Chi-Chi exchanging
glares. if you lived through this, then you know you
really like dbz, cause frankly its tough to like an
episode after writing such an extensive summary about
it. Talk to ya later and don't forget to e-mail me
