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DBZ (Japanese)
Episode #219: A Sneaky plan! Gohan's power gets stolen.
As Gohan powers up, the battlefield begins to come apart. Kaioshin tells the
Z Warriors that Gohan must power up to Super Saiyajin 2 so Yamu and
Supopobitchi can take his energy. He says that once Gohan's power has been
stolen, he can follow the two Majin Warriors to wherever they're hiding.
Suddenly, the ground starts to tremble a lot more. Gohan's eyes turn green
and his hair flashes gold. As Gohan's power rises, the tiles raise from the
floor. A field of energy fills the entire ring. When the light clears, Kibit
sees Super Saiyajin 2 Gohan, fully powered up. The tiles fall back into place
on the floor. Supopobitchi can't believe the power reading from his energy
gauge. Videl is also stunned by Gohan's display of power. Gohan turns and
faces Kibit, ready to fight.
Yamu and Supopobitchi suddenly race towards Gohan. Gohan turns and is about
to attack, but Kaioshin releases a wave of energy that paralyzes him.
Supopobitchi holds Gohan in place while Yamu begins to drain his energy.
Krillin wants to help, but Piccolo holds him in place. Gohan reverts back to
his normal form as his power falls. Videl flies to help him, but Goku keeps
her away and assures her that Gohan will be okay. As the last of Gohan's
energy is drained, a flash fills the entire stadium. Gohan falls to the
ground and the two Majin warriors fly away. Kaioshin quickly follows them.
Videl runs to Gohan, who can barely remain conscious. Meanwhile, Vegeta
begins to get angry, but Goku calms him down. Piccolo suddenly flies away
towards where Kaioshin is heading. Goku flies to Kibit and asks him what he
can do for Gohan. Kibit tells Goku not to worry; Gohan will be fine. Goku and
Vegeta leave, as does Krillin after saying good-bye to #18.
Kibit places his hand on Gohan's back and begins to concentrate. A glow
surrounds Gohan and soon restores his power. As he gets up, Kibit races
towards where the other Z Warriors are going. Gohan is about to leave as well
when Videl tells Gohan that she wants to go, too. Gohan argues at first, but
soon agrees to let her come. The two of them fly away behind Kibit. As Yamu
and Supopobitchi celebrate their success, Kaioshin and the Z Warriors follow
close behind. Gohan and Videl catch up to Kibit, who is pleased to see that
Gohan wants to help. Meanwhile, Kaioshin tells Goku and the other Z Warriors
about Babidi and his plan to resurrect Majin Buu. Goku wonders about this
"Buu" but Kaioshin warns him that Majin Buu has the power to destroy the
universe. Vegeta is pleased at the thought of fighting such a powerful being,
but Kaioshin tells him that he would be no match for this creature. As
Kaioshin explains about Majin Buu's creation by Bibidi, Kibit is telling the
same story to Gohan and Videl. They continue to follow the two Majin warriors
to their hideaway.
