Ball - Episode Summaries
Episode 220
Japanese version
220.-The appearence of Darkness! The Evil īMagician
Babi-dee is the person who controlls Supopo Bitch and
Jam,because Babi-dee
has the power to control to all the people who have bad
Babi-dee does not have any power to fight).Kibito and
Great Kaiosama knew
that ,that's why they had entered to the Martial arts
Tourney because they
had seen that Babi-dee and his team who saw that Gohan
was the perfect
victim to whom tghey could steal energy.
As Videl has losted too much energy flying...Gohan tells
Videl not to
continue doing it and that she had better return to the
tourney and Videl
agrees and Gohan tells her to tell his mother that he
would be OK... Videl
tells Gohan that she had already realized that his
father(Mr. Satan)had not
been the man who had killed Cell ,7 years ago, and that
that they were who
really had killed Cell(Gohan ,Goku ,etc)and that she had
also realized that
Gohan was the ''Golden Gentleman'',then Videl leaves.So
Gohan and Kibito fly
rapidly and they finally arrive where the other ones
Then Supopo Bitch and Jam arrive where Babi-dee
was....there was also Dabura
the Evil King...Babi-dee had controlled him(as i sais
Babi-dee can control
to all the people who have bad feelings)...and Kuririn
tells Piccoro to be
careful,Piccoro becomes angry and tells Kuririn that
that was in the
past.Goku tells Kuririn to retire of that place because
he could not fight
against Dabura,Kuririn agrees.
Supopo Bitch gives the thing where the energy solen to
Gohan was...Babi-dee
tells Supopo Bich is done and kills him...and also to
Jam.Goku and the other
ones are scared.....
This is my review
