Ball - Episode Summaries Episode
8 - A Full Moon Transformation
Episode #8 - A Full Moon Transformation: The Secret of
Gohan's Power.
In the middle of the night Gohan awakens to the
surprise of a full moon, a
sight he had never seen before. Gohan's saiya-jin
blood begins to take over
and he transforms into Oozaru (Were-Monkey) form.
Piccolo witnesses the event
from near by and is attacked by the Oozaru
Gohan, nearly getting killed
Piccolo realizes that the moon is what made
Gohan transform, Piccolo then
destroys then moon with a ki blast. Gohan goes
back to his real self and
falls asleep. Piccolo then rips off the other part of
the problem, Gohan's
saiya-jin tail.
