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Ball GT - Episode Summaries Episode
DragonBall GT
Episode 13: This is Father and Son? The Riddle of
Scientist Myuu
Characters: Goku, Trunks, Pan (doll), Lude, Doll Tucky,
Dr. Myuu, Gill
Character Debut: L ude
(revived), Dr. Myuu
The episode
begins when Goku and Trunks are watching Lude being
revived by Doll Tucky (who is laughing hysterically).
then the camera goes to Gill, who is injured, saying
"Danger...Danger". Pan is wondering where is this huge
ki coming from. Now we see Lude's statue start to
shatter. He shouts out "Lude" and the statue breaks. We
now see how Lude really looks like, a giant size cat
robot thingy. Goku finds Lude funny, But Trunks feels
some really strong ki in him. Lude shouts out his
name(sounds like a Pokemon) and starts slowly walking to
Goku and Trunks. Goku seems surprised of his size. Doll
Tucky tells Lude to let him know when he's done killing
them, so he could relax and play with his Pan-chan, then
he runs away. Goku and Trunks tries to chase Doll Tucky,
but Lude blocks their path. Goku finds out that Lude is
powerful. Pan shouts out to Goku and Trunks, Trunks
tells Goku to go and rescue Pan. Now we go to Doll Tucky
who is carrying Pan telling her that fate has bought
them together. Pan disagrees and says bad things about
him. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks are trying to get to
Pan, but Lude is blocking their every path. Goku has no
choice, but to beat him. Then Goku does what he does
best: making fun of the enemy with the butt patting.
Trunks gives Goku a strange look. Lude is buying it. Now
we go to Doll Tucky's room. He's trying to find out what
clothes will look good on Pan. Pan feels disguisted and
threatens Doll Tucky once more. Doll Tucky chooses a
dress and asks what Pan suggests. He then speaks for her
and makes her worship him. He then plays with Pan for
awhile. Meanwhile, we see Goku still making fun of Lude.
Lude attacks and misses. He comes after Goku and Trunks,
who are running away from him. Goku runs up a wall and
fires a Kamehameha wave. It didn't seem to affect Lude
at all. Goku gets down and tells Trunks to get Pan.
steps on something which catapaults Goku to bang with
Trunks' head. Now Lude has stomped on them. Back in Doll
Tucky's room, he was about to change Pan's clothes when
all of a sudden he hears a mysterious voice. Doll Tucky
responds to him. Doll Tucky takes Pan and goes to a
hidden room. He then bows down to a projection screen,
which goes on. He then says "Its been a long time, Dr.
Myuu-sama." Pan wonders who's Dr. Myuu and she couldn't
see the screen because her head was down. Dr. Myuu asks
how is the Dragonball hunt going. Doll Tucky tells him
that he has one outside the temple. Dr. Myuu turns
around and shows himself (looks like a weird Dr. Gero)
holding a orb. He laughs and reveals his plans with the
Dragonballs: to rule the universe (how many times we
heard that before?). Pan thinks that is plain wrong and
the dragonballs shouldn't be used like that.
Dr. Myuu congrats Doll Tucky for getting a dragonball.
Then he asks why hasn't he delivered the dragonball to
him. Doll Tucky tells him that they have intruders and
Lude is taking care of them right now. Dr. Myuu gets
angry because Doll Tucky summoned Lude without his
permission. He then says that Lude isn't fully developed
and he needs more power to get to his 3rd level. Doll
Tucky tells him that Lude's 2nd level is enough to beat
the intruders. Then they both (including Pan) watches
the fight on the screen. Trunks and Goku turn SSJ to
break free from Lude stomping them which makes Lude fall
to the ground. Now Doll Tucky and Dr. Myuu are shocked.
Goku and Trunks smiles and turn back to normal. Pan
cheers Goku and Trunks on. Dr. Myuu seems interested as
Goku and Trunks start to attack. Then they both kick
Lude til he falls down. Lude budges and turns his head
around to shoot beams from out of his eyes. Then he
starts spinning his arms like fans. The string wind
blows Goku to a wall. Trunks checks to see if Goku is
alright. Goku tells Trunks that Lude has great powers,
but he doesn't know how to use them at this point. Dr.
Myuu gets mad and crushes his orb. Doll Tucky gets
scared and bows down. Dr. Myuu asks him who put him in
charge of the Lude religion and Doll Tucky says it was
him. They came up with the religion so they could give
Lude power. Dr. Myuu explains that Lude needs energy
from people to get stronger.Trunks takes off his brown
jacket and him and Goku fires a kamehameha at each side
of Lude's arms. It was making Lude weaker. Pan is
cheering them on as they beat up Lude. Dr. Myuu tells
Doll Tucky to let Lude absorb Pan's energy to reach his
3rd level. Doll Tucky refuses to give up Pan, then Dr.
Myuu turns Doll Tucky into a doll and Lude absorbs both
of Pan and Doll Tucky. Goku gets angry that Pan got
absorbed and Lude starts glowing red.
======== Next Episode: Can we get the Rhythm Down
Perfectly? Capture Lude!! =======
Summary by Flapper the Mage 
Episode 13 This is Father
and Son? The Riddle of Scientist Myuu
This episode is really about Goku and Trunks fighting
this huge fat ugly monster shown here on the picture you
see here. It starts off as the monster comes out of a
rock. That monster attacks Goku and Trunks while Goku
and Trunks fight the monster that guy plays dress up
with Pan and has a tea party what an idiot he is so
gay!!! Any way seems like Goku and Trunks are fighting
off the monster and running away from it then Goku fires
a Kamehameha at the monsters face. Then the gay guy is
about to change Pans cloths just then Dr. Myuu calls
him. Dr. Myuu tells hows the dragonball search is going
and the gay guy says he has one and Dr. Myuu will sumon
Shenlon and rule the universe yea right. Now Goku and
trunks are beating up the monster real badly then the
monster uses a fan and blew goku to a wall. The Dr. Myuu
says why is the monster getting beaten up and says whats
he hiding he says its a doll and Dr. Myuu says why dont
I turn you into a doll and he turns the freak into a
doll. Then the monster comes in and swallows pans and
the other guys souls and then the episode ends. I will
write more summaries later!
Summarized By: