Ball GT - Episode Summaries
Episode 17
Dragon Ball GT
episode 17
This episode starts out with Goku fighting
the Robot team General Rilldo made. The robot team
fuses together to make an even stronger robot. Goku
defeats the robots. Trunks and Pan (Pan right now is
knocked out because of an explosion in the last
episode) make it to their ship (capsule space ship).
Trunks finds out that GILL (the little robot that
swallowed the dragon radar) took their dragon balls and
gave them to General Rilldo. Pan wakes up. Goku feels
a very powerful power level.
Goku gets to the ship were Trunks and Pan are. General
Rilldo comes. Goku said that he thinks General Rilldo's
is more powerful than Majin Buu. Pan hits general
Rilldo which makes him fall back to the ground. General
Rilldo get up. Pan punches General Rilldo in the face
but it doesn't even hurt him. General Rilldo the
punches Pan which sends her flying. General Rilldo
fire's a blast at Pan. Trunks pushes Pan out of the way
and gets hit by the blast. He is turned to metal and

General Rilldo sent Trunks back to his tower. Pan heads
toward GR's
(Genral Rilldo) tower to get Trunks. Rilldo starts
throwing beams(the beams that turn you into metal and
send you to his lab) at Goku. Goku avoids the blast's.
But their ship gets hit and sent to GR's tower. The
episode ends with GR and Goku ready to fight.
This summary was by B33. My website