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Ball GT - Episode Summaries Episode
am doing a review for the Japanese, Subbed Dragon Ball
GT Episode #38-
From Everyone's Power...The Revival
Of Super Gokou 4!!
The episode starts out with
telling Gokou to stop wasting time and fight. Gokou
denies this accusation and says that it is BABY
wasting time. So,
Baby skips a childish argument and just decks Gokou
(keep in mind that
Baby is in oozaru mode so, I don't know if DECK is the
right word) through a few busted up walls. He then
follows that up with a multiple 'ki' attack. He then
starts pounding Gokou like a drum and now Gokou is
Nearby, Mr. Satan (Hercule, the @$$ who cheated Gohan
out of the credit he deserved for beating Cell!!
grumble, grumble....!!) is holding Pan back from helping
Gokou so she doesn't get killed. But, she goes anyway
and tells Baby
to stop and return her mom (Videl) and dad (Gohan) and
everyone else on Earth that are not involved with Baby's
plan of revenge on the Saiya-jins. When Baby suggests to
just give up and let Baby take control she goes insane
and unleashes 17 'ki' blasts on Baby ( I counted, hee
hee!) which do nothing and when the smoke clears, she
gets smacked to the ground. Baby starts to walk towards
her and Gokou says that if Baby gets any closer to Pan
then he will let loose a Juubei (10x) Kame hame ha. Baby
is quick to call Gokou's bluff and he prepares to step
on Pan.
Then, Gokou does his famous
KA------ME------HA------ME--------!!!!!! And just when
Gokou was about to say the final HA!!!!! A blast comes
from out of nowhere!! It hits Baby and knocks him to the
ground. Gokou turns around. Baby gets up thinking that
the weak blast came from Gokou ( I did too when I first
saw it.) But, we discover that it really came
from........ Trunks!! Baby asks why he wasn't controlled
any more and says to be controlled and LIVE instead of
trying to get himself killed. Trunks says that he can't
be controlled forever and that if he had to live with
Baby then he'd rather die. He powers up to SSJ and
attacks Baby. He did nothing ,though, and is kicked to
the side where Gohan
(along with Goten who has been purified of Baby's evil
by Kaioshin - sama)
catches him. Since Gokou has been so weakened they
decide to take over
for him. But, he says it's useless and to , instead,
give Gokou their SSJ energy.
Gohan flys the badly weakened Gokou across a deserted
bridge while Goten
and Trunks fly on either sides and deflect Baby's 'ki'
blasts. They reach the other side and Trunks, Gohan,
Goten and Pan surround Gokou to give him their energy.
As Baby charges up a devastating beam that could kill
them all,Super Cannon, Ubuu powers up from inside Baby.
See, a few episodes back Majin Buu and Ubuu fused into
super Ubuu and when Ubuu trys to turn Baby into
chocolate, the attack was deflected and Ubuu was
transformed into chocolate and eaten. But, we now learn
that he let himself be swallowed in case of anything
like this happening (Yeah, right.) Baby eventually
spits out Ubuu and fires off his Super Cannon. Trunks,
Gohan, And Goten are buried in sand along with Mr. Satan
who is going insane because he can't find Pan. When he
tells Baby to kill him too because Pan is "dead", we
suddenly hear a voice telling Satan to calm down. He
floats down with Pan in his arms. He tells Mr. Satan to
take Pan away so she wouldn't be hurt. Gokou tells Baby
that since he is at full power he will end this battle.
Their energy auras clash and explode, sending Gokou and
Baby flying. Gokou fires a kame hame ha and Baby too
fires a 'ki' blast. When the two beams collide, the
episode closes with Gokou standing cross-armed on a
