Ball GT - Episode Summaries Episode
57 - The Overwhelmingly Strong Enemy!! The Ruling
Evil Dragon
Japanese (subtitled)
Episode #57: The Overwhelmingly Strong Enemy!! The Ruling Evil Dragon
Goku tells San-Shenlong that he's serious about his threat. San-Shenlong
offers to count for him, and Goku attacks. Goku is about to fire a Kamehameha, but San-Shenlong holds up Pan. He taunts Goku, saying it's been five seconds and he's still alive. San-Shenlong tosses Pan to Goku, then attacks. Goku, protecting Pan, takes his blows. San-Shenlong kicks Goku, but Goku grabs him and tells him never to use Pan as a shield again. Then he
tosses San-Shenlong into a building and begins another Kamehameha, but this
time San-Shenlong hides behind his brother. When Goku stops, San-Shenlong
encases him in ice again. He fires a blast to finish Goku off, but Goku
breaks free and counters his attack. Goku tells him that his body adapts to
attacks and he can't use the same trick on Goku twice. San-Shenlong
surrenders and offers his dragonball, and Goku agrees.
After Goku turns away,
San-Shenlong attacks, leaving Goku blinded. He swings at! Goku and Goku swings
back. Goku face is slashed, but punches through San-Shenlong, telling him
that he doesn't need his eyes to find his enemy. Then Goku finishes him off
with his Dragonfist. As Suu-Shenlong mourns his brother, Goku tries to wash
out his eyes. Suu-Shenlong gives him some medicine for his eyes, and Goku
tells him he is in his debt again. They laugh, but suddenly a blast goes
through Suu-Shenlong and destroys the medicine. Ii-Shenlong appears and fires
another blast at Goku. Suu-Shenlong saves Goku and dies. Goku searches for
him, but feels only the dragonball. His anger explodes and he powers up.
Ii-Shenlong tells Goku that it's his own fault, and he should not have
mis-used the dragonballs. He powers up, and Goku is stunned by his power.
Ii-Shenlong attacks, and Goku is beaten up. He tells Goku that he's different
from the others, then shoots some energy at him. Goku barely escapes the
explosions and attacks! Ii-Shenlong. Pan staggers forward to try to help Goku,
but collapses again. She finds the bag that had the dragonballs and cries out
for Goku. Ii-Shenlong searches for Goku, but suddenly Goku appears behind him
and fires a 10x Kamehameha. Ii-Shenlong survives unharmed, surprising Goku.
He fires an energy beam that Goku tries to get away from, but ends up getting
hit. Pan finds Goku thrashed and calls out for Gohan. Ii-Shenlong arrives
above Goku, then it ends.
-Matt Fillman
