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Ball GT - Episode Summaries Episode
6 - It hurts, eh? Son Goku the Dentist. T
Gather round children as I spin
ye a
tale of yet another disappointing Dragon Ball GT
episode. The goal is still the same as it always
has been, to retrieve the dragon balls from across the
universe, thereby preventing the destruction of the
earth, but the new planet that the gang has landed on is
little better than the old planet. Our hero’s
venture through a planet of “giants” as I call them,
in an effort to retrieve the second of the seven dragon
They initially spot the ball embedded
in an apple hanging from a giant tree, however the apple
is snatched up by a raven who, as you probably guessed,
belongs to the giant woodsman ogre. The episode
now splits into two sections, one following Goku and
Trunks as they try to retrieve the dragon ball, and one
follows Pan, who was abducted by a swarm of bee’s who
had mistaken her for their queen. Now, it
wouldn’t be a dragon ball episode without something in
there that made little sense and simply served to hinder
the progress of the hero’s (I refer you to the old
days of when the villain would suddenly go beyond what
was said to be their maximum power), and we were treated
with a couple cases in this episode.
Case one was that the ogre, out
of all the apples to eat from his bag, not only chose
the one with the dragon ball, but also bit off the
bottom of the apple, where the ball was located.
Case two was Pan’s adventure in the bee hive, which
made little sense considering she did nothing except run
from the larvae and then show the bee’s that the real
queen was simply trapped by a spider and was unable to
make it to the hive, but was now ok. So after
these two little skits, the group decides on the best
way to retrieve the dragon ball from the ogre. The
funniest suggestion was when Trunks said they would have
to wait for it to come out!! Now of course
that scenario did not take place, but rather the ball
got stuck in a cavity in one of the ogre’s teeth.
So of course Goku flies into his mouth, and, believe it
or not, knocks out the tooth with a kameamea wave.
Now, I’m sure the reader’s of this reveiw remember
the Cell Games, the epic battle with Vegeta at the
beggining of the Z series, and Goku’s power level
during his training with the Grand Kai, so I ask, WHY
CLEAN OFF HIS BODY!? Well, other than that, they
obtain the ball and fly off in their ship in search of
the next.
Mr. Billl
Dragonball GT Episode 6
(Aired 3/13/96)
Chotto itee zo!? Gokuu no haisha
It hurts, eh!? Gokuu the dentist.
The ship reaches the next planet. Gokuu asks the robot its name, and
gets the serial number "DD4649T22006RS" back in reply. It announces
that the Dragon Ball is on the planet before them, and Pan threatens to
turn it to scrap if it is lying. Trunks brings them in for a landing,
but the ship trips on a rock outcropping and they crash down (roughed up
but safe.) Trunks apologizes -- this is the first time he's flown a
space ship. The ship keeps getting rocked -- the "island" they're on is
actually the back of a gigantic turtle. They escape a whole herd of
island-sized turtles, and Gokuu leaves the ship on his own; of course,
Pan has to do the same.
Everything on this planet is hundreds of times bigger than normal.
Gokuu rides the back of a horned beetle, and Pan dresses herself up as a
cute insect (Gokuu doesn't see it that way.) Pan is taken by the beauty
of a butterfly swarm and flies off with them. Trunks arrives, looking
for the Dragon Ball and Pan. Gokuu thinks that the two of them can find
the Ball alone. Pan finds a big flower, enjoys the sweet nectar and
comfortable "bed", until a swarm of bees swoop down and carry her off.
Trunks finds the Ball in a giant apple orchard, but Gokuu knocks a
apple out of the tree and the apple lands on the Ball. A huge bird
flies up and makes off with the apple (the Dragon Ball embedded in the
side of the apple.) A giant "human" thunders past, the bird drops the
apple in the giant's hand, the apple goes into a bag, and the bird
settles on the giant's shoulder. Before Trunks and Gokuu can give
chase, they hear Pan scream. Gokuu isn't concerned, but Trunks says
that they can locate the Ball via the Radar, so they should help Pan
first. Gokuu is bemused by this.
The bees return to their hive, and put Pan in the main chamber. Pan
complains about this, until she notices the 40+ bee eggs moving around.
The baby bees hatch, and are so cute that Pan settles down and starts to
enjoy herself.
[Commercial Break.]
Trunks finds a giant spider, and what looks like Pan wrapped up in
the spider's web. Gokuu gets webbed (he hates the taste) and Trunks
kicks the spider to the ground. But, when the webbing is torn open,
they find a human-sized queen bee inside. In the hive, worker bees
start bringing balls of honey to Pan. At first, she is confused. Then
she rebels at the thought of being "mother" to the baby bees. She
apologizes to the babies, and leaves the hive. Followed by the entire
swarm. Her attempts at evasion fail, and they all fly by the giant
"human", who is now catching a massive trout in his arms.
Pan and Gokuu nearly collide; Trunks explains what is happening. The
bees return to their hive, with their queen. Gokuu wonders how the bees
could be so stupid as to mistake Pan for a queen (ie -- pretty princess.)
Pan is surprised that the boys haven't gotten the Dragon Ball yet.
And, as Gokuu is playing with the robot, it runs out of power. Hitting
on the robot doesn't fix it. Trunks wonders where they'll find an
energy source here, and Gokuu's empty stomach prompts him into saying
that he also needs "energy". They find the giant -- with the aid of
Gokuu's nose -- cooking the fish over a fire. Gokuu is envious. Being
so small, the trio needs an arrow so that we can follow them as they
walk through the grass towards the pile of food. The arrow approaches
the giant as Gokuu tries to get to the huge cooked fish.
They reach the pile of apples, and the Ball is easily seen in the top
apple. Gokuu flies to get the Dragon Ball, but one of the giant's pets
nudges the apple and it falls to the giant's feet. The giant pops the
apple in his mouth and throws away the core. Pan imagines that the
giant will have to run to the toilet to pass out the Ball, and she
panics. Trunks tries to calm her down by saying that they can look for
the other Balls first, then they are interrupted as the giant starts
thrashing around in pain.
Gokuu flies up to ask the giant what is wrong, and he sees the Ball
jammed inside a cavity on one of the giant's molars. Gokuu flies into
the giant's mouth, and tries to keep it propped open long enough to let
Trunks in to get the Ball. The giant's teeth close down on Gokuu first,
and the boy is trapped inside the giant's mouth. (This scene is fun.)
Gokuu resorts to using Kamehame-ha, just as the giant opens his mouth
again. The entire molar is knocked into the air and Gokuu escapes.
Gokuu comments on how big the cavity is. Eventually, the giant realizes
that the pain is gone and he calms down. The trio gets their first
Dragon Ball. Gokuu returns the tooth, with an admonition to brush
more. They fly back to the ship. The giant waves good-bye to them.
The ship returns to space, and Pan comments on how pretty the Ball
is. This is the first time she's ever seen one. Pan congratulates the
robot (which is now recharging), and asks it for its help in finding the
next one. The robot replies "giro giro" as usual. Gokuu decides to
call it "Gill". Trunks and Pan agree to that.
- anton smir
Hey im
back and this time with a Gt Episode 6
My Thoughts: this episode is ok and even funny with the
giant and all but it all depends on ur opinion
{Song:} Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku
Little by little, I'm falling for that shiny smile of
Why don't you jump out of the endless darkness and hold
my hand When I first met you
I remember that special place that I always adored
Will you dance me?
Up and down that winding road. Are you still crazy about
that guy?
>From time to time, there's a moment when I want to look
back a little
But I will fight for you with love, courage, and pride
in my heart Little by little, I'm falling for These tiny
pieces of the planet with hope Where people long for
eternal love
Even though I pretend not to notice you
Don't you see I'm in love with you?
Let me jump out of the endless darkness and hold your
{Narrator:} Seeking the 7 Dragonballs that scattered all
over the galaxies,
Goku, Trunks and Pan leapt into space...only to get into
trouble on Planet
Imiga. But everything was set right again thanks to
{Trunks:} Is this a piece of the Dragon Radar.
{Pan:} You mean this guy turned into a Dragon Radar
{Narrator:} Seeking the Dragonballs, Goku and the others
continue on their
journey. What is waiting for them next?
* * [It Hurts a Little, eh? Goku the Dentist] * *
{Goku:} Hey, by the way do you have a name?
{Gil:} BB4849-P2-006-RF.
{Goku:} Huh? What a strange name. I can't remember that.
{Trunks:} That's his serial number. That's right...we've
got to think of a
{Gil:} Dragonball detected! Straight ahead, 4,500 km!
{Pan:} You'd better be telling the truth. After
traveling all this way, if
there isn't any Dragonball down there, I'll turn you
into a piece of scrap!
{Trunks:} Now, everyone, fasten your seatbelts. We are
about to enter the
*They enter the atmosphere*
{Trunks:} Okay, we're landing!
{Gil:} Air pressure normal! Toxic chemicals none!
{Trunks:} How about near that rock?
*They make a rough landing*
{Pan:} Couldn't you land a bit more gently!? You've got
passengers back here!
{Trunks:} Sorry, sorry. To tell you the truth, this is
my first time piloting
a spaceship.
{Goku:} Hey, let's go outside.
*The ship shakes*
{Pan:} Hey, Trunks!
{Trunks:} No, it wasn't me...
{Goku:} What the heck was that?
{Pan:} What's this? The mountains are moving! What's
going on here?
*A giant crocodile attacks their ship, and they see what
the "mountains"
really are*
{Trunks:} That was close...
{Pan:} What kind of place is this? A planet of giant
alligators or something?
{Goku:} [outside the ship] Hey!
{Trunks:} When did he go outside!?
{Goku:} The alligators aren't the only things that's
huge! Come look!
{Pan:} Grandpa, you're being unfair! I'm going out too!
{Trunks:} Why do they always have to be so impulsive?
*Outside. They're in a world where everything is giant*
{Goku:} I feel like I've shrunk even smaller!
{Pan:} Look, look! Don't I look cute? I feel like I've
become an insect.
{Goku:} Why?
{Pan:} You're the wrong person to show this off to.
*She sees a swarm of giant butterflies*
{Pan:} It's beautiful!
{Trunks:} Goku, what are you doing in here? We have to
look for the
{Goku:} You're right.
{Trunks:} Pan!
{Goku:} Oh, don't worry about Pan. Let's go find the
Dragonball first.
{Trunks:} But...
{Goku:} Don't worry.
{Trunks:} I don't know about this...
*Pan flies with the butterflies*
{Pan:} It's so beautiful!
*She lands on a flower*
{Pan:} It smells so good. I wonder what it tastes like.
{Pan:} It's sweet!
{Pan:} A real flower bed! How about that?
{Pan:} What are those?
*A swarm of giant bees attacks and carries her away*
{Pan:} What are you doing!?
*Meanwhile, Trunks searches for the Dragonball*
{Gil:} Dragonball detected! Straight ahead!
{Gil:} Here.
{Trunks:} There it is!
*The 4-star ball is on the ground*
{Trunks:} Goku! It's here!
*A giant apple almost falls on him*
{Trunks:} That was close...
{Goku:} Are you okay, Trunks?
{Trunks:} Yeah.
{Goku:} Okay, I'll move the apple so you...
*A giant bird swoops down and grabs the apple*
{Trunks:} Big bird...
{Goku:} But he moved the apple for us. Huh?
{Goku:} The Dragonball is...
{Trunks:} Gone!
{Gil:} Apple! Apple!
{Trunks:} It's stuck to it!
*Heavy footsteps approach. A giant ogre walks by*
{Goku:} What a huge man!
*The bird gives the apple to the ogre*
{Trunks:} Goku, we'd better go after the ball now.
*They hear Pan scream*
{Trunks:} Pan!
{Goku:} Danger. Pan must be in trouble.
{Goku:} Hey, Trunks!
{Trunks:} We can find the Dragonball with the Radar
again! But first we have
to rescue Pan!
{Goku:} Boy...the same old Trunks, worrying about
*The bees have brought Pan to their hive*
{Pan:} Hey, where are you taking me!?
{Pan:} Hey, what kind of place is this!?
{Pan:} How far are we going!?
*They drop her inside the hive*
{Pan:} What is this place?
{Pan:} Why the heck did you have to take me all the way
to a place like
If you're underestimating me, you'll be sorry! I can
easily destroy something
like this in a matter of seconds if I want to!
*The walls are full of bee eggs*
{Pan:} What...is this?
{Pan:} Could it be...their eggs? That means...
{Pan:} Larva will be coming out soon...!?
*Cute little bees start to hatch*
{Pan:} Cute!
* * Commercial Break * *
{Trunks:} Pan!
{Goku:} Pan!
{Trunks:} Goku, look!
*A spider has caught something in its web that they
think is Pan*
{Goku:} Pan!
*The spider attacks Goku with web*
{Goku:} What's this!?
*Trunks kicks the spider away. Poor spider!*
{Trunks:} Pan!
{Trunks:} Wha?
{Goku:} That wasn't Pan?
{Trunks:} It's a bee. A queen bee.
{Goku:} She looks weak.
*Back in the hive, a bee brings something to Pan*
{Pan:} What's this?
{Pan:} It's sweet! Is this a blob of honey?
{Pan:} What is going on in here?
{Pan:} Huh? Do they think that I'm their queen!?
{Pan:} This can't be happening! Sorry...
*She flies away, followed by the bees*
{Pan:} Will you leave me alone!?
{Pan:} They're so persistent!
*She sees the ogre*
{Pan:} Wha...what's that?
*She runs into Goku*
{Pan:} Grandpa!
{Goku:} Pan!
{Pan:} What are you carrying on your back?
{Trunks:} She looks like a queen bee, but she's very
weak. I thought I'd take
her to a safe place.
{Goku:} What, what!? What's this!?
{Trunks:} What do they want?
{Pan:} Stupid bees! See? Your queen is right there!
*The bees fly away with their queen*
{Goku:} What strange bees. What made them think Pan was
their queen?
{Pan:} I'm just sick and tired of them.
{Trunks:} Anyway, we took a little detour. Let's get
back to searching for
{Pan:} What? You haven't found it yet?
{Trunks:} Well, we did...but it was sort of taken by a
giant man.
{Pan:} A giant man? Could that be...?
{Goku:} Huh? It disappeared!
{Pan:} Give it to me! You just have to hit the right
{Gil:} Energy low!
{Pan:} Huh?
{Gil:} Radar disabled. Need energy recharging.
{Trunks:} Energy recharging...?
{Trunks:} I don't know what to do. There doesn't seem to
be any machinery on
this planet that he can steal some energy from.
{Pan:} Geez. I knew we wouldn't be able to count on this
{Goku:} I smell grilled fish! I guess I need energy
recharging too.
{Pan:} You just have to follow your routine wherever you
go, don't you
{Trunks:} The giant man.
{Trunks:} It must be the giant man who's cooking a fish
somewhere nearby.
{Goku:} That's it! I don't think it's the giant
alligators who are cooking a
fish, anyway.
{Pan:} That's right. I saw the giant man carrying a
giant fish.
{Goku:} This way!
*They find the ogre's fire where he's cooking the fish*
{Goku:} It's so huge! Doesn't it smell good!?
{Trunks:} That's him, the giant man.
{Trunks:} The apple with the Dragonball stuck inside is
among them. We'd
find it quickly.
{Pan:} But, look...I thought the giant man was a
grotesque monster or
But he seems to be a nice, gentle guy!
{Trunks:} Shh! We don't want him to find us over here!
{Pan:} Don't worry. I'm sure it will be all right.
{Goku:} Now he's eating it! I want some too!
{Trunks:} No you can't, Goku!
{Goku:} But I'm really hungry!
{Trunks:} This is not the time for you to whine! Geez,
what are you two
{Trunks:} Hey, there it is! There, on the top!
{Goku:} Okay, leave it to me!
*Goku tries to get it, but the apple falls at the ogre's
feet. He picks it up
and eats it*
{Pan:} He ate it...!
{Trunks:} With the Dragonball...!
{Goku:} There's nothing we can do about it. Let's wait
for it to come out
{Pan:} To come out again...? You can't mean...
{Pan:} NO!! I will not go through that! If I had to go
through that, I'd
let the Earth disappear!
{Goku:} Well, remember, Chi-Chi and everyone else are
all counting on us back
{Trunks:} Listen, Pan, we can go after other Dragonballs
first, and then come
back here later. And the situation may have changed when
we return, you know?
*The ogre starts yelling in pain*
{Goku:} What happened!? He suddenly started yelling!
{Goku:} Hey, what's wrong!? You're scaring us!
*The Dragonball is stuck in his tooth*
{Goku:} Ah! The Dragonball!
{Trunks:} Goku!
{Goku:} I found it! The Dragonball!
{Goku:} It's stuck in a cavity in his tooth!
{Goku:} Okay!
*He flies into his mouth*
{Pan:} Oh no, Grandpa got eaten!
*Goku pries open his mouth*
{Goku:} Trunks, do it now! Get the Dragonball!
{Trunks:} But...how!?
{Goku:} Trunks, I can't hold it anymore!
{Goku:} I have no choice. KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!!
*He blasts the tooth out of the ogre's mouth*
{Goku:} Okay!
{Goku:} This is a bad cavity!
{Pan:} No wonder he was suffering so much.
{Goku:} Got it!
{Trunks:} Great! Finally we've got the first ball!
{Pan:} Good job, Grandpa!
{Trunks:} Now, let's get going. We don't have time to
hang around here.
{Goku:} Okay!
{Goku:} [gives tooth to ogre] Here! This is the cavity
that's been hurting
Take care, guy! Don't forget to brush your teeth!
*They leave the planet*
{Pan:} So, this is the Dragonball...it's so pretty...
{Trunks:} That's right, this is your first time seeing a
Dragonball, right
{Pan:} Yeah. [to Gil] You did a good job, too. I'm
counting on you to find
rest of the Dragonballs, too.
{Goku:} Hey, how about "Gil" for this guy's name?
{Trunks:} Gil? You're right, he always makes a sound
like "Gil, gil."
{Pan:} Okay! Let's go with it. Hey, you are Gil from now
on. Welcome aboard,
{Gil:} Gil!
{Narrator:} Goku and the others have found the first
Dragonball. But their
journey has just begun...
