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Ball GT - Episode Summaries Episode
Series: Dragon Ball GT
Episode: 62- To The Rescue!! Son Gokou's Final Assistant
Version: Japanese, Subbed
LAST TIME.......
SSJ Gokou 4 and SSJ Vejita 4 fused into SSJ Gojita 4 and
were easily beating up the Seven-Star Dragon, Ii Shenron.
They could have destroyed him but just played around
because the fusion's power made Gojita cocky. Before he
could get serious and destroy Ii, the fusion wears off.
Gokou decides to swallow the Four-Star Dragon Ball and
he and Vejita spend alot of time trying to fuse but are
un-successful and are beaten up. They finally get the
time to fuse by using shadows but Gokou is transformed
back to his normal form and the Dragon Ball he swallowed
appears on his forehead!!
Vejita and the others see the Dragon Ball and ask Gokou
why it's there. Gokou starts panicking but then says
that it's okay.(Very funny!) Ii Shenron says Gokou is
very entertaining but now he's had enough and fires a
big energy ball at him. The Dragon Ball Gokou swallowed
comes out of his forehead and the dragon of the
Four-Star Dragon Ball, Suu Shenron, emerges from it and
knocks the ball back, hitting a building. Suu, who is
supposedly "reborn" from Ii's negative energy, says that
he wants to kill Gokou. SSJ Vejita 4 goes after Suu, who
is much faster, and is hit with an immense energy ball.
Gokou then fights him and is beaten. But wait!
Hmmm.....let's see? Well, we now find out from Vejita
that Suu shot an awesome attack but used no power. And
Suu hesitates to kill Gokou. They have been acting all
along!! Suu launches a Solar Attack at Ii and Gokou
fires a Kamehameha. Suu appears from behind and takes Ii
into a giant flame ball. Minutes later, it explodes and
Ii lands on the ground, in a Suu Shenron shell!! What
happened is Ii is trapped in rock-like material and
charges up a 'ki' blast. But Suu says he is stupid and
that it would destroy him. Ii changes his mind and Suu
charges up a Solar Attack and explains he won't die. So,
Ii puts all the Dragon Balls he absorbed into Suu and
the ball explodes. Because the Dragon Balls had been in
Ii, they took Ii's energy and put it in Suu. And because
Suu's body wouldn't be hurt, Ii survived. Vejita gets
mad and is about to attack but his SSJ 4 power has been
fully drained and he de-transforms. Ii then tells Gokou
and Vejita to choose which one of them will die first.