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Dragon Ball Z - Movie Summaries
Overall Score: 9 out of 10
Series: DBZ Movies
Version: Chinese/Japanese
Dubbed/Subbed: Unknown
It starts out in the other
world in a tournament and as usual the Kai's are
arguing about who's going to win. Goku beats one of
the South Kai's student, and advances and fights
Later in King Yamma's
place, spirits are entering hell. A young teenage
demon is suppose to be watching the evil cleansing
machine but not paying much attention, the evil
cleansing machine malfunctions and explodes. The other
world and Earth collide and dead people are coming
back alive, including Freiza and some guy that looks
like Hitler. King Yamma's is then trap in his
castle by some huge jelly bean. Many huge jelly bean
shaped objects start appearing and the other world is
taken over by the transformed teenage demon, Janemba.
On Earth, Gohan and Goten
are eaten food like their Sayain ways until Videl gets
a message that the town is being attacked. The Great
Sayaiman comes into action and destroys all the
zombies. Freiza appears and sends all the dead
monsters (Ginyu, adn Wilo's monsters) at Gohan. Gohan
rushes past them and punches Freiza and he explodes.
All the monsters then runs away like cowards. Mr.
Satan makes a cameo appearance and fights some
zombies. Goten and Trunks are gathering the
Dragonballs during the fights. They summon the mighty
Shenlong and wishes for the zombies and dead people
but he couldn't do it, because the only way to stop it
was to defeat Janemba.
Meanwhile during the
tournament, Goku and Pikkon fight but is interrupted
by a huge rock which just came out of the ground.
Grand Kai sense trouble in King Yamma's place and
sends Goku and Pikkon to investigate. They find King
Yamma trapped and attack the barrier with many ki
blasts but they don't succeed. They fly out towards
the top and find the hug fat yellow Janemba. Pikkon
gets mad because Janemba does not answer him and
Janemba punches him. Goku comes up with an idea and
tells Pikkon to try to free King Yamma while Goku
"plays" with Janemba. Janemba chases Goku
through the jelly bean objects and finally they land
on the ground. Using the pieces of the shattered
floor, Janemba summons smaller copies of himself and
they all jump on Goku in a large pile. With couple of
kicks and swift punches, the small copies all
disappear. Then Janemba starts making portals and
punches through them and the portals open right beside
Goku and which leads to massive beatens. After that
Goku fires a Kamehameha at Janemba, but he makes a
copie of Goku using the Kamehameha and an explosion
occurs. He becomes Super Saiyan 3 and beats Janemba up
until his head is stuck instead of him. Janemba then
becomes smaller and skinny and red. He becomes super
strong and Goku can't even handle him.
During the fight Pikkon
discovers a way to destroy the barrier that Yamma is
trapped inside. By mocking Pikkon can shatter the many
layers of the barrier. But he soon becomes tired and
out of ideas.
After many beatings from
Goku, Janemba teleports by turning into many tetris
pieces and then blasted Goku. After that he blasted
Goku again with a huge beam coming from his mouth.
Then on the path of the beam there layed a small
object and Janemba picks it up and it becomes a sword.
He slashes many times at Goku and with each slash a
long slicing ki energy fires. It can cut throught all
objects and finally Janemba was able to slash at Goku.
Goku lands into floating blood and Vegeta comes to
save Goku before he is chopped to pieces. Vegeta,
after a fight gets defeated and thrown to a pile of
spikes. Of course Goku saves him from being impaled by
a spike. He tells Vegeta that the only way to defeat
Janemba is to fuse together to become one. Vegeta
finally agrees but to there dismay Vegeta dances wrong
and they become a very fat and short Gogeta. He farts
a couple of times at Janemba. Janemba throws a spike
at them and they unfuse and attack Janemba at the same
time and run away. Vegeta agrees to fuse again but
Janemba catches on to there plan. Pikkon comes and
distracts him and they fuse to become Gogeta.
Later on Earth, Goten adn
Trunks fuse together to become Gotenks and they fight
Hitlers forces. They use their Kamikaze attack and
defeats them.
Gogeta uses one ki blast
and defeats Janemba. Janemba turns back into the
teenage demon and runs off crying. Goku says his
farewell to Vegeta and leaves. Goten, Trunks, Gohan,
and Videl (on Earth) fly back home and the credits
satr to roll.
---------------- Stan The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta. Movie 12 The movie starts off at an outer world tournament where Goku and Pikkon are fighting. The Kais encourage their fighter. Meanwhile in the scene switches to this place you go to that decides if u should go to heaven or hell. If you go to hell, you go through this machine that clenses your soul so you are no longer evil. So the person who is watching over the soul clensing machine has headfones on and is listening to music when an error happens and the person is posessed evil soul who is called Janemba. Janemba is huge and fat and sort of baby-like simiair to fat Buu. Janemba takes over hell. Goku and Pikkon are notified and come to try to save everyone. Goku goes to hell to try to reason with Janemba. Janemba releases these like smaller Janembas and is entertained to watch Goku fight them. But then he is anry because Goku beats every one of them. Janemba then trys to attack Goku, Goku trys to fight him in SSJ 3 form but is no match.Janemba then transforms into his perfect form, he is now a normal height(about Goku's size) and is red and purple. Vegeta then shows up but they both get beat down by Janemba. Meanwhile everyone from Hell is released and running wild on the streets. Hiitler is marching his army through the city. Goten and Trunks play around with them. Also Freeza is back, he spots the Great Saiyaman(Gohan) and the Great Saiyaman 2 (Videl) . Great Saiyaman then takes his mask off. Frieza comments that he looks like Goku. Gohan says he is Goku's son and kills Frieza easily. Goku and Vegeta continue to get beat down by Janemba. They hide and discuss how they are going to beat Janemba. Goku says they should fuse and Vegeta definetaly doestn agree and says that he would rather die then fuse with Goku. Goku reminds him he is already dead and finally Vegeta agrees. Goku teaches Vegeta the Fusion Dance. Remember with the Fusion Dance you are fused for 30 minutes then cannot fuse for an hour. Now they have to have enough time to fuse because just then Janemba finds them. Eventually Goku and Vegeta fused but Vegeta forgot to stick up his finger and something goes wrong. They are now Fat Gogeta who has no powers at all. Fat Gogeta gets beat up bad. Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks turn SSJ and have their fun with Hitler and his army. They then fuse into SSJ 3 Gotenks. Gotenks beats up Hitler's army. The Z gang then finds the Dragonballs but the dragon can't reverse everything that has happened to the Z fighter's dissapointament. When the 30 minutes are over Goku and Vegeta have another hour before they can fuse again. Pikkon comes and distracts Janemba for an hour so Goku and Vegeta can fuse. Vegeta and Goku then fuse into SSJ 2 Gogeta. Gogeta kills Janemba in seconds and saves everthing. That is pretty much it then. ------------ My Name: Mike The spirits take on Tankboy and he becomes Janenba. Janenba is a big Yellow ball at first with what looks liek 4 open holes in his stomache and back. He looks like a weird shaped marshmellow. He turns Other World into a jelly-bean factory. The rocks floating around and the cloud that King Yemma's house are on turn into hard jelly-bean looking things that absorb energy. All of the people that have ever died come back to life, including Adolf Hitler who is seen driving his army through the streets of a city. The screen switches back to Goku fighting Pikehan and a big rock shoots through the floor of the stage their fighting on and alarms everybody their, including the Grand Kai. Grand Kai orders Goku and Pikehan to go check it out. When Goku and Pikehan get their they see the drastic change in Other World and they find King Yemma trapped inside his house. King Yemma tells them that the person who did this is on the roof. When Goku and Pikehand get up their on the roof they see Janenba for the first time. They think its a baby and decide to try and play with it. Janenba flicks Pikehan and sends him flying. Goku says that he is better with children and starts playing with Janenba thinking nothing of his incredible power. Goku then tells Pikehan to destroy the jelly-bean thing around King yemma's palace while he lures Janenba away. Goku and Janenba float to the ground of the Other World (otherwise known as Hell) and start fighting. Jananba decides they have played around enough and he raises his palm and it starts to glow with a purplish hue, he then slaps the ground and when he lifts his hand about 50 mini-Janenba's are there. He does this about 5 times and then Goku says "That's a silly thing you've done there". Goku then destrosya ll the mini-Janenbas quite easily. The screen switches over to Gohan and Videl and they start killing the living dead people. Then you hear "What a charming picture you two make." and the screen moves over a bit and you see none other then Freezer (Freeza in English). Gohan does his Great Saiyaman dance and then you see every single dead Sayain float upwards. Gohan decides to cut the crap and deives right towards Freeze and destroys him in one punch. Then you see Mr. Satan (Hercule in English) fighting the dead, and actually doing a good job instead of acting like an ass as usual. Then you see Trunks and Goten trying to find the dragonballs and they find the last one. They try summing Shenlon (Eternal Dragon in English) and they wish for all the dead people do be gone. Shenlon responds by saying he cannot do this because it is out of his power, that he can only control what happens on Earth and since these people have died, they are property of Other World and are in King Yemma's control. Then the screen goes to Pikehan trying to break open with an energy ball and when he sees his energy ball get absorb he says "My energy ball did'nt work?!" and then says "Damn crazy spirit world!" and then, the jelly-bean around King Yemma's palace starts to crack. Pikehan discovers that cursing disturbs the Spirit World and deicdes to curse as much as he can. Then the fight between Goku and Janenba moves on. Janenba makes about 60 jelly-bean things fall on Goku and as he tries getting out, Janenba hurls towards it liek a bowling ball and knocks it all over sending Goku flying. Goku tries attacking Janenba with little success as Janenba can teleport his attacks. He throughs a punch and you see his fist go into a portal and appear outside of another portal and hits Goku. Goku decides to wait for the next one, creates an energy ball in his hand and when Janenba punches, he nails Janenba's fist with it and the blast goes through the portal and hits Janenba in the head. Goku then does a Kamehameha and Janenba teleports to Goku and Goku hits himself with it. Goku goes Super Sayain and then Janenba yells "JANENBA!!" and you see his 4 sockets on his chest twitch, and energy balls fly out of them and the ones on his back creating quite a neat explosion in all directions. Janenba then blows up creating a mushroom cloud. You see Pikehan cursing away at the shell around King Yemma's palace then you see Goku powering up turning Super Sayain 3. He hurls at Janenba and beats the crap out of him. He hits Janenba in the stomache and Janenba seems to dissapate. He turns into a liquid that turns red then dark green. You then see the tru form of Janenba. He has two horns, he looks a lot like Metal Kooler only he has a little more detail to him. Janenba then beats ht ehll out of Goku destroying him in every way. Janenba does a series of teleporting Goku's energy blasts behind Goku and disappearing and reappearing . Janenba then picks up a thing that looks like a grenade which then turns into an awesome sword. He swings the sword mutliple times with no success in hitting Goku until he uses energy waves with the sword. These energy waves could slice through anything and one hits Goku in the arm and makes him bleed pretty bad. Goku is sent flying into a lake thats red and the lake solidifies. Janenba uses Sword Waves to break up the lakes until Goku is trapped in a small water bubble and throughs one last Sword Wave at the Sayain. Then it gets deflected and Vegeta appears. Vegeta says his usual "I told you I would be the one to destroy you" crap and and his famous "I'll destroy this guy your assistance is not required" and starts fighting. Janenba grabs Vegeta by the neck similiar to the way Piccolo stretches his arms out and stretches it so far he smashes Vegeta into a jelly-bean thing. Vegeta is defeated pretty easily. Goku and Vegeta both end up in what looks like a bunch of balls with spikes on them in a big pile. Goku tries talking Vegeta into Fusioning with him. But Vegeta does'nt want anything to do with it. He thinks it is a ridiculous idea. He is the Prince of the Sayains afterall. Vegeta says "I'de rather die then fuse with you" and Goku politely reminds him "But Vegeta. Your already dead." Janenba then finds Vegeta and Goku and shoots the crap out of their hiding place. The Sayains land in another mine pile and Goku decides to use another strategy but Vegeta agrees to fuse. Janenba finds them once again and shoots a meteor shower down upon their hiding place and Goku teleports Vegeta and him far away from Janenba so they can fuse. Goku teaches Vegeta the fusion dance and Vegeta does'nt want to do it but he does anyway. The screen goes to Trunks and Goten picking on Hitler's army for a brie fmoment and goes back to Goku and Vegeta. The first fusion goes sour ad they turn into a goofy looking Gogeta, hes fast has black hair and is quite un-cooridinated. They fight like this for about 5 minutes or so until their fusion ends and then Janenba tries killing them both, of course he was fighting the fat Gogeta too, which was kind of funny. You see Trunks and Goten turn Super Sayain to mess with Hitler because he was looking for a blonde haired blue eyed army if you remember your history. Pikehan then interrupts and tells Goku and Vegeta to go off and fuse. Janenba fight Pikehan and kicks his butt hard. Goku and Vegeta fuse into Gogeta and Pikehan walks away astounded that they fused. You see Trunks and Goten fuse into Gotenks who fights Hitler's army for fun. Gogeta is so
fast you see his body move slowly but you see white
strips moving which are his fists and you see Janenba
get wailed hard in the torso and you see impact dents on
him. Then Gogeta ends up behind Janenba and knees
him in the head twice. Gogeta then makes a little
energy ball in his hand and closes his fist. As
Janenba lunges towards Gogeta he throughs his energy
ball. Janenba lands a fist to the fist but it was
to weak and to late. A hole gets torn into Janenba
and ge disintegrates. You see Gotenks makes about
200 ghosts with their special attack and it destroys the
city completely, but all the dead people are gone thanks
to the ghosts Gotenks created. Vegeta disappears
back to hell and the dead people disappear and
everything goes back to normal and the Demon Laws are
restored. Afterwards Goten and Trunks make fun of
Gohan because he has no idea that Goku and Vegeta fused
nor does he know about Gotenks. Gohan races off to
find out what happened but Goten and Trunks swear they
wont tell. ----------- Since I have the movie on my computer i will tell you movie 12. Movie 12 is when goku and vegeta fuse for the first time. The movies pretty funny. In the beginning something happens to the big guy who looks like a devil working in heaven son. He gets transformed into janeba some how and is causing trouble in the spirit world. He is a fat blubby kind creature, but is very strong. Pikkon is in the movie, but the problem is that he is stuck in another dimension or another part of the spirit room. He has to swear at the wall so the glass would shatter. Back to goku and janeba. Goku is getting his butt kicked so he turns into a ssj 3. He whoops janebas butt, but not quite kills janeba. Janeba suddenly turns into a red monster capable of kicking pikkon, vegetat, and goku ssj 3 butt. The funny thing about this movie is that everyone is revived such as frieza and, hitler. Hitler lol. Goten(young) and
Trunks(young) is holding off hitler and his army of
zombies in tanks. Mr. Satan or if you prever Hercule is
beating up these dead zombies in alleys. The first
attempt for goku and vegeta to fuse failed because
vegetas hands were in the wrong position. They turn into
Gogeta-Sama. If you like, a very fat gogeta that can't
charge up or fight for beans. 30 min. later he turns
back into goku and vegeta. Thats how long the limit is
for fusing. The second attempt is successful because
Pikkon who got out of the spirit world distracts janeba
so goku and vegeta can fuse. They fuse and kick Janeba's
ass. The final blow is from what looks like a rainbow
energy ball. The kid who was in Janeba runs away scared
for some reason. After Janeba is destoryed everything is
back to normal. In the end Vegeta dissapeers because his
physical body hasn't formed yet in the spirit
world(Heaven). The End - Piggy-----------
and now...
the version with SPELL CHECK! Hope it caught all
the mistake
Release: 1995
Rating: 9 out of 10
Z : Movie 12
of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta!
Subtitled Version)
Daniel Powell
story begins with a young teenage heaven dweller who
is too busy goofing off listening to music on his
walkman to notice that the spirit cleansing
machine (which all hell-bound spirits must pass
through) needed to be changed. The machine
explodes and releases all the spirits of those in
hell. Allowing them to return to earth.
The teenager is possessed by the evil and becomes
Janemba. The appearance of the other world
changes and King Enma, who says whether or
not you go to heaven or hell is imprisoned inside
what appears to be some kind of glass barrier.
Goku and Pikon (or Paikuhan if you prefer) must
stop Janemba and return things to the way they were.
Janemba is a giant, harmless looking blob that
apparently can only say it's own name. Goku proceeds
to fight Janemba in his goofy-looking Jiggly-Puff
form. While Pikon tries to release King Enma
from his imprisonment.
on earth, Goten and Trunks fight off Hitler's army
who are trying to take over the world again.
Obviously, Goten and Trunks have to put forth little
effort to do so. Frieza (or Freezer if you
prefer), challenges Gohan (a.k.a. Saiyaman) to a
fight with Frieza's massive army of baddie-buds.
Just as thousands of the afore-mentioned bad guys
come flying towards Gohan ready for attack, Gohan
promptly flies off and gives Frieza one swift punch
in the gut and Frieza explodes into a cloud of dust.
All the
bad guys (including Jace from the Ginyu Force), fly
off in terror of what they had just seen.
Apparently Gohan is just a little bit stronger than
he was the last time him and Frieza met.
Anyway, back in the other world, Pikon discovers
that the glass barrier's weakness is if you call it
dirty names. So he begins to insult the wall
until it finally breaks.
continues his fight with Janemba, until eventually
Janemba takes on his bigger and badder form.
In his new form, he has a dark red body with a long
tail. He also has a sword which he can swing
and it will send out a blast of energy that will cut
through anything. Oh, and he also has the
ability to de-materialize and re-appear anywhere he
fighting... and fighting... and some more fighting.
We cut to what's happening on earth. Mr. Satan
(or Hercule if you prefer) is beating up Zombies
with relative ease and trying to find a camera crew
or some media-type group to give him some publicity.
Goten and Trunks decide to fuse into SSJ3 Gotenks
and precede to kick some major Nazi butt with his
Ghost Kamikaze attack, 100-ghost special.
eventually shows up during Goku and Janemba's fight,
and Goku tells him that the only way to defeat
Janemba is for them to fuse together. Of
course Vegeta's stubborness keeps him from
accepting. He starts complaining about how
even in hell, he's not as good a fighter as Goku.
But eventually after awhile, Vegeta gives in.
shows him how to do the fusion dance, and Vegeta
(not looking as though he is paying too much
attention or taking it too seriously) tells him how
stupid it looks. Goku and Vegeta begin to
fuse, and it looks like it's all over for Janemba
(who has yet to say a word in his new form).
After a
dramatic fusion special effect shot, we see our
hero... Gogeta! Gogeta points at Janemba and
says something to the effect of ... I will end
this now and send you back where you came from!
Gogeta looks like he's ready to open a big can
of whoop-a.... wait a minute. The camera then
pulls back to reveal that the fusion was screwed up,
and a FAT Gogeta was the product. It's kind of
hilarious to see this fat Gogeta, thinking he's all
big and bad standing up to this demon monster
Janemba begins kicking Fat Gogeta's flabby butt...
and fat Gogeta begins to get gassy. Farting on
Janemba is apparently his only useful
attack. After running around for several
minutes, and eventually hiding, the fusion wears off
just as Janemba sends an attack fat Gogeta's way.
fat Gogeta splits into two with Goku and Vegeta each
splitting off in different directions, narrowly
missing Janemba's attack.
Goku and
Vegeta then try to figure out why the fusion
didn't work right, and it ends up being Vegeta's
fault. Who else? Well, the second time
they do the fusion dance... they get it right.
This time, the result is one bad looking,
butt-kicking warrior. About the only thing
this Gogeta says is that he's neither Goku nor
Vegeta, just the guy who's gonna take down Janemba.
Gogeta kicks Janemba around a little bit, then
raises his hand in the air and throws a blast at
Janemba who tries to punch Gogeta, but his punch is
stopped just inches from Gogeta's face. Of
course, Gogeta doesn't flinch.
is destroyed and the foolish teenage kid returns.
The kid takes one look at Gogeta, freaks out and
gets the hell out of there. Later, after the
fusion was over, Vegeta says goodbye to Kakarot (or
Goku if you prefer) and fades away, as he can't have
his body in hell now that Janemba is destroyed.
Goku looks like he understands Vegeta a little bit
better, but maybe that was just a stupid face.
returns to normal and that's how the movie ends.
How'd you think it would end?
this is probably my favorite of all the movies.
It has a really cool villain, and a good story.
Not to mention it has the most awesome of all fused
character, Gogeta. Other funny things like the
un-expected (but now you'll expect it cause you read
this -->) fat Gogeta and humorous situations make
it even better. It's a little short though,
but definitely more entertaining than Movie 11,
which was the third and thankfully final installment
of the Brolli character. The animation is
great too, being that it's one of the DBZ Movies to
use computer animation. Well actually, it just
uses computers to help the animating process...
nothing is really CGI. Anyway, it's a great
I'd give
it a 9 out of 10 rating.
--> You'd better appreciate this review.. I
wrote it at 12:58 at night when I could've been
sleeping! :)
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