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Ball Z - Movie Summaries
Eric's Review:
Using Shenron to free his master, Dr. Kochin
destroys the icy jail where Dr. Wheelo has been
imprisoned for many years. Wanting to have the strongest
body on Earth, Wheelo goes after Roshi thinking that
he's still the strongest. However, upon learning that
Goku is now the strongest, Wheelo has a new target.
With an easy to understand story that flows well with
the movie's music and animation, this movie is a
definate must see. Yet after seeing the movie, you won't
watch it again for some time. While it's enjoyable and
entertaining, it seems to lack those special moments
that really define Dragon Ball.
Yo, here is my review for
the DBZ Movie called "The World's Strongest
Man." I'm pretty sure it's Movie #2. My website is http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/dbzrealm
The beginning of the movie takes place in a land where
there are mountains of ice. Gohan and Oolong are
climbing a mountain in their search for the Dragonballs.
Oolong looks at the Dragon Radar and sees all seven of
them gathered together. On another mountain, Dr. Koachin
has the Dragonballs and summons Shenron. He wishes that
the mountains would melt, destroying his master's icy
tomb and freeing him. Shenron grants his wish and
disappears. The mountains start to crumble and then
melt. A gigantic, metal fortress appears.
Gohan and Oolong are attacked by four green little men.
(No, they're not Saibamen!) Piccolo comes to their aid
and destroys the green dudes. Then he gets trapped in a
red beam and disappears. Gohan and Oolong head back
home. At the Kame House, the green men return, looking
for Master Roshi. He comes outside and they want him to
come with them. When he refuses, they attack and he
beats them up. Dr. Koachin arrives and the green men
hold Bulma hostage. Roshi and Bulma are taken to the
metal fortress, which rises from the lake surrounding
the island. Goku hears about their capture and takes off
on the Nimbus to rescue them. Inside the fortress, Dr.
Koachin says that Roshi is the world's strongest man and
must be tested. Behind him is a big metal tank filled
with water. Inside it is his master's brain. Koachin
sends out three Bio-Technical Warriors to fight Master
Roshi. They have weird Japanese names so I'll just call
them Blob, Lizard, and Orange Hair. Roshi holds his own
for a few minutes against their combined power. Then he
fires a Kamehameha which goes straight through Blob's
stomach, but bounces back out. After he dodges it, he
gets punched in the face and is electrocuted by an
energy beam. He is badly injured, but isn't dead.
Gohan has snuck away from home in a jet to help his dad.
Bulma is chained up. Dr. Koachin says the giant brain
belongs to his master, Dr. Willow. Dr. Willow was a
brilliant scientist who was killed during an avalanche.
But his brain survived and his assistant, Dr. Koachin,
has been preserving the last bit of life belonging to
his master inside the glass tank. Dr. Willow is able to
speak as well. His goal is to find the world's strongest
man and steal his body. Then he will be incredibly smart
and have amazing fighting skills. After she hears this
story, Bulma immediately claims that Goku is the
strongest man. Meanwhile, Goku himself is standing in
front of the doors of the fortress. Dr. Koachin notices
him and sends Blob to test him. Blob breaks out of the
ice and Goku is able to rough him up and then knock him
back into the lake. Blob chases him into the fortress.
Goku comes across a chamber with a bunch of black balls
with spikes on them. He uses incredible dodging skills
to get past the black balls and then destroys them. He
finishes off Blob by flying through his mushy stomach
and then comes ripping out the other end. Blob is
destroyed. Goku goes flying through the ceiling and into
a new chamber. Lizard and Orange Hair have arrived. Goku
holds his own for a minute, but then gets hit by a blast
of freezing cold air shot out by Orange Hair. Part of
his body is now ice. He is hit with another blast of
cold air and now he is completely trapped in a block of
Gohan and Krillin come to his aid and use their combined
power to take on the two ruthless foes. Lizard shoots a
bunch of tentacles out of his arms and uses them to
electrocute Gohan and Krillin. To make things worse,
Orange Hair traps them in blocks of ice as well. Goku
uses the Kaoken and frees himself from the icy prison.
He knocks Orange Hair into the wall and kicks Lizard in
the face. With them defeated, he rescues his buddies.
They head off to find Master Roshi and Bulma. They
succeed and Dr. Koachin says that Goku is the
world's strongest man. Dr. Willow explains his plan of
stealing Goku's body, who refuses to let himself be
defeated. Then, Piccolo appears. He has weird golden
things on his head. He is now under Dr. Willow's
control. He fights with Goku. Gohan tries several times
to help Piccolo but gets beat up. The third time,
Piccolo gathers up a blast to kill him with, but Goku
jumps in and deflects it.
Krillin tries to stop Dr. Koachin, who turns his arm
into a machine gun. Now Krillin must dodge an array of
bullets. Bulma escapes from her chains and Koachin is
about to shoot her. Until Master Roshi appears out of
nowhere and destroys his machine gun. And he breaks the
golden things on Piccolo's head in the process. Piccolo
is now back to normal. Dr. Willow gets mad and breaks
free from being attached to the wall. He becomes a giant
robot. They all try and stop him, but can't do it. Goku,
Krillin, and Master Roshi all fire Kamehameha waves at
the same time, but that doesn't work. Goku uses the
Kaoken x3 and a Kamehameha. The fortress is destroyed in
the explosion. Krillin thinks it's over, but Goku says
that Dr. Willow is still alive! And he is right. The
battlefield has become the icy tundra. Master Roshi,
Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin run away as Goku gathers
energy for the Spirit Bomb.
Goku is about to fire the blast, when Dr. Willow fires
an array of ki blasts and knocks him to the ground.
Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin chase Dr. Willow into outer
space where they give it everything they've got. They
fail, too. Goku gets back up and fires the Spirit Bomb.
It flies into outer space. Dr. Willow the Robot fires a
big red blast to deflect it, but he fails this
time and is destroyed.
-- Ross Brandstatter
The World's Strongest
has "borrowed" Buruma's Dragon Radar, and
discovers that someone is gathering the Dragon Balls. He
tells Gohan what's up, and they decide to go north into
the mountains. There they find a mysterious man named
Dr. Kochin, who has just summoned Shenron. He wishes for
Dr. Wheelo and his lab to break free of their icy
prison. Gohan and Oolong are ambushed by Wheelo's
henchmen, and Piccolo steps in to save them. He is
captured by Wheelo's androids, but Son Gohan and his pig
companion escape. Dr. Kochin
flies to the Kame house, and kidnaps Buruma to force
Kame-sennin to come with him. Wheelo wishes to possess
the body of the world's strongest body, as he lost his
in the accident that encased him in ice.
Since Dr. Wheelo was
trapped in the ice for 50 years, he believes Kame is the
best fighter on Earth. To test the martial arts master,
Wheelo makes him fight the three androids. Kame-sennin
actually holds his ground for half a minute...then he is
smacked around and electrocuted. Goku learns of what
happened, and flies to the mountains to rescue his
friends. He is confronted with a number of tests,
including a battle with the fat android named Minkatsun.
After puncturing the android, he is joined by his son
and Kuririn in battle. The
two other androids, Kishime and Ebifuraiya, prove to be
a challenge at first. They both fall to Goku's Kaio-ken
technique. At this point, Dr. Wheelo reveals his most
powerful follower: Piccolo. Son Goku does battle with
his old enemy, infuriating Gohan. Dr. Kochin doesn't
make things better with his inflammatory comments and
energy staff. In a blind rage, Gohan shatters Piccolo's
mind-controlling gold veins, and does serious damage to
the ship.
Kuririn confronts Dr. Kochin, who greets our bald hero
with a heavy machine gun. Kame-sennin leaps in and chops
off Kochin's pesky weapon, saving his student from a few
painful wounds. Now with all his henchmen disabled, Dr.
Wheelo is forced to do battle himself. His metal body is
extremely powerful, and withstands a full-force Kame
Hame Ha from all the Z warriors. Wheelo loses an arm in
the battle, and decides that he'll just wipe out the
Earth. Gohan, Kuririn and Piccolo follow him up into
space, and do battle while Goku
charges a Genki-dama. Goku eventually gets his attack
off just as Wheelo is launching his planet smashing
attack, and the villain is destroyed.
- Aaron
English Dubbed
World's Strongest
DBZ Movie 2
The movie starts out with
picolo firing energy beams at frozen mountains. He's mad
that they are so strong that he can't make a scratch.
Then we see the Dragon
Radar and here two voices. The dragon balls are gatherin
by themselves. The two voices are Gohan and Oolong. They
aren't too far from the balls, so they go to collect
We see and old guy
that brings out the Eternal Dragon. He wishes that the
mountains are melted so that he can wake up his frozen
mentor. The mountains begin to melt.
Gohan and Oolong are
blown away by the force of the surging water. They then
see a big building on an iceberg. Before they can get
inside they are attacked by bug-like creature. Gohan is
beaten, but then Picolo arrives. He beats the bugs, but
is defeated by three different bio-wariors.
When Gohan and Oolong
come to, Oolong makes Gohan promise not to tell anyone
what happens.
The scene goes to Goku
doing push-ups at his home while Chi-Chi complains about
how Gohan never studies and how he won't tell her were
he was for three days while he was away from home. Goku
just shrugs it off.
Gohan is shown in his
room studying, but he stops and wonders about if Picolo
is okay. Then he starts daydreaming about how he is
going to be a great scholar one day and follow in
Picolo's footsteps. Chi-Chi sees Gohan dreaming and
thinks he's becoming a juvenile delinquent.
Now we see Oolong making
and destroying dinner for losing the Dragon Radar. The
doorbell rings and some bug creatures ask fo Master
Roshi. Roshi won't go with them to see Dr. Wheelo. They
attack him and he beats them, but some other creature
take Bulma as their captive, so Roshi decides to go with
the old guy, who just arrived.
Oolong goes and tells
Goku what happened and about him and Gohan. Goku decides
to save Roshi and Bulma, so he flies away on the Nimbus
Roshi is put in a room
were he has to fight the monsters that beat up Picolo.
He does good at first, but eventually loses.
Bulma is mad and tells the old
guy that Roshi isn't the strongest man alive. For the
first time, we see the brain of Dr. Whello which is
perched on a wall. The old guy revealed to be Dr. Kochin.
the doctors make Bulma tell them that Goku is the
strongest man. They see Goku flying tworads them.
Meanwhile, Gohan sneaks away and flies to the North.
I have to leave now, i'll send the other half of the
movie later
movie dubbed The worlds
strongest movie # 2 www.clansupersonic.com
When we first see
Gohan and oolong climbing a mountain looking for a
dragonball then Piccolo sets off an avalanche on
accident and Gohan and oolong are buried under the ice.
Meanwhile The evil doctor Willow and his assistant have
returned after 50 years ... or so we think. The evil
doctor Willow has been watching The WORLDS STRONGEST,
a.k.a. goku for some time we look into the shadows and
See... A BRAIN. Only the doctors Brain has survived
after 50 years of freezing. He want goku's body to
become the ULTIMATE LIFE. The perfect body and the
perfect brain. but before goku can save Gohan he has to
fight Mikoukatsun and some other henchmen guys he gets
through with the help of Master roshi And faces Doctor
Willow's assistance which turns out to be a robot his
arm turns into a machine gun and he starts to chase
krillian while goku faces a Piccolo controlled by a
machine on his head. When Gohan Screams for piccolo the
machine breaks on Piccolo's head and they go after
Doctor willow. D
I'm Back!! Here's my review for English dubbed movie #3: The World's
Strongest Uncut....
The movie starts off in the arctic area of the Dragonball world. Piccolo is
apparently training, while Oolong and Gohan are looking for the Dragonballs
that have mysteriously gathered. Meanwhile, Dr. Kochin summons Shenlong to
literally break the ice that holds Dr. Wheelo. It is granted. Oolong and
Gohan see the lab building rise. Oolong tries to run away, but the bio men
stop him and start beating up Gohan. Piccolo arrives and kills one of the bio
men with a mouth blast. Piccolo then gets trapped in a light that obviously
is causing him pain. Gohan and Oolong go back home wondering what happened to
Piccolo. Then we see Goku and Chi-chi talking about Gohan's absence, and Goku
gets Chi-chi mad by saying as long as Gohan is healthy and happy he doesn't
care if Gohan doesn't want to study. Gohan has a dream about Piccolo and
himself. Next, Oolong tries to cook dinner for the Kame House but screws up
and gets Bulma mad.
The doorbell rings and the Turtle answers it. Its the bio
men. They want Kamesennin so they can take him to Dr. Wheelo. Kamesennin
tells them to go away, and when they attack, he swats them down in a few
blows. Dr. Kochin applauds the battle and says that he can't believe that
Kamesennin is the strongest fighter in the world. Kamesennin still refuses to
go, but is forced to when the bio men capture Bulma. They then leave. At
Goku's place, Oolong tells Goku what happened and where he thinks they took
Kamesennin and Bulma. Chi-chi is scolding Gohan for hanging with Piccolo.
Goku then leaves to rescue Kamesennin and Bulma.
Chi-chi forbids Gohan from
going, so Gohan sneaks away later. Meanwhile in the arctic area, Kamesennin
fights Dr. Kochin's bio fighters. He loses, even after using the Kamehameha
wave. Bulma then explains that while Kamesennin was the strongest fighter 50
years ago, Goku is now the strongest. Dr. Wheelo introduces his plan to take
over the world's strongest fighter's body since his own was destroyed. Bulma
comments on his insanity. Goku approaches and is at the gates of the lab. He
destroys some balls with spikes and Mikokatsun, the tubby bio fighter. He
then fights Kishime and some other guy who freezes him. Gohan and Krillin
show up and get frozen. This gets Goku mad and then uses the Fist of the
Worlds to beat the two bio fighters. The trio make it to where Bulma and the
two doctors are. The doctors try to capture Goku and kill him in a light.
Goku escapes, but then Piccolo shows up. He fights Goku for a while and that
gets Gohan mad enough to break the mind control device on Piccolo's head. Dr.
Kochin tries to kill Krillin with a machine gun, but Kamesennin kicks it off.
Dr. Wheelo fights the warriors in a battle suit, but Goku blows him into
outer space with a Fist of the Worlds + a Kamehameha wave. Dr. Wheelo then
tries to blow up the earth but Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin fly up to fight
him for a while. Goku then gathers a Spirit Bomb together and throws it at
Dr. Wheelo. Dr. Wheelo's evil brain is killed. The movie ends with Piccolo
leaving and everyone laughing at Bulma's remark about instead of Kamesennin
being the world's strongest fighter, he was just a dirty old man.
Thank You Very Much - Newboy12, the Z-Man
This is my first review. The movie
begins as piccole fires a big blast in >the icy
mountains. Piccole tryied to blast through the ice but
it did not break. piccole was saying that he did not
make a dent. Dr.cogen wished for dr. wello to wake up
from the coverd ice. Gohan senced there was a big power.
Oolong and gohan tryied to find all seaven dragonballs.
When Gohan and oolong went for the dragonballs dr.cogen
sent out abunch of fighters. gohan and oolong got beat
up. piccole came to help gohan but piccole fired a blast
from his mouth and then desaperd. gohan was safe. master
rosi was dr.wellos plan to get his body. master rosi had
to fight an army of fighters and lost. as soon bulma
said the real strongets fighter is goku. goku fought
agents some figters goku won. Dr wello destroid dr.cogen
goku used spirt bomb and beat dr.wello. - Bobby Fisher