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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
43 - A Trip to the City
Joe Torok
Dragonball Dubbed
Goku prepares to head
off to West City to see Bulma so she can fix his
radar when he speaks of Nimbus. The Chief says that
they used to be many of them and they can never die.
So he tells Goku to call it... What do you know? It
comes and Goku heads for West City! He makes it to
the city and earns 100,000 zeni from beating this
guy on the street. Goku then makes his way to a
police officer and he helps him get to Bulma's
house. It seems Bulma is the daughter of the maker
of capsule corp. What will happen next time on
A Trip to the City
Goku spends the night at Snow's house. In the morning, he was going to
walk to West City (Where Bulma lives) so Bulma can fix his radar. After
telling an old man about the Nimbus (It got destroyed by Silver), he
says to call for it. It came! After saying his good byes to the Village
Chief, Snow and her family, Eighter, and the village people, he left.
Meanwhile at Red Ribbon Army HQ, Red was angry that the dragonballs were
going away so fast. Goku made it to the city and got off the Nimbus.
Then he did some exploring. He went on the street and people got angry.
He asked around for Bulma but nobody knew her. A cab driver said to get
money. Across the street, a person was fighting. Who ever beat him would
get 1,000 zeni. Goku fights. Goku kicks him in the stomach, eyes, and a
wall. Seeing what he could do, he gives up. A person then wants his
money so he brings him to an alley. Goku beats one doing a headbutt. The
other gives up and tells him to go to a police officer. He asks a lady
and she shows a police officer. Goku goes to him and gives the lady all
the money! The officer finds who Bulma is on his mini-computer. He gives
Goku a free ride. Her house is huge and she is the daughter of the
president of Capsule Corp. - James