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Ball Z - Episode Summaries
56 - Strange Visitor
Episode 56 -
Strange Visitor
The episode starts out with Goku meeting a girl named
Arale. She asked if Goku wanted to play with her, but he
said he couldn't because he had to find the dragonballs.
Arale asked what dragonballs are, but Goku didn't answer
her, and called his Flying Nimbus. We then see General
Blue, who's plane had crashed. He noticed Goku and
wondered how Goku could have survived the fall that he
had. Goku then notices the mountain where the plane had
crashed and General Blue jumps off the mountain so Goku
won't find him. Goku then lands on the mountain and
decides to look under the plane for the dragonballs. He
eventually notices that the dragonballs and the bag are
gone. About a couple seconds later, we see Arale. Goku
mentions that Arale is really fast, and asked her who
she trained with. She said that she didn't train with
anyone, and it's just that she likes to run really fast.
Arale thinks that Goku is just at that mountain to play,
but he tells her that he's there because he was after
General Blue, not to play. Arale then offers to help
Goku find the dragonballs, and also asks if she can ride
on his Flying Nimbus. Goku said "Yeah." "No problem."
"If it lets you." (whatever that was supposed to mean)
She then manages to get on the cloud and Goku then
continues his search for the dragonballs. We then see
General Blue again, who runs into some strange people in
Penguin Village. He then notices a guy driving a car and
asks him to get out. He does so and says "I'm assuming
you didn't stop me for my autograph." A couple seconds
later he leaves and returns with a superhero-like
costume on. General Blue then asks where someone named "Norimaki's"
house is. The guy gives him directions and General Blue
asks if he can use the guy's car. He says certainly. We
then see a woman on a motorcycle who's speeding and she
said "What did I do this time?" The officer tells her
that she was speeding. The officer then writes her up a
ticket. Goku then lands where the police officer is and
asks the officer to catch General Blue for him. He also
mentions that General Blue is a member of the Red Ribbon
Army and when Goku tells him that, the officer gets
scared and drives off. General Blue then runs into some
officers who ask for his license and registration and he
said that he doesn't have them with him. They then try
to arrest him, but General Blue ends up getting the
handcuffs off. They then try to shoot him, but he kicks
the guns out of their hands and also hits the car, to
show them how strong he is. He then takes off with the
officers' car since he had already damaged the one he
borrowed. Goku then lands and notices that his dragon
radar isn't working. He then says that he'll have to
take it back to Bulma to get it fixed, but he then
realizes that he can't because he doesn't know where he
is or how to get back. Arale mentions that she knows
someone who can fix it. He then gives it to the guy that
Arale said could fix it, but has a hard time knowing
what to do to fix it. We then see General Blue, who's
heading to the area of the guy who's trying to fix the
dragon radar.
End of show
Isaiah Koch