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Ball Z - Episode Summaries
Episode 61
Series: Dragon Ball
Version: english dubbed
Dragon Ball Episode 61
"Korin Tower"
Goku continues climbing Korin Tower, then finally he
sees the top. He up onto it" surface of the tower,
through one of the holes at the bottom. Goku takes a
little rest, and looks around. Goku wonders where the
Holy Water is, as he searches the room. Goku opens a
pot, wondering if it contains Holy Water. An image forms
in the water, of Bulma cooking breakfast. Goku calls out
to Bulma, but doesn't get answered. Bulma asks Kuririn
if he heard something. Bulma burns her finger, and Goku
laughs. The image disappears, confusing Goku. Goku opens
the next pot, and another image forms. This time, it
shows the time that he met up with Chi-Chi at a lake,
and she gave him flowers. The image goes away, and Goku
wonders what is going on. Goku opens the last pot, and a
giant centipede comes out, and grabs him. Goku sees
images of all of his friends. Next, he sees images of
Tao Pai Pai, Bora, and Upa. Finally, he sees images of
people he will meet up with in the future (Urania Baba
and old Son Gohan). The images disappear, and Goku
wonders what that just was. A voice tells him that it
was his present, past, and future. Goku asks who said
that, and the voice tells him to come upstairs. Goku
starts going up a stairway, remembering that a god was
supposed to live here. Goku reaches the top room, and
asks where the god is, and also asks for some of the
water. The voice says that he is impressed that Goku
managed to climb the tower. Goku looks around, and sees
a white cat named Karin. Goku comments on how short
Karin is. Goku walks to Karin, asking where the god is.
Karin says he is the god, and Goku is shocked. Karin
asks if he has a problem with that. Karin says that is
more like a Cat God. Goku asks Karin about the water
that multiplies your strength many times over. Karin
says he must mean the Holy Water, and Goku asks for
some. Karin walks away, saying that if Goku thinks there
is Holy Water, there is some, but if he thinks there
isn't Holy Water, then there isn't. Goku asks what he is
talking about. Goku says he climbed all the way up the
tower to get some. Karin asks if he wants the water
badly, and Goku says yes. After some silence, Karin
refuses to give any to Goku Meanwhile, in a town, there
is a poster up, celebrating Tao Pai Pai's 20th
anniversary special. Tao Pai Pai walks through the town,
and 2 guards follow him. A guard shoots at Tao. While
Tao calmly walks, he kicks up his shoe, and it deflects
the bullet. Tao keeps walking, and the shoe gets back on
his foot. The guard is shocked, and looks back, seeing
his partner got killed by the bullet. Tao arrives at his
fancy hotel, and everyone there greets him. They ask
what he wants for dessert, and he requests some raw
eggs. Soon, Tao is in his bathroom, preparing a shower.
Tao sticks his hand into the water, and screams,
releasing energy into the water, to make it boil. As Tao
takes his hot bath, he cooks the eggs in the water, and
eats them. Meanwhile, at the land of Karin, Upa looks
up Karin Tower, hoping that Goku can get some Holy
Water. Back at the top of Karin Tower, Goku angrily says
that he must get the Holy Water. Karin points out the
pot of Holy Water, on a statue. Karin asks why Goku
wants to get stronger, and Goku starts a vague
explanation. Karin tells him to shut up, as he isn't
good at talking. There is a moment of silence, and Karin
says that Goku wants to defeat Tao Pai Pai and use the
Dragon Balls to revive Bora. Goku asks how he knew, and
Karin says he can read minds. Goku is impressed, and
Karin is glad that Goku doesn't have evil intentions.
Goku walks over to the statue with Holy Water, saying he
is going to drink it. Karin asks if he can drink it,
and Goku asks if it tastes that bad. Karin says no, so
Goku goes for the water. Karin suddenly leaps in, and
smacks Goku back to the ground with his staff. Goku asks
why he did that, and Karin casually tells Goku not to
mind him, and get the water. Goku tries getting the
water again, but Karin leaps in, and kicks him back to
the ground. Goku calls Karin a liar, and Karin says that
Goku is allowed to have the water, but must get past him
first. Goku makes Karin look away, and leaps at the
water again. Karin sticks his staff in Goku's path, and
Goku slams into it. Karin says he won't fall for tricks
like that, since he can read Goku's mind. Karin picks
up the bottle with his staff, and taunts Goku. Goku
lunges at Karin, but he dodges. Karin dodges another
swipe from Goku, and Goku slams to the ground. Karin
leaps to the other side of the room, and dodges Goku
again. Karin leaps into the air, followed by Goku. The
chase continues for a while, and Goku still can't
succeed. Karin accidentally drops the bottle, and Goku
goes for it. Karin rushes in, and grabs the bottle
again, causing Goku to slam to the ground. The chase
continues throughout the day, but Goku keeps failing.
Soon, Goku is exhausted, and he comments on Karin's
speed. Karin says Goku can't catch him this way, and
must read his opponent's movements. As the chase starts
up again, a storm starts. Meanwhile, at Kame House,
Bulma asks KameSennin why he is in the rain, and he says
that he is going to get some exercise. KameSennin
wonders what is happening above the clouds, to cause
this storm. Back at Karin Tower, Goku is on the floor,
exhausted. Goku asks if anyone got the Holy Water
before. Karin says yes, adding that one person did it
300 years ago. Goku asks how old Karin is, and he
responds that he is a little over 800. Goku is shocked
at how old he is, and Karin tells him to show some
respect. Karin asks if he should tell Goku who got the
water. Karin says it was Goku's teacher, and Goku asks
what he means. Back at Kame House, KameSennin stands
before the ocean, and bulks up. Lightning strikes him,
giving him a small aura. KameSennin fires a blast from
his finger, splitting the ocean. Back at Karin
Tower, Karin says that he can tell by Goku's movements
that his teacher was KameSennin. Goku asks if KameSennin
really drank the water and became stronger. Goku says
that Karin must be really important. Goku asks how long
it took KameSennin to get the water, and Karin holds up
3 fingers. Goku is surprised, asking if KameSennin
really got it in 3 minutes. Karin says no, it took him 3
years. Goku is in shock.
From James B