Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
1 - The Arrival of Raditz
Five years have passed since the
23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. A one-man space pod falls to
earth, and a long-haired alien appears from inside,
looking for someone named "Kakarrot."
Elsewhere, Goku and Chichi have a spoiled son, Gohan,
and have been living on Mt. Paoz. Just before a trip to
the Turtle Hermit's island to introduce him to Goku's
friends, Gohan cavorts with a hat-stealing saber-tooth
tiger, falls into a river and unknowingly demonstrates a
remarkable hidden talent before Goku saves him
The alien encounters Piccolo, homing in on his strong
power signature. Although he had been honing his skills
in order to defeat Goku, Piccolo is overcome with fear
before the terrible power of the alien — who suddenly
locates another strong power signature and heads off in
that direction
- ali sheikh
my web site is www.geocities.com/airali2000
Second Review (Pojo Note:
This review actually covers the video Arrival, the first
4 episodes)
When Goku was sent here on earth,
he was supposed to destroy all living beings that live
here. Instead he banged his head on a boulder and lost
his memory. He eventually became kind and good hearted.
Raditz (Gokus brother) Came to earth and try to finish
the job Goku left behind. Well, like always, Goku and
piccollo teamed up and save the world from certain
destruction. When Raditz came, he kidnapped Gohan (Gokus
son). Goku went into an angry rage and set out to
destroy Raditz and bring back Gohan. Piccolo joined him
because he thinks Raditz is way to strong to fight
alone. When they arrived at the place Raditz was hiding
they immediatly fought Raditz. Well, after a few punches
and kicks, Piccollo and Goku was down. Now, Goku lept up
into the air to stall while piccolo was preparing for
his ultimate attack, the Special Beam Cannon, which can
destroy anything man-made. Goku on the other hand is
preparing for his just as deadly Khameahameha. Raditz
was on the ground laughing until his scouter blinked
because of high power readings coming from piccollo and
goku. He realized that the attacks they were preparing
are far to powerfull to dodge so he ran like a baby.
Just then Goku unleashed the first wave of heavy hitting
as he launched his Kahmeahameha. Raditz dodged it with
his hand almost frying his body. Then, piccollo
unleashed his Special Beam Cannon. Raditz did a weird
Matrix move on it and dodged it by a fraction of a
second, destroying a mountain instead. Raditz became
angry and did a fireball which Goku dodged but cutting
off piccollos arm. Piccollo is preparing againg for
another Special beam cannon. Goku is now fighting Raditz
ALONE. ------ REST BREAK------
Meanwhile, Gohan, hidden in
Raditzes Spacepod, breaks free, and in an angry rage,
bashed Raditz in the stomach, wounding Raditz. Raditz
now weak and tired from Gohans blow, Kicked Gohan and
tries chocking Goku. Goku however, got a deathgrab on
Raditz w/out letting go. Then goku sacrificed himself
for the world and allow Piccollo to use his Beam Cannon
on Raditz and Goku, killing them both. Why did Goku die
you say, because if he didn’t use his deathgrab,
Raditz would have dodged the Beam cannon. Piccollo is
taking Gohan for training because he knows Gohan has extraordinary powers but doesn’t know how to harness
it. Goku is now dead but he will come back because he
wil get wished back from the dragonballs.
Thank you for reading.
Alex Lan
Hi i did a episode on the very first episode please post it and the link my
sites on is dbz-center.77th.com thanks!!
This episode is the very first Dragon Ball Z episode. It starts out when
Raditz comes down to Earth. Raditz is Goku's big brother. Raditz goes
looking for Goku. He feels a power and thinks its Goku. So he flies over
looking for him and instead sees Piccolo. Raditz goes down and asks him if
he has seen a man named "Kakorot" (Goku's real name).Piccolo sais no and
insults hime and they were gunna start to fight. Piccolo threw some energy
at Raditz and it didn't affect him. Raditz senses something more powerful
and thinks thats Goku so he flies off.
Goku was looking for Gohan because they were gunna go to master Roshi's
Island for a visit. They haven't seen each other for years. So they fly off
when they get there they were shocked of Gohan because they didn't know he
had a son. They notice the dragon ball on Gohan's hat. Goku tells them he
has been collecting them for fun.
Goku Feels a strange power. Raditz was here. Raditz introduced him self as
Goku's brother. They were shocked and at the same time they knew it was
true. Raditz explains to Goku that he is not from this planet but is from
planet VEGETA. Raditz sais he was sent to Earth to destroy everyone in it.
Goku gets mad. Raditz takes Gohan and before he goes he sais to kill 100
people by tomorrow.
dragonballz episode 1 the arrival of raditz english
the sayins are a race that like nothing but destruction.
Raditz was one of the sayins who was looking for his
brother Kakarot otherwise known as Goku. Goku failed to
destroy to destroy the planet so Raditz came to do so.
Raditz eventually finds Goku and reveals that he to is a
sayin. Raditz tries to force Goku into destroying Earth
but he refuses. Out of anger from Goku not listening
Raditz kidnaps his son Gohan and tells him if Goku
doesnt kill 100 humans by tomorrow his son is dead.
from Jordan Smith
