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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
230 - Super
Saiyan 3?!
Super Saiyan 3?! - Goku transforms
into Super
Saiyan 3 to distract Buu while Trunks looks for the
radar with little luck.
This episode can
be ordered from Amazon.com. This
UNCUT VHS tape is "Majin Buu - Defiance".
This covers episodes #'s 229, 230 & 231. Goku
goes Super Saiyan 3 on this tape!!!
Episdode Number: Episode 230
Title: Super Saiyan 3?!
Summary Writer: Destroyer X
Website: Destroyer X Network v4.0
URL: http://www.destroyerx.net/
The episode began with Babidi being uninterested in Goku's claim in going beyond an ascended Super Saiyan
and ordered Majin Buu to destroy Goku so they could
continue to West City. Goku thought to himself that it's hard to believe Buu could be so powerful by the
way he acted, but Vegeta probably thought otherwise.
At Kami's Lookout, everyone was still watching the battle through Babidi's mind projection. Bulma
commented that Trunks should be at Capsule Corp. by now, but Piccolo stated that he wasn't there yet.
The next scene showed Trunks stopping in midair. Goku wondered why Trunks stopped and said that he didn't
want to go beyond the second level if he didn't have to. Meanwhile, Trunks sensed an enormous power and
wondered if he should help, but after Goku yelled for him to stop goofing off and get the radar, Trunks
continued his journey to Capsule Corp., leaving Babidi wondering who Goku was talking to and what he's
talking about with the "radar nonsense". Goku said that it wasn't his problem. However, Babidi dismissed
it as Goku hallucinating.
When Goku fazed out of Super Saiyan, Buu asked whether or not they're still going to play. Goku said they'll
get to it once he's taught them a thing or two about Super
Saiyans. Babidi still seemed uninterested. Before powering up, Goku explained that he was
currently in his normal state. Then, Goku powered up to a Super Saiyan and explained that. After that, he
powered up to the next level. Goku said that his current form is a Super Saiyan that has ascended past
a Super Saiyan, also called a Super Saiyan 2. Babidi said that changing his hair was a useless
Back at the Lookout, Piccolo wondered if Goku's really found way to surpass Super Saiyan 2, and Krillin
commented that Goku must be bluffing. Then, Goku started screaming as he raised his power level. At
the Lookout, Piccolo, Goten, and Krillin could sense Goku's power level rising. At the Grand Kai's planet,
King Kai had been watching everything on Earth. He told Goku to stop, commenting that if he went beyond
Super Saiyan 2, he would drain away his time he had on Earth. Back at the battlefield, Buu looked at Goku
with awe while Babidi appeared to be afraid.
At the Lookout, everything started to shake. Piccolo wondered how Goku was generating that much power.
Trunks once again stopped and commented that Goku was
generating more power than before how but continued to Capsule Corp. so he wouldn't be yelled at again. As
Goku continued to power up, his immense power was affecting the climate
around the world. The wind started to blow heavily and the Earth was shaking as
well. Meanwhile, something started to happen to Goku. His hair slowly grew longer. The immense power that
he generated was slowing blowing Babidi away from him. Back at Grand Kai's planet, King Kai was pleading for
Goku to stop.
At a nearby city, the glass of office buildings and street signs started breaking. Televisions sets were
exploding due to Goku's high energy output. From a mountain area, Tien and Chiaoutzu also noticed Goku's
power. Tien commented that if felt like the planet was shaking apart and Goku would destroy the world if
he didn't stop. Back at the site of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Mr. Satan was busy dodging falling
weights as the ground shook.
With a mighty scream, Goku let his power explode as he pushed his energy level to the maximum in a brilliant
flash of light. Babidi had to shield his eyes to prevent himself from being blinded by the immense
light, but when he uncovered his eyes, he gasped as he saw what Goku was now. Goku was no longer the man he
was. His orange gi shimmered with a tremendous aura of power. His hair had grown all the way to his
buttocks, and the hair on his eyebrows were gone. Meanwhile, Piccolo, Goten, Krillin, and Trunks could
sense the immense power that Goku was emitting. Babidi was still gasping as he started to fear Goku.
He apolgized for the time it took to reach this level. He called his current form a Super Saiyan 3.
While Babidi was still in shock, Buu looked at Goku with amazement. At Kami's Lookout, Master Roshi was
commenting about Super Saiyan 3, and at the Supreme Kai's planet, Gohan, Supreme Kai, and Kibito were able
to sense Goku's power. Kibito said that it was impossible to feel Goku's power from the Other World.
Back at the battlefield, Babidi looked on with anger.
As Majin Buu smiled, he said that he's not scared, and Goku's long hair made him look funny. Babidi agreed
with Buu and commented that his current form was ridiculous. Then, Babidi said that Goku's in need of
a haircut. However, Goku welcomed the challenge. Babidi thought that this battle was something that the
whole planet should see. Thinking to himself, Goku said that Trunks should hurry.
Meanwhile, Trunks finally made it to Capsule Corp. However, his grandma started asking him if he wanted
anything to eat. Ignoring her questions, he asked Dr. Briefs where the Dragon Radar was kept, but Dr. Briefs
didn't remember where it was last kept at. Back at the battlefield, Goku started to pummel Majin Buu with
ease with Babidi looking on. While Goten commented that no one could beat his dad, Piccolo commented that
the chances of Goku stopping Buu by himself is still slim. Back on Earth, people were watching the battle
with their minds. At this point, Goku threw Buu into an office building, completely destroying it, but Buu
recovered and flew back to Goku.
Buu started to fire mulitple energy blasts at Goku, but Goku simply swatted them away, but it left Babidi
dodging all of the blasts Goku was swatting away. Babidi told him to finish off Goku and stop showing
off. Buu stretched his arm out and hit Goku in the face, but Goku was unharmed. This just left the two
combatants smiling at each other. Back on the Grand
Kai's planet, King Kai kept pleading for Goku to stop or he'll use up his remaining time on Earth. Then he
wouldn't be able to teach Goten and Trunks the Fusion technique.
The battle intensified as Buu and Goku kept matching each other move for move. When they stopped, Buu
commented that he's having fun, and Goku agreed. However, Babidi barked at Buu to attack. When Buu
started to become agitated, Babidi threatened to seal him away, but Buu told him to be quiet. While Babidi
griped about not being treated with respect, Goku
noticd that Trunks didn't leave Capsule Corp. yet and told him to hurry. However, Babidi noticed that Goku
was communicating with Trunks. Meanwhile, Trunks and Dr. Briefs continued their search for the Dragon
Since Trunks didn't leave West City yet, Goku continued to stall for time by attacking Majin Buu
some more. The episode ended as Goku continued to pummel Buu while Trunks continued looking for the
Dragon Radar.
Kevin Price
Super Saiyan 3
Goku is at level super saiyan 2
and is just staring at buu.Then trunks is just floating
in the air and then goku yells at him and tells him to
hurry and find the dragon rador.Then goku powers down
and srarts showing the levels of sayians to buu and
babidi and then when he is ss2 again he thinks he can go
beyond that level and piccolo and all them thinks he
can't.Then he powers up and his power shakes the earth
and everybody is stunnend.When he's done his eyebrows
disapear and his hair goes down to his butt.
He has one big bang hanging down
and his powers enomouse and he has a deeper voice.Then
stars powding buu.
Episode Title & Episode #
Super Saiyan 3?! Episode # 230
Goku is at level super saiyan 2 and is just staring at
buu.Then Trunks
is just floating in the air and then Goku yells at him
and tells him to hurry
and find the Dragon radar.Then Goku powers down and
shows Buu and Babidi the
levels of Super Saiyan begining with his normal state.
He than transformed
into a Super Saiyan and then transforms into a Super
Saiyan that has ascended
the first Super Saiyan witch is known as Super Saiyan 2.
Piccolo and the others are up at the lookout thinking he
can't do it. Has he
really found a way to surpass a Super Saiyan 2? And then
Goku begins!! He
first starts to screem really loud shacking the planet
and cracking all the
buildings begin to break. Then his eye brows go away and
his hair get long.
It goes down to about his butt. Babadi looks over and is
very scared. Now all
the people beleave in Goku and then Goku begins to pound
Buu. But the real
question is, Is he even trying>>??
Episode#230 super saiyian 3!
Goku is now an asendent super saiyian and senses trunks
not moving. anyway
Goku powered down to his normal state and showed buu and
babadi a demonstration
1st he transformed into a super saiyian,then a super
saiyian2, then started
screaming. 3 minutes later..................... goku
looked different. He had
long blonde hair that touched his waist and his eye
brows had completly vanished. goku
had transformed in to a SUPER SAIYIAN
3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and started
beating the sense out of majin buu.
summary, by
andrew n.
Episode 230
By Kevin Price
This episode starts out with Goku trying to stall time
for Trunks to find the dragon radar. Babidi and Buu get
tired and Babidi tells Buu to Kill Goku so they can get
to West City but Goku wont let that happen so he powers
down? and shows them about sayians.First Goku powers to
SUPER SAYIAN! then to SUPER SAYIAN 2!! and he tells them
he will take further and everybody at the lokout says
that he cant do it.Then Goku powers up but still isnt
enough so Goku to a enormouse point of energy to were
the earth is skaking then when the powering up is over
Goku is at level SUPER SAYIAN 3!!!.Then the battle
starts and G has then Goku starts beating Buu.