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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
251 -
The Old Kai's Weapon
The Old Kai's Weapon - Gohan
struggles against Buu. Old Kai decides to give his life
to Goku so Goku can return to fight Buu. Then Old Kai
gives Goku two earrings that will allow Goku and Gohan
to instantly fuse. Supreme Kai and Kibito fuse in this
way. Elsewhere, Baba and King Yemma are resurrecting
251- "The Old Kai's Weapon"
Version- Dubbed/English
My Website- http://angelfire.lycos.com/de2/DragonballXSaga
Hey, my name Matt
and you will be reading an episode summary of the
Dragonball Z episode 251 "The Old Kai's
Weapon". Enjoy.
Newly transformed,
Super Buu is on the attack now having absorbed SSJ3
Gotenks and Piccolo. Gohan, bruised and tired goes
on with the fight. Goku and the rest of the people
in Other World watch on through the crystal ball. The
battle on Earth really starts to heat up when Buu fires
a Special Beam Cannon which Gohan blocks but at the
exspense of what little energy he ahs left, and Buu then
follows it up by a Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack.
They both hit Gohan and really drain whats left of his
power. Moving in for the kill as Buu grasps Gohan
in his hand and powering the other hand up to deliever
the final blow, Mr. Satan's dog Bee decides to bark at
Back with Gokou and
the Old Kai, the Old Kai gets an idea. He decides
to give his life for Gokou's so Gokou may return to
Earth to fight while King Yema and Baba decide to bring
back the Saiyan Prince Vegita.
Gohan finally loses
every bit of engery he has and just gives up as Bee gets
closer to Buu. Aiming his hand towards Bee now,
Mr. Satan kicks Buu in the head 3 times and falls to the
Buu is about to
fire the blast but Gohan awakens and kicks Buu stopping
him from killing Bee and Satan. Buu quickly
recovers and fires a Galactic Dougnuts attack at Gohan
and wraps him up.
Buu wants to finish
this and starts to power up a Kamehameha wave.
Right afert unleashing it Gohan breaks free of the
bindings and dodges the attack.
The Old Kai sits
down and falls to floor. Gokou's halo dissapears
as he is about to leave. The Old Kai sits up and
yells at Gokou to leave already as he know has a halo
over his head.
Gohan, now is
fleeing for his lfie as Buu continues to hunt him down.
But the Old Kai has yet another plan. He tells
Gokou that he still has no chance. Gokou thinks
that fusing with Gohan might work, but Old Kai explains
to him they have no time to practice it, so he takes off
his ear-rings hands them to Gokou telling him that if
they put them on, they will instantly join bodies and
become one person.